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Init wars part 1
  • I guess I could upload the kra files (there are four of them since I made each panel separately, exported them to png and arranged them a fourth krita doc). Tho if I did that, would it even count as open source? A .kra file isn't really a source code, it's an archive that contains binaries.

  • British people be like
  • I have no idea how British people pronounce it, I don't believe I've ever discussed water bottles with a British person. I jut saw the meme and was reminded of another meme I'd once seen.

  • natural wonders
  • At least, after being demoted to asteroid Ceres was re-promoted to Dwarf Planet. Imagine having once been called a planet and being considered an asteroid. Imagine being Pallas.

  • Best apps for digital art/graphic design?
  • I believe Krita is on F-Droid and it's my go-to program on desktop, tho I couldn't get ot to work correctly on my phone or the outdated tablets I could get my hands on (it launched, but I was stuck on a part of the screen and couldn't move, or close the window that opens at the start to create a document because the "close" button was outside my screen). so I don't know how it'll be on your tablet.

    That aside, I really didn't find many open source Android apps for Graphic design. I sometimes use Pocket Paint, but it sucks and I only use it to make comically bad art for memes.

  • natural wonders
  • Come on, why would Pluto want to keep hanging out with the planets, the dwarf planet club is much bigger and cooler. And either way, pluto has a moon named Charon that's so big it's debated whether ot should be called a moon or another dwarf planet...

  • It's done. My masterpiece...
  • Wow, you go straight to hating it without leaving your seat? I usually have to either go to sleep or go out to do something else to leave some time for my idea of the drawing to grow further from the actual drawing before it happens.

    [Edit: I answered as if it were about a drawing when it's about a text. I don't have any funny or useful insight to give about the later, since I can't relate: Everything I've ever written was perfect. Also, I don't write.]

  • Male alligator fashion choices
  • If a RHT^1 is causing if I find that not only the FYGAT^2 doesn't always suffice, but the intuitive technique of TOSE^3 tends to be counterproductive. What I do to stop RHTs is instead broadening my field of vision to look at everything at once and simultaneously trying to listen to every sound I can hear at once. Any given thought or information can be somehow integrated into a RHT and feed it, but many informations at once can't.

    !^1 : Random Horny Thought!<

    !^2 : Flex Your Glutes And Thighs!<

    !^3 : Think Of Something Else!<

  • Would Trump win?
  • I don't find that this adage applies that well in politics. Yeah, I'll assume whoever almost hit me with his car the other day was stupid/irresponsible/distracted rather than that they were attempting to murder me. Or that someone who gave me wrong directions to somewhere was mistaken rather than deceitful. That is because stupidity can explain these things, but stupidity on its own doesn't explain becoming president.

    Beside, if you assume he was being used by dickcheneys, you're still assuming malice, just not from the same person.

    As for which case his behavior would make most sense in, I won't try to contradict you since I'm not good at analysing people and don't enjoy trying.

    I just tend to think of Trump+close collaborators as a system and assume the purpose of a system is what it does, and I don't make too many assumptions of Trump's exact place in this.

  • Would Trump win?
  • With people in power it's always hard to say whether a bad thing they do is due to stupidity or ill-intent, tho I tend to favor the second hypothesis.

    All of their actions did benefit a group. For Trump, most obviously, himself; but he also advanced the power of the American far-right and probably some companies thanks to lose regulations. For Bush, he clearly aimed to give more power to companies over things formerly done by the state, like hurricane relief or even the military. His vice president Dick Cheney famously profited from the Iraq war through the company Halliburton.

    Many of Bush's policies had a disastrous human cost, but they were very efficient at filling the pockets of a few shareholders. So was he an incompetent buffoon playing into the hands of the capitalists, or was he himself an evil schemer who willingly enriched those he deemed worthy allies at the expense of the rest of the world?

    Same question applies to Trump. A narrative people like is that of the out of control puppet. An idiot that the Republican Party tried to use because he was attractive to their target demographic, but who ended up turning against his puppeteers and giving full reign to his folly.

