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  • Mememonger is a real term that has been used in serious discussion. Political discussion in the United States, but...still serious discussion.

  • TIL that DC refused to let the TV show "Harley Quinn" air a scene of Batman giving oral to Catwoman because they said "Heroes don't do that"
  • Ah yes, a true hero


    resurrects his dead parents into florahuman abominations.

  • Let's say Nickelodeon makes a "What If?" show for ATLA. What kind of episodes would you like to see?
  • What if: it was discovered, whether before or after Aang unfroze, that benders of other elements, and indeed even non-benders, CAN learn to bend said elements with enough effort and devotion? (e.g. A born Water Bender who isn't the avatar learns to Earth Bend, etc.)

  • Still is quite remarkable how small the pop culture impact of the other Avatar is
  • Have you seen the last airbender show? The movie was a soulless mockery of it with absolutely no sense or real inspiration from its source material. If you haven't seen the show, trust me, it's more than more than worth the watch.

  • Two sides of the same horrific coin
  • My Warlock whose patron is her cat:

  • This situation is so ridiculous, this is the only way I know how to cope.
  • I wasn't expecting anyone to understand without context(you can just find the context if you're curious), and I'm not chronically online for being saddened by something horrible happening to someone I, in some way, idolize. Also, this isn't internet drama, it's a person being harassed and cyberbullied out of their career.

  • Anon is a philosopher
  • Technically for the story in that skit, though, the race of the other party was relevant. The mention of "you know how I like a little asian" provides relevancy to the fact that they're asian(and probably also to the other man being black), because it's a story about a sexual encounter with them. Nothing wrong with having a type.

  • Anon is a philosopher
  • I don't think mentioning it is inherently racist(y'know, without the added context that it's fucking 4chan), it's just that it's irrelevant, and therefore kind of weird. As they mentioned, if the person were notably tall, that also wouldn't have any relevance, so unless you're just specifically calling attention to it because it's strange to you, which would be racist if used when describing someone's race, it's very strange to just suddenly say that they are that adjective without it being necessary for the story.

  • Discord UI rule
  • My biggest problem is that searches don't fucking work anymore. It now defaults to searching the channel you're in, but what if I'm look for a particular message and I don't know what channel it's in? Then there's also searching PMs is so much more complicated now and doesn't even show you who sent the message in the results.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • To each their own, but I think removing the differing life spans makes the races more flat and indistinct.

    Personally I think they're twice as flat and indistinct when they all live to be 450 years at minimum. From Half-elves to Dwarves to fucking fish people, everything seems to live ten times as long as humans do in fantasy. I agree differing lifespans is interesting, but humans shouldn't be dying at less than a quarter of the lifespan of everything else.

  • I love my players's creativity
  • Now THIS is a real Swiss Army Man.

  • Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • As someone has mentioned, "Pass" and "Fail" are not the only possible outcomes of any given roll. That's why there are numbers on the dice besides 1 and 20.
    Also, the GM doesn't usually(and also shouldn't, with everything else they need to keep track of) memorize every aspect of all their players' character sheets - they don't necessarily KNOW if the check is impossible to pass or fail.

  • Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • I don’t know if 5th has that as an official rule or it’s a common house rule.

    It's mentioned somewhere in Chapter 8 of the DMG.

  • Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • Magic should be powerful, yes, but non-magic users should be able to function.

  • Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • I’ve always house ruled that it didn’t make sense for a character to fail at the thing they’re the best at.

    House Ruled? That's RAW. Crit Fails and successes only apply to attack rolls and death saves. And that's how it should be.

  • What was one thing your teacher did that you still can't forgive them for?
  • High School Tech Theatre Teacher. Many of the teachers in the theatre department at that school had somewhat of a reputation. This one, I felt at first, might've been unearned. She seemed genuinely good at her job, besides the occasional slip-up. During one class period, she explained to the class that she expects us to set up our big giant table and the chairs for it(It was a rather unfinished building specifically for the theatre department with no actual classrooms, so our classroom was actually just a square nook in a hallway.) before class began so we could get through lessons faster. Reasonable request, that's fine, we were getting rather...nothing done for awhile because of how janky it was to have a classroom setting like that. That's not necessarily her fault.
    One class, though, there were some band students moving their instruments - talking cellos, saxophones, tubas, entire drumsets, and other big and/or fragile instruments and class materials - to the auditorium nextdoor through said classroom which was...just a hallway. Y'know, using the hallway as it's supposed to be used, rather than as a classroom. We, as people with common sense, didn't start moving around our heavy class materials likely to cause injuries just to make the path even narrower than it already was. Once class started, teacher RAILED at us for about a minute. She was clearly SEETHING as she ranted about how when she says to do something we do it. One student tried to explain our reasoning for the delay, even saying "There were other students moving heavy stuff through here. Why would we form a big block?" Her response?

    "Why would you not?" I am not fucking joking, those were her exact words. She then interrupted him before he could respond and told him he was saying he didn't care what she had to say and he was being disobedient. When he tried again to explain himself she threatened to send him to the principal.
    This was not the only thing she did that proved to me she was a power-tripping removed who saw us students as her inferiors, but it was the one thing I just can't get out of my mind because of just how absurd it was in the moment. The only funny part was that she didn't even realize she was taking up MORE class time than we took setting up as she raved about such a petty issue because we apparently questioned her authority.

  • What was one thing your teacher did that you still can't forgive them for?
  • that isn’t the teachers fault.

    The...the teacher was literally encouraging his punchable behaviour though.

  • [Feedback Requested] A funny way to help mitigate the Martial-Caster disparity.
  • You put that WAY better than I did.
    And yeah, At this point Casters really can just do everything martials can, better, and more. There's just no denying that.

