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Open source Git repo owners with open licenses, how do you know your code is being used by a big corpo?
  • It means, at least in the golang world, that they keep a copy of your source for themselves and use it for builds. They don't pull from the public repo every time they build their stuff, so malicious code could only get in with new versions, but they check for that.

  • Rules for thee, but not for me.
  • My native has 19 cases with 2-3 variations of each for vowel harmony. Plus verbs are partially conjugated for both the subject and the object, so I see you, you see me, they see it are all one word sentences each, just conjugated differently. I see myself is a two word sentence though, with both words conjugated.Other simple sentences are also collapsed into conjugation hell, "You could take me home" is one such heavily conjugated word.

    But no genders, and only two and a half temporal tenses, and pronunciation is directly matched to text, no pronunciation guides or spelling bees.

  • Fallout Creator Tim Cain Reveals Involvement in Cancelation of Original Fallout 3 - IGN
  • I think the main criticism was not that they are bad, but that they are a different genre from 1-2.

    I liked 3 and 4, but I like 1-2 as well, with Wasteland 3 abd ATOM being great games to scratch that itch in modern times.

  • EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control - Stack Diary
  • On a not entirely unrelated note, Budapest's opposition mayor just had another leak of multiple unrelated phone calls, he himself suggesting that his phone may be tapped.

    The government denied that the citizenry have any business discussing their recent purchase of the Israeli malware Pegasus.

  • People can still be kicked off juries for being LGBTQ+. This out congresswoman's bill would end that
  • Do US juries need a reason to kick people off? Isn't it like both sides in a case get to throw off a set amount of people?

    To me, the whole article seems like the US justice system coming apart at the seams because of it having two publics with two sets of norms.

  • Chinese cars are pouring into Mexico — and the U.S. is worried - Autoblog
  • It's weird that this has to be explained to Americans - this is how much of Big Tech got to where they are, except they call it "disruption".

    BTW this shows perfectly that free markets are not a be-all-end-all thing. It's a tool, and if it produces outcomes that you don't like, you can adjust it for better outcomes. The hypocrisy here is not that they pretend to worship the market then cry foul when China enters it on their terms, but that they do adjust it for their benefit all the time, and only pretend to worship it when people ask for their fair share.

  • News maynarkh
    Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News

    Robert Fico has been shot a number of times as he was leaving a government meeting in the central town of Handlova.

    Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News

    cross-posted from:

    > link

    Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News

    Robert Fico has been shot a number of times as he was leaving a government meeting in the central town of Handlova.

    Slovakia PM shooting live: Robert Fico in hospital after being shot - BBC News

    cross-posted from:

    > link

    Szombaton újra az Andrássyn vonul a Budapest Pride Szombaton újra az Andrássyn vonul a Budapest Pride

    A Mi Hazánk Mozgalomnak idén nem sikerült lefoglalni az utat a tömeg elől. A menetben az ellenzéki pártok kamionjai is felbukkannak majd.

    Szombaton újra az Andrássyn vonul a Budapest Pride
    EU blocks Ukraine grain imports to five countries including Poland EU blocks Ukraine grain imports to five countries including Poland

    The European Union has blocked grain imports to Poland and four other countries following concerns low-cost products will damage farmers' businesses

    EU blocks Ukraine grain imports to five countries including Poland

    Unironically, tariffs would help here IMO to bring Ukrainian exports to the price levels set by EU wages.

    I'd even tie it directly to wages and lift it if the Ukrainian exporter can prove they pay as much as a Polish company.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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