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Knowing what you know about Elon Musk, why are you still on X?
  • Because there are a lot more people, breaking news, and content on there compared to anywhere else.

  • Scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don't have free will
  • Is this theory even falsifiable?

  • In unsurprising news, Reddit prepares IPO
  • A few years ago I would have bought some stocks to support them ... Now, I'd counsel anybody to stay away from that stock because the company could further alienate and lose most of their active users at any time.

  • What is your least favourite acronym?
  • Waste of money brains and time šŸ˜ø

  • What is your least favourite acronym?
  • Worst: TLA

    Best: WOMBAT

  • [Humor] Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services
  • I remember how happy I was when I got rid of cable, where I had to pay for fox news and sportsball and ahost of other channels I never watched ... which is now a very similar situation with every stupid streaming service.

  • Trump's rhetoric is increasingly mirroring Nazi talking points, and nobody is paying attention, an expert on extremism warns
  • Business insider has been on my block list for quite a while ... Their articles are just low effort and quality.

  • Microsoft is discontinuing Windows Mixed Reality
  • I didn't even know that was a thing šŸ¤·

    Though all I care about VR is Beat Saber on my Quest 2....

  • Young voters explain why theyā€™re bailing on Biden, and whether theyā€™d come back
  • Do you believe Trump would have handled this conflict any better?

  • Hell's Kitchen, Voyager edition
  • Where is the fucking Talaxian tenderloin sauce?!?

  • 9to5Google: iMessage for Android doesn't matter, just use good apps
  • I have plenty of folks in my circles who never read or reply to emails :p

  • Dear Lemmy, **why** Star Trek??
  • I just started strange new worlds and it really took me back to when I watched stng for the first time.

  • ĀæEntiendes?
  • Yes, thanks to Duo, this is exactly my level of Spanish :p

    Ā”Felicidades a nosotros!

  • Save
  • The click of death will come for them eventually :p

  • Save
  • It used to be a piggy bank and peeps from many countries had no idea what that was supposed to be....

  • EXCLUSIVE: Apology letters surface in Fulton Trump case
  • I mostly question the "sincere" part ...

  • Locked Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • At least the headline is so bad it's pretty obvious.

  • Windows 10 gets three more years of security updates, if you can afford them
  • Downloading Ubuntu is when I fire up bittorrent :)

  • twitter is so broken ... it returns a 404 when you share links

    If you share a link from twitter to other platforms you used to see a preview... but not for a while now. Doesn't matter if it's Facebook or Lemmy, replies with a 404 on links that work fine even without being logged in.

    Are they incompetent or is this a strategy to limit incoming traffic? šŸ¤£

    Happy 40th birthday, Turbo Pascal!

    November 28, 2023 - Turbo Pascal turns 40

    Turbo Pascal was introduced by Borland in November 1983. It's officially turning 40 years old this month.

    Turbo Pascal was a milestone product for the industry, it started Borland as a company and it was the first popular Integrated Development Environment or IDE. It was a great product for the time, and its success was incredible.

    You can read more about Turbo Pascal it in this recent blog post from David I, but also on Wikipedia and many other sources including blog posts of mine, including the talk I did this summer in the first Pascal World Congress in Salamanca.

    At Embarcadero, the company continuing working on the successors of Turbo Pascal, we just shipped version 36 of that compiler. In fact when you read "Embarcadero Delphi for Win32 compiler version 36.0" (the version of the command line compiler in Delphi 12 Athens) the compiler version number, 36, dates back to the first Turbo Pascal. Not only that, we decided to dedicate the product Easter Egg to this great anniversary.



    Six Months Ago NPR Left Twitter. The Effects Have Been Negligible | Nieman Reports Six Months Ago NPR Left Twitter. The Effects Have Been Negligible | Nieman Reports

    The numbers confirm what many of us have long suspected ā€” that Twitter wasnā€™t worth the effort, at least in terms of traffic.

    Six Months Ago NPR Left Twitter. The Effects Have Been Negligible | Nieman Reports

    > Six months later, we can see that the effects of leaving Twitter have been negligible. A memo circulated to NPR staff says traffic has dropped by only a single percentage point as a result of leaving Twitter, now officially renamed X, though traffic from the platform was small already and accounted for just under two percent of traffic before the posting stopped.

    Scientists unlock the secrets of a sixth basic flavor Scientists unlock the secrets of a sixth basic flavor

    Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda first proposed umami as a basic tasteā€”in addition to sweet, sour, salty and bitterā€”in the early 1900s. About eight decades later, the scientific community officially agreed with him.

    Can you guess the top 5 countries by IPv6 usage?



    Here is a different source with slightly different results

    For fun you can comment your guesses first :)

    "I'm giving her all she's got, Captain! She cannae take anymore!"


    Image transcription of a Tweet by @leohoratio: my body is not a temple. it is a federation starship with critical hull damage and shields at 0%

    Benchmarking AIs with a simple riddle LLM Benchmark

    Asking models: Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

    > Sally (a girl) has 3 brothers. Each brother has 2 sisters. How many sisters does Sally have?

    The correct answer is 1 - slightly more compared to how many AIs got it right.

    This 45 min video promised a PhD in garlic šŸ§„

    My takeaways after watching the whole thing:

    As soon as garlic's cells are destroyed (cut, smashed, pressed) the process that creates allicin, the main compound responsible for fresh garlic's flavor and aroma, starts and peaks after 1 min. So, use garlic as freshly as possible.

