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what caused you to get into Linux?
  • Same here. Curiosity which changed in time to my work.

    I even was using win10 + wsl in company, but after time of adding crapware + forced win11 update (downgrade) I just said "gimme Linux laptop". Gave up totally, useless for me

    On personal hardware - Linux is first choice, omly gaming pc is Windows based.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • And it could be that corporate bloatware is breaking it. I know, and I wasted some time looking if it's possible to use S3 state (nope, it's not on hardware I got -,-)

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • Have it on work laptop... It wakes laptop for random things, if I put it in backpack I can find empty battery in the morning... Nope, s0ix does not work at all on windows anyway.

  • Polish opposition head Donald Tusk leads march to boost chances to unseat conservatives in election
  • Do we need constant change?

    In that way PiS did A LOT as they changed (without bigger thought) personal tax system making year with changes like a ride on roller coaster. I just prefer "not doing shit" then. But PO did a lot of things during their time, and most important - the state of economy was good.

    Also they did few unpopular decisions and, even being young (so most affected) - change of retirement age was really good and still needed. We're aging society, we live longer than current age was set, etc.

  • Microsoft Edge, anyone?
  • Or just launch second profile... Firefox / chrome(ium) supports it. No need to use different browser.

  • DevOps / Cloud / Linux - RSS / newsletters

    I used to read DevOps'ish, but Chris is no longer making it. Are there any other interesting newsletters, blogs, etc resources related to

    • DevOps,
    • Cloud,
    • Linux,
    • "work culture" (dunno how to name it - HR, remote/office work, etc etc not technical, but things that matter to us too)

    What am I looking for? New technologies, new tools, new functionalities for already known tools (like new import in terraform). Some personal blogs can be fun too - as it often shows different approach to problems (and I like to read about it, also reason why I have my personal blog as well).

    Why do you use firefox?
  • It's not chrome / chrome-based. We need to have any choice. As Chrome is very, very loved by corporations, and Firefox hated... it means that for personal use it's the best browser available.

  • What is your favorite terminal emulator.
  • Tested dozen recently… And nothing was so much better to change the default one of KDE.

    Used to urxvt (when I was using tilling vm on desktop pc). Used gnome-terminal when I was on cinnamon. I switched to KDE year or so ago and I'm using Konsole. It really does not matter that much, I only need tab support and 256 colors.

  • What's your preference for a text chat server (e.g. IRC/XMPP/Matrix/Zulip/etc.)?
  • Place where you have most of your friends…

    Used to xmpp, but it died naturally over the time and someday I just stopped my prosody server. Nowadays - a bit of IRC (few friends still are there) and discord (not selfhosted, but from all the alternatives… feels best).

  • Very unpopular opinion I think
  • Funny how many people are joking around those weird activities for some of the meetings like stickers, 2 truths 1 lie, etc etc etc. And we still do it.

    According cameras - it's easier, but in my team we never forced anyone.

  • New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • With a lot of overreactions this gonna be hard this time.

    By overreaction I mean f.e. closing forests in my country.

  • Self-hosted GitHub alternative?
  • Forgejo. Gitlab will be overkill probably.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Same way when you clean visor in home ;D key part is that microfiber is wet.

  • How do you all go about backing up your data, on Linux?
  • Is it just me or the backup topic is recurring each few days on ! and !

    To be on topic as well - I use restic+autorestic combo. Pretty simple, I made repo with small script to generate config for different machines and that's it. Storing between machines and b2.

  • What's going on with Google's search engine?
  • deepl is even better than gtranslate, IMHO

  • How do you keep track of all apps you install and their configurations?
  • On my GitHub repo. Needs to be customized, but you should get the idea.

    Maybe there is a way to write it better, I'm no makefile expert ;)

  • What terminal file manager that you use, if any?
  • Coreutils, rsync. In more complex scenarios zmv from zsh.

    Yes, I almost not use any GUI to manage my files.

  • How do you keep track of all apps you install and their configurations?
  • +1, essential ones I keep in GitHub repository (like zsh, tmux, xdefaults configs with no personal data). With makefile that makes symlinks. This is the easiest way to sync zsh config between my personal and work machines.

    Rest is just in a backup.

  • [Meta] Decronym is now running on /c/selfhosted
  • HA can stand for High Availability as well, depends on the context.

  • Self-hosted Password Manager Recommendation?
  • If you only use Linux CLI and live in the terminal: pass

    There are frontends to pass [1] for different systems, including mobile ones ;) and probably the official list is not complete.

    edit: For CLI I prefer gopass [2]


  • thank you Linux for giving a damn about Bluetooth headphones
  • And it looks (for me) like on android it just works, so it should be possible… Or maybe it's just seamlessly switching shit-quality with mic and good quality without? And I didn't notice during gsm calls?

    For sure it sucks on windows too, but well - anything bt-related on windows works just bad…

  • Guide: Traefik Ingress Integration with SSO Traefik Ingress Integration with SSO

    There is an easy way to use base-auth for “securing” ingress access in Traefik, but, well - it’s base auth. It’s not that secure nor easy / nice to use in browsers, especially on mobile devices. So for long time, I was thinking how to integrate Traefik Ingress with an SSO (Single Sign-On) solution. ...

    Traefik Ingress Integration with SSO

    Short guide how to use traefik-forward-auth to use SSO for any traefik ingress, so even simple dashboard with your self-hosted services can be hidden behind login.

    Guide uses Forgejo / Gitea as OAuth2 provider, but you can go with whatever you already use.

    mariom mariom

    DevOps, simracing, things.

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