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Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • @gerikson @YourNetworkIsHaunted That and even hyper-cautious countries like Switzerland have been selling off their gold reserves to at least some extent, because they listen to sane economists rather than nut jobs.

  • Elon Musk releases Grok-2 AI image generator for edgelords
  • @Landa @acb @gerikson @cstross Maybe he thinks his Aunt Tillie should fix it?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 11 August 2024
  • @mlen @Soyweiser And yes, they do random checks (sorry, Stichproben :) ) but they mostly consist of a person scanning the first few items they grab out of the bag and if they were all scanned previously then you’re good to go. Takes about 10 seconds.

  • Crowdstrike takes out last remaining threat vector (the users)
  • @sailor_sega_saturn And given enough time and enough scale even the most improbably weird things will eventually happen. Update file corrupted by a storage controller that flips a couple of bits at random after every 720 hours of uptime but only if it’s 23.682 seconds after the hour? Weirder shit has happened.

  • That tracing woodgrains peice on David Gerard is out
  • @YourNetworkIsHaunted @swlabr As a parent myself I understand that my kids are not in fact my personal property but human beings in their own right who are capable of independent thought. That’s never struck me as being a particularly controversial point of view, but then I look at these creepy fuckers with their identically dressed kids smiling for the camera because they’ll get a beating later if they don’t and that just makes me shudder.

  • That tracing woodgrains peice on David Gerard is out
  • @Starseeder As someone with ADHD the only thing I find harder to cope with than the crazy, in-crowd bureaucracy of Wikipedia is attempting to read that mile-long polemic. Where do they find the time to write this shit?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 14 July 2024
  • @gnomicutterance @dgerard Has the Republican writing style guide been updated to mandate that Weird Capitalisation thing that Cheeto Benito does or something?

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • @dgerard Sometimes I feel like a hospital doctor who's worked in the clap clinic for decades and has had a series of name badges starting with "Venereal Disease" and passing through "Special Clinic" on the way to "Sexual Health Clinic". Same thankless job, just different labels.

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • @dgerard @Soyweiser I thought we were SREs now. At least, the message for years was "Sysadmins are useless shit now because they aren't software engineers and hell, they don't even call themselves engineers".

  • Inside the "Forbidden Courses" at the billionaire-backed University of Austin
  • @Tar_alcaran @V0ldek That's why you need the good guy with a hammer!

  • Inside the "Forbidden Courses" at the billionaire-backed University of Austin
  • @raoul Strong "that kid at primary school who took a few weeks of karate lessons then told you he could easily kill you so he had to be careful not to lose his temper now" vibes.

  • a self driving car burns in San Francisco. the orange site can’t decide which racist trope to blame
  • @fasterandworse @dgerard sorry, too busy dealing with my brain short-circuiting at the idea that anyone would think any of this was intended to benefit the poors.

  • m Mike Knell

    Middle-aged SRE, he/him. Brexit-afflicted resident of Austria. Once defeated a Beholder with nothing but a sharpened gourd. Profile picture is reasonably accurate.

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