    Dried, or otherwise preserved garlic loses the allicin as it is very volatile. You still get a garlic like flavor from them, but it's always inferior to fresh. However, if you're cooking something where garlic is not the main flavor that is likely ok (only noticable in direct comparison).

    I also made the cilantro chicken he used for a taste test yesterday and it was da bomb! Here's the recipe:

    Marinade chicken thighs with a paste of:

    • 4" ginger
    • 1.5 lemon's juice
    • garlic
    • salt

    Brown over medium high heat in neutral oil.

    Top with Sauce, blended:

    • 2 roma tomatoes
    • green chillies
    • squirt of tomato paste
    • half bunch cilantro
    • salt

    After a few min finish with whole milk yogurt. Serve with rice, garnish with fresh cilantro.

    In summary, the video is a bit slow at times (could probably have been a 20min video), but the information contained was interesting and helpful for anyone cooking with garlic :)

    Pics for the recipe:



    [Homemade] Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate šŸ„¤ā˜•

    This fancy cold brew dispenser makes me happy all summer. It's really well engineered, so you can tilt the steeper and get the last drop of of goodness out :)

    Obviously, you do not need any fancy equipment to make cold brew: Steep coarsely ground coffee in cold water (1:5 ratio) for 12-24 hrs at room temperature and strain. Then store in the fridge and sip delicious iced coffee all hot summer day long, until you jitter yourself into bed and realize that wasn't conducive to a restful night's sleep.

    The benefits of cold brew are less acidic coffee, time saved, because you can just fill the concentrate up with (cold or hot) water and/or milk, plus it is easy to adjust the strength of your coffee that way.

    Inside the DeSantis Doc That Showtime Didnā€™t Want You to See Inside the DeSantis Doc That Showtime Didnā€™t Want You to See

    Vice put together an in-depth documentary exploring DeSantisā€™ time at Guantanamo Bay. Showtime suddenly shelved the documentary one day after DeSantis declared for president.

    Inside the DeSantis Doc That Showtime Didnā€™t Want You to See

    When executives at Showtime pulled a VICE documentary exploring Florida Gov. Ron DeSantisā€™ experiences with Guantanamo Bay detainees, it was hard to ignore the timing: It was one day after DeSantis officially declared for president.

    The Daily Beast has obtained a transcript of that unaired documentary, ā€œThe Guantanamo Candidate,ā€ which was anchored by Seb Walker, a longtime correspondent for the Emmy-winning newsmagazine.

    Brazil Set to Bar Bolsonaro From Office for Election-Fraud Claims

    The New York Times, June 30, 2023

    A majority of judges on Brazilā€™s electoral court have voted to block former President Jair Bolsonaro from seeking public office for the next eight years, removing a top contender from the next presidential contest and dealing a significant blow to the countryā€™s far-right movement.

    The judges ruled that Mr. Bolsonaro had violated Brazilā€™s election laws when, less than three months before last yearā€™s vote, he summoned diplomats to the presidential palace and made baseless claims that the nationā€™s voting systems were likely to be rigged.

    Turn your phone off every night for five minutes, Australian PM says Turn your phone off every night for five minutes, Australian PM tells residents

    Experts back Anthony Albaneseā€™s cybersecurity advice, saying forcibly closing apps could stop criminals from monitoring users or collecting data

    Turn your phone off every night for five minutes, Australian PM tells residents

    Interesting to hear such things discussed at that level. Turning it off is suggested to get rid of compromised background processes that might be spying on users. Obviously, this only help against malware that isn't permanently installed on a phone.

    LA School Board President Jackie Goldberg responds to homophobic protest over the reading of a picture book about a gay family

    She captures my feelings so incredibly well.

    Nobody in any of the schools is saying to kids that they should be gay or trans. All they are saying is that some gay and trans people exist, deserve to live, and be treated with respect.

    Arguments of people who don't afford basic respect to others do not need to be respected.

    xkcd: Musical Scales

    "In the Hall of the Mountain King was accidentally composed on log/log paper."

    Sharing a favorite project I volunteered for: The Bee Garden

    Two of my friends wanted to keep bees in an urban environment. After a lot of brainstorming the idea of an educational beehive was born. With the Plexiglas enclosure it is safely possible to come up really close to the hives.

    There were many volunteers, and I was part of the 6 core people who built the structure. This was 10 years ago, and I have learned a lot about bees and even given tours to the garden and hives for elementary school groups. We just had the 10th annual bee fest. It is so rewarding to see a project have this kind of longevity and positive impact in the community. I've met a lot of people through this effort, some have turned into really good friends.

    I'll stop rambling now, but happy to answer questions below :)

    Gboard glide typing predictions don't come true

    I do like glide/swipe typing. But I've noticed recently that the word I'm trying to glide is showing up as the prediction, so I lift my finger, only to find a different* word has been inserted.

    *It's not a completely different word, it is compatible with my glide path, but why predict the correct word, show it to me, and then insert something else?

    Any ideas on how to increase the accuracy? (just happened again: showed accuracy and inserted activity instead)

    Gboard version on Android 14 UPB3.230519.008 Pixel 6a.

    marco marco

    Things I'm into: All things IT (also professionally), social and environmental justice/volunteering/activism, cooking, baking, eating, music (listening, singing, string instruments), fantasy books, audiobooks, PC gaming, parenting, Germany, Bavaria, Seattle/Washington, and, ADHD šŸ„²

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