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“We cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign
  • Nokia dragged their feet on smart phones and paid the price. The fact that they went with Microsoft when they did start making smart phones almost certainly didn't help matters, but they were already way behind at that point.

  • Google reviews are a complete waste of time, aren't they?
  • I take reviews on any site (especially Google/maps) with a huge grain of salt. I mostly only go straight to the negative reviews though. If they're all petty shit, then it's usually a good sign. I also like to see if the business/owner has responded. If they're posting snarky responses to negative reviews, then I'm inclined to think that this isn't a business that I want to deal with.

  • How was your 2023 RPG season?
  • We had the second-highest number of sessions in our Pathfinder game (the Hell's Rebels AP) since we started in 2019. 8 sessions this year, 2019 was the highest number with 9.

    Started playing Changeling with a different group, most of whom I'd never played with before. That game is fortnightly and still going. It's the first time I've played a regular game with another group since my 'main' group started playing together in 2004-ish. Actually, if I count those sessions, I've played more this year than I have in the past ten years.

    I ran a session of Delta Green for the first time this year. I've been interested since it first came out. I'm currently in the exploratory stages of finding out who will be available for a regular game of that, but it won't be starting until next year.

    Actually, that's another one. I've played more new games this year than I have before, other than convention games, at least. Played Fate, Changeling and Delta Green for the first time.

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  • I never even realised it was a thing people did commonly until I started watching Critical Role.

    The closest my group has ever come is playing the Hell's Rebels adventure path for Pathfinder. In that you resurrect an old group called the Silver Ravens, so that essentially becomes your party's name.

  • Why cyclists should NOT get the same fines as motorists | Car Culture 6 - Motonormativity
  • That would be a 23 kg bike. That’s crazy heavy. It’s more than double most bikes’ weight, and triple the weight of a racing bike.

    It's actually not that crazy. E-bikes tend to be at least that heavy. Mine is 30kg. In our example of a fat man riding a bicycle, he's probably more likely to be riding an electric bike anyway.

  • What game holds a special place in your heart?
  • I'm guessing you mean the original Most Wanted. That game was excellent. I think the 'special place in my heart' is probably reserved for NFS 3 (which I played the absolute shit out of and was the first NFS game to include cop chases) or the first one just because it introduced me to the series. Most Wanted though was the last good NFS game in my opinion. I lost interest when Underground came out, but when the demo for MW was released I played it so much I had to buy the game. The soundtrack was good as I recall; I think it was also the last NFS game where I didn't immediately mute the music.

    And yeah, the police pursuits were really good in that. Hard enough to be a challenge, but not so hard that it was punishing.

  • Is there a game that you've been very patient for, which turned out to be dissappointing when you finally started playing it?
  • I haven't liked a Need for Speed game since the original Most Wanted (and that was the first one since Porsche Unleashed.) I've played a few since and some were okay, but none of them have grabbed me the way the old NFS games did. I spent more time playing any of the first five NFS games individually than I have playing all of them in total since MW.

  • What was the game you were the most patient for?
  • Apparently some people don't like that you asked that question.

    I honestly couldn't say. Usually I'd be able to give you a definite answer one way or another (and maybe my answer would be different if I'd played the game first) but I don't think there's a huge difference. Maybe just go with whatever you get a hold of first? That said, you can never go wrong with experiencing the source material first; at least not when the adaptation is of a similar quality. You'll have a good experience either way. It really just depends on whether you want to watch the show and say "oh that's how they did that in the show" or play the game second and say "Oh, that's what it was originally like!"

  • What was the game you were the most patient for?
  • It's not a case of having waited for it as such, but I played The Last of Us this year, after watching the show. I'd say it was worth it, and I don't mind that a lot of the story beats and emotional moments were 'spoiled' as such, because I still felt them when playing the game.

    Haven't moved on to the second one yet.

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