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A quiet spot

Most people using seated meditation are indoors. However there are quiet spots everywhere. Eventually anywhere.


  • Churches, temples, mosques
  • Libraries, public and civic areas
  • Benches, up trees, meadows

Just start somewhere …

Gelong Thubten explains how to develop a daily mindfulness practice
  • A non existent practice creates non existent results. Same with most things.

    The observing from outside. The duality is the first realisation. We are not our thoughts. Our thought are us. They create the sense of self.

    The thoughts come from a variety of directions or arisings. The function of meditation is to initially slow this continual barrage of undisciplined mind and senses. To be aware of the nature of this very real situation and how it controls us, not the other way around.

  • How to bow

    Bowing and prostrations can be salutation, veneration, slow travel, healing exercise and meditation.

    Most of us are aware of palms together and bowing.


    The ultimate goal of meditation is constant attentive awareness, becoming enlightenment.

    Takes an instance of time or a lifetime.

    Zoom in

    Zoom is a popular way of engaging in instruction on meditation and even online retreats

    Too intense? Well here are some free books

    … audio teachings on meditation

    Going Inward


    Deep in the cluster of the young deer herd is a dark deer. This Dear Friends is the protective layers of the mind/being. We can always go deeper.

    How we do so depends on time, intention, previous experience, goals and so on …

    If for example, speaking from experience, we practice the supposedly relaxing alternate nostril breathing in yoga and it makes us tense … Desist.

    If we wish to avoid religion. Do so. Atheists can contemplate.

    If Christian we can find practice that moves us inward in retreats, texts such as 'The Cloud of Unknowing' and exploring the great mystics

    Going inward is finding the resources that gel and inspire the still small 'voice'. Noise we find anywhere and everywhere …

    Morning meditation - Led

    Good morning! Requires a good start.

    For example here is an example of sitting into led physical and mental vitalisation. Great way to start the day in 15 minutes of positive awareness

    I was pleased to welcome the day. Hope you find/know a favoured way to start …

    Linus is coming?
  • I saw Richard Stallman talking about GNU. The kids of Linus were running around the stage during the talk. That was the day I decided to be a penguin. My sort of freedom.

  • let me in!

    This morning, I tried to get into Sopuli, using Firefox on Puppy Linux.

    Could I? No! It was rustating. I would say frustrating but I feel ironed out.

    I do move between input hardware, so difficult to say what the issue was.

    Sadly don't have the interest to chase it down. Just venting. Sorry!

    How to walk

    Walking consciously and slowly can be done in various ways:

    Walking occupies or focusses the physical attention and is often much easier meditation for those unable to sit still …

    A walk just clears the mind.

    • around sanctified ground, shrine, pagan maze, safe area, a room or hall, garden etc.
    • with a rosary, mala, prayer beads or just finger 'counting' using repetition of puja, prayers, mantra, zhikr, calming words
    • radiating a conscious quality, eg metta, good will, smile etc.

    Stroll on!

    Retired Puppy
  • Tried it, liked it. Glad it is still active. It uses much software I am familiar with.

    What browsers are used with it, can not remember?

  • How to Breathe

    Dear friends of the out breath,

    Conscious breathing is a good practice. With daily meditation, eventually a natural, slow rhythm is likely to arise.

    We can also as an act of focus, breathe in and out consciously. Tension reduction is possible very easily as a reminder.

    I was almost holding my breath, shallow breathing to such an extent, that my well being/health was stifled.

    Learn diaphragm breathing!

    Linus is coming?

    who has sent invites?

    I was thinking of sending out invites to my old Puppys (Puppy users) but I use Raspbian, Manjaro and [shield your eyes] even BSD derivative IOS … ☺️

    Is we St Ignatius of GNU compatible? 🤔

    Why I choosed Sew/So puli/pulley?

    Never been much for ribbit/rabbit/read it so don't ever remember registering. I like fediverse mentality and extreme ad-minning but which lemmy lemming to jump off the cliff with?

    No haters … and liked the Beaver.

    Here I iz and likes it

    Lots! ☑️💕❣️

    Retired Puppy

    Many years ago when I was a baby distro-hopping penguin, I new so little. And many distros were full of watered down unix illuminati. Very condescending/dismissive/unkind advisory know it alls. Boo! Hiss!

    A rather intriguing Linux, not even on version one had a kind user; knowledgeable, patient and willing to answer my noob questions. I had that distro on the back burner, valuing its incredible speed and efficient programs but its screen scrolling was s l o w on my hardware …

    And then … I was helped with making use of my very old graphic card. Whoosh, all of a sudden Puppy Linux was viable and still very different, experimental and well … just small, efficient, ran from RAM as root. Basically the way Linux for a desktop could be …

    I was hooked in …

    I was not much for programming but could support in a variety of other ways. Daily news-letters, youtube talks, curating the wiki, posts on the forum. Testing every release and reporting back etc. etc.

    I am no longer active but remember …

    … support your distro … My very first act was starting this page … grown a bit since then


    Repeating a phrase such as 'relax', 'breathe out' or a religious affirmation can be done in several ways. Which is yours?

    Led meditations

    I just did a Taoist led meditation but even simpler is Yoga Nidra done lying down. It is a form of focussed and deliberate breathing and body relaxing, many who do yoga will be familiar with …

    Personal Journal

    Journaling, blogging and feeding back practices, arisings, difficulties etc is a useful way to encourage and get feedback

    In many ways the journal is very grounding and a useful tool to enhanced benefits

    meditation is Nothing … oh wait …

    The simplest meditations I have done have been 1 minute ones. Yep that's minute … ;)

    here is an example …

    you are now a meditator - easy peasy :)


    Do you meditate, contemplate, practice calming through breath, chanting etc. Maybe walking meditation, prostrations etc.

    Maybe Atheist or Buddhist, Yogi or led meditations. Sufi, Kabbala, New Age etc.

    Here to share experiences and support each other

    lobster lobster

    We are probably lobster, living in London. Just started the “Meditation” community. All levels, styles welcome …

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