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Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects
  • Why should different chat programs be used for different purposes?

    The whole idea is to... chat.

    I guess you're the kind of guy who has multiple phones when 1 would work perfectly well.

  • Pope Francis: ‘Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology’
  • Lol, I literally got my comment removed for saying "I agree with him."

    Stay censored, lemmy!

    This is why no rational people take your plights seriously; you don't argue in good faith and just want to control a narrative.

    Edit: 2 downvotes in 30 seconds? What is this madness! Lol. There's clearly some moderation bias here.

  • Should Gyrados' type be changed to Water/Dragon?

    Gyrados, as well all know, is actually a Water/Flying type. This was done because Dragon was not a type in the game when Gyrados was introduced.

    Should this be fixed on have his type changed to what he was based on? A Chinese Water Dragon?

    Illinois judge removes Trump from ballot because of ‘insurrectionist ban’
  • Why don't you just make your own thread to talk about your specific case instead of trying to hijack my comments?

    You clearly can't understand the words being put in front of you, so why would I continue this discussion?


  • ‘Horrific massacre’: Deadly Israeli fire at Palestinians waiting for aid
  • Israelis are as much victims of their government as Palestinians are,

    No they aren't. From the beginning, I pointed out how most Israelis have the power to leave whereas most Palestinians, especially Gazans, do not.

    You're being willfully ignorant and think that by just saying words you're defeating an argument.

    That's not how the world works, and another reason why you shouldn't be taken seriously.

  • Illinois judge removes Trump from ballot because of ‘insurrectionist ban’
  • Try looking at things on a case-by-case basis then life will start to make more sense.

    After that, look into the concepts of "civil disobedience" and the "social contract."

    Come back when you've educated yourself more on the subject matter.

  • Wendy’s Vows No Burger ‘Surge Pricing’ After Online Fury
  • What bar isn't run by greedy shitbags?

    I hate bar culture. Everyone who frequents bars complains about "needing" more money, then they spend it on $7 shots while the entire bottle is $11.

    $4 beers (plus tip) when the entire case is $15.

    Just another shining example of useful idiots being taken for a ride without even realizing it.

  • Is Bluetooth getting worse on Linux?

    I'm noticing a lot of issues with bluetooth popping up, and they only seem to be getting worse.

    First it was my PS3 controller. Randomly stopped working with bluetooth after an update.

    Then I noticed bluetooth sometimes just... crashes and doesn't recover. There's probably some weird/sketchy command I can use to reset it, but I've just resorted to rebooting whenever it happened.

    Now my bluetooth speaker just straight up fails to connect. I was using it, the connection 'failed', and now it won't connect. Lol.

    Meanwhile on my phone it works just fine.

    Is anyone else having issues? Does it feels like the quality of bluetooth support has diminished in recent months?

    To me, this feels like some new contributors are doing things they shouldn't be doing or some other cultural shift among them.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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