  • [Feedback Requested] A funny way to help mitigate the Martial-Caster disparity.
  • Most spells also used to cost something to cast other than a spell slot. When your only limitation is 8 hours of rest, magic scales wildly out of control.

    This post I made just...keeps coming back, doesn't it?

    Or play a system with better design instead of trying to force the wargame to be anything other than what it was designed to be.

    Okay fair, I suppose. That is part of why I mention Pathfinder in the post, though, so...Eh. Whatever.

  • [Feedback Requested] A funny way to help mitigate the Martial-Caster disparity.

    cross-posted from:

    > Basically what's in the meme. I don't know if this is an appropriate post here, but I don't have all the specifics. > > The gist though is pretty much as described - limit break is its own resource(Like a channel divinity charge) that you can use for Action Surge and then, perhaps, a new ability for each subclass. These charges would refresh on short rest(that's important) and you could maybe even gain a third ability of your choice at higher levels, and of course you gain more charges as you level. > Champion's could be called Honour-Bind and act as a sort of pseudo Compelled Duel ability, to force aggro on you(advantage on Opportunity Attacks, Crossbow Expert negated if it isn't against you, bonus to AC for not having any allies within melee range but having multiple enemies within melee range, etc). > Banneret could get Rallying Cry as this instead of just a pathetic add-on to Second Wind - The user and everyone who hears it gains 5 or so turns of a bunch of Temp HP, immunity to frightened, advantage against poisoned and charmed, some sort of bonus to damage dealt with attacks, and then maybe even instantly stabilizes if they're on death saves, or even just straight-up gets up at 5 HP. > This is made with the idea of BattleMaster maneuvers being resourceless and available to all martials in mind(hence the title), but if it's still a subclass it could just outright gain a huge bonus to its maneuvers for a time. > Rune Knight could just slightly buff its third level Giant's Might ability(The thing that makes you beeg) and have that as its Limit Break. > This was also made with the idea of making Barbarian a fighter subclass in mind, and of course, Barbaric Rage is that subclass limit break. > Maybe even Ranger, and a version of Hunter's Mark becomes their Limit Break? For instance, you could split into three different versions - Pinpoint, which would give you bonuses to attacks against your mark(which are different, but not necessarily strictly better or worse, depending if they're melee, ranged, or even with spells), Chase, which would speed you up and make it easier to slow down, grapple, tackle etc your mark(or pick it up or steal it if it's an object), and Stalk, which...well, lets you hide and stalk your mark, maybe even allowing bonus action dodging. Maybe that's a bit too many subclasses for one class, though... > > This was obviously conceptualized for D&D, though I think it would work in other games like Pathfinder just as well. Any sort of tips for what exactly to do with this?

    [Feedback Requested] A funny way to help mitigate the Martial-Caster disparity.

    Basically what's in the meme. I don't know if this is an appropriate post here, but I don't have all the specifics.

    The gist though is pretty much as described - limit break is its own resource(Like a channel divinity charge) that you can use for Action Surge and then, perhaps, a new ability for each subclass. These charges would refresh on short rest(that's important) and you could maybe even gain a third ability of your choice at higher levels, and of course you gain more charges as you level. Champion's could be called Honour-Bind and act as a sort of pseudo Compelled Duel ability, to force aggro on you(advantage on Opportunity Attacks, Crossbow Expert negated if it isn't against you, bonus to AC for not having any allies within melee range but having multiple enemies within melee range, etc). Banneret could get Rallying Cry as this instead of just a pathetic add-on to Second Wind - The user and everyone who hears it gains 5 or so turns of a bunch of Temp HP, immunity to frightened, advantage against poisoned and charmed, some sort of bonus to damage dealt with attacks, and then maybe even instantly stabilizes if they're on death saves, or even just straight-up gets up at 5 HP. This is made with the idea of BattleMaster maneuvers being resourceless and available to all martials in mind(hence the title), but if it's still a subclass it could just outright gain a huge bonus to its maneuvers for a time. Rune Knight could just slightly buff its third level Giant's Might ability(The thing that makes you beeg) and have that as its Limit Break. This was also made with the idea of making Barbarian a fighter subclass in mind, and of course, Barbaric Rage is that subclass limit break. Maybe even Ranger, and a version of Hunter's Mark becomes their Limit Break? For instance, you could split into three different versions - Pinpoint, which would give you bonuses to attacks against your mark(which are different, but not necessarily strictly better or worse, depending if they're melee, ranged, or even with spells), Chase, which would speed you up and make it easier to slow down, grapple, tackle etc your mark(or pick it up or steal it if it's an object), and Stalk, which...well, lets you hide and stalk your mark, maybe even allowing bonus action dodging. Maybe that's a bit too many subclasses for one class, though...

    This was obviously conceptualized for D&D, though I think it would work in other games like Pathfinder just as well. Any sort of tips for what exactly to do with this?

    Pathfinder 2e General Discussion macmacfire
    Silly noob question,, why aren't revenants undead?

    I should probably preface this with that I haven't actually had a chance to play the game yet. I'm just looking at the materials and trying to learn for now. Not to mention, it doesn't really impact my character-designing decisions too much, but the more I think about it the more odd it is.

    It being a background instead of a heritage notwithstanding, the only reason I could think of for it not making you undead(or at least having the option) was balance concerns regarding an undead player character. I mean, obviously, right? But...then I remember you can just literally play as a skeleton. So...what's up with that? Am I the weird one here?

    DnD Memes macmacfire
    Bit of a text wall, but this has always bothered me.
    macmacfire macmacfire
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