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Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland misskey (firefish & iceshrimp not included) is very little compared to mastodon in terms of popularity

  • Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland okay but see this from their point of view, they even haven't addded threads yet, why would they add something 15 people could potentially use ? I believe at least one mobile client should be developped by the network (just like mastodon) because its the main reason of why I still use mastodon and not iceschrimp for example

  • Openvibe combines Mastodon, Bluesky and Nostr into one social app | TechCrunch
  • @JupiterRowland bro mastodon is like 60% of the fediverse, one step at a time

  • Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • @pruwybn same for drakes instagram (champagnepapi)

  • Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • @Lost_My_Mind let’s be honest, 99% of celebrities will use threads unless there’s a more popular and better designed activitypub alternative (spoiler: it wont happen for YEARS), so accounts will be centralized for 98% of people and the question about username is for now useless

  • Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • @reddig33 you can actually (specially in france) but the point isn’t there

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • @mark why do u want me to use the rss feed instead of my following list ? whats the difference between them for u?

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • @mark you can't reply, share or even like a post with a rss reader, I believe one of actititypub goals is to replace rss

    personally, I follow an important amount of users and then class them into mastodon lists (tech, politics, movies, news...)

  • How Lemmy could interop with Mastodon, as imagined in Frontpage + Bluesky
  • @mark @Die4Ever example: im a mastodon user and I follow this topic bc i find it interesting

    and i would never create a lemmy account to see your comments, i like having every post (from mastodon, lemmy, peertube, threads, pixelfed) in one single place

  • Bluesky continues to soar
  • @P4ulin_Kbana I can reply here, but also follow every topic I want, comment below any peertube video or even reply to a threads account, all this with one account only 😛

    ✨ fediverse magic ✨

  • Bluesky continues to soar
  • @P4ulin_Kbana yesss absolutely!

  • Bluesky continues to soar
  • @Tywele federation 🥸

  • Bluesky continues to soar
  • @Tywele not released yet = its missing

  • Bluesky continues to soar
  • @Tywele videos mostly

  • What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • @dch82 mastodon can't go mainstream because its emphasis on decentralization is too prominent in its communication, which complicates its adoption

    However, modern social networks can still stand out, provided that federation is natural and not explicitly mentioned—similar to how Threads operates currently

  • To take a step back and see how far we've gone, Discuit, another link aggregator created around one year ago, published their weekly report - 245 weekly active users (detailed report in link)
  • @AsudoxDev how can they expect to compete with reddit/lemmy - with 250 mau - and without fediverse ? curious to see how they’ll manage it

  • m4t Mathieu :mastodon:

    je livepouet ma vie depuiiiiiis 
🚮 auto-deletion des pouets : 7j

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