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Netanyahu declares a ‘second war of independence’ as fears for Gazans grow
  • Against an enemy who killed 1200 civilians after they signed a ceasefire? Who puts their HQ under a hospital?

    The only way human rights can be respected in the future are when Hamas' ugly face has been wiped off the earth

  • Doesn't work with "Lemmy redirect"

    Hey guys, I've recently setup Lemmy redirect to open all Lemmy links in eternity. But when I press open link in Firefox eternity just flashes with the text "opening link" intermittently visible.

    Love the app otherwise!

    Chain only runs cleanly when I keep the shifter pressed

    Hi all

    When I'm on the biggest wrong on my rear sprocket I can hear a light ticking noise when I pedal.

    The noise goes away when I keep the shifter pressed down, as the chain is then properly aligned with the sprocket (I think)

    How would I adjust the derailleur to fix this? Do I need to change the limit screw or just the tension of the cable?

    Pointers into the right direction are appreciated 😅


    Side sleeper in a hammock?

    Hey guys, is it comfortable for a side sleeper to camp in a hammock? I just cannot fall asleep while I’m on my back. Should I stick to my tent?

    Whenever I’m just chilling in a hammock I felt that lying on my side took a lot of work and wasn’t very comfortable, but I’m guessing it depends on the hammock.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 63