    But it's also possible that he is a smart and evil man who's particularly talented at playing the role of a madman and who saw it was working.

    So basically, I have no definite knowledge of the intelligence of either man.

  • boiled chicken eggs


    Gùlguʁnakjsam : Communauté francophone célébrant l'amitié franco-gùlhuʁnakjsamienne (science-fiction satirique) Gùlguʁnakjsam -

    🌌 Un aggrégateur d’informations démocratiques sur Gùlguʁnakjsam. Gloire à Skrragolgo!ʁak l’Omnipotent démocratiquement élu du Saint Empire Interstellaire de Gùlguʁnakjsam, et à son effort de maintien de la Ræpublïïk au sein de l’hypergalaxie Proto-Arp618. Gloire au diplomate @loaExMachina@sh.itjust...

    Gùlguʁnakjsam -


    La seule source crédible sur l'actualité cosmique

    Can "*n't " and "* + [pronoun]" be used with any verb?

    When I first learnt English, I thought this type of formulation only worked with a few verbs like "do", "have","should" (ex: "Should I do this? No, I shouldn't.")

    More recently I also encountered "Need I?" and "needn't", tho they're more rarely used. But this got me wondering, is it still an exceptional construction, with "need" being one of the exceptions, or can it be done with every verbs? For example, are the following sentences correct:

    • Read you mangas? No, I readn't them.
    • Grow they potatoes? No, they grown't these.
    • Sounds it like a good idea? No, it soundsn't.

    I know talking like this would raise a few eyebrows, but does it break any established rule?

    Analog Nowhere be like

    publication croisée depuis :

    > Meme/fanart of the great webcomic

    What I imagine when I read "Systemd is too big"

    [Image description: Tall woman with a systemd logo on her hat looking down scornfully at a small penguin. Second panel is that same penguin looking back up, in an imitation of a "Pepe the frog" meme.]

    I don't know why I'm so inspired by making memes about the Systemd controversy, it's not like I have a strong opinion on it myself... All the distros I've tried so far had it, the controversy was mostly an old thing already when I learnt what Linux was and I only read about it recently; but I enjoy the drama. I've started reading the blog posts "escape from Systemd" started here and continued thereby a guy who's creating an alternative called "dinit", I might try it someday if I switch to Artix or something else that supports it, but I just configured my Arch and I don't have time to go back to coonfing yet.

    Fedora the Explorer

    [Image description : 4 Panel comic. Panel 1: A Dora the explorer ripoff wearing a fedora and with the fedora logo on her t-shirt is smiling at the viewer. The caption "Fedora the explorer" is over her head. Panel 2: She speaks to a vaguely anthropomorphic chameleon: "Hello Opensuse !" He replies : "Hi Fedora!" Panel 3: OpenSuse Says: "Someone has been using your code while not freely providing theirs despite the GPL licence!" Panel 4: Fedora "Hmmm... Who could it be?" A fox wearing a red hat emerges from a bush in the background. End ]

    Debian's Dilemma

    [Image description: A fox-woman wearing a dress the color of the Debian logo is being pulled by the sleeves on one side by a gnu man and on the other side bu a penguin. She has an annoyed expression. The gnu man says: "Debian, why do you offer a non-free firmware repo? You're so close to being one of the few fully free distros... Don't you believe in free software?"

    The penguin says: "Why isn't the necessary firmware installed by default ? It's such a pain when you install and it can't connect to network... You're so close to being practical, Debian !" ]

    [SOLVED] I can't post images anymore

    This may be linked to the recent update since I posted something two days ago without problem, and I saw to other users commenting about the same problem on the upgrade post. It is not an app specific problem: Eternity just says "Error: 400" when trying to post something with an image, but if I use a browser (tried with both Mull on Android and Firefox on Debian), I get the following error:

    {"data":{"error":"unknown","message":"Request error: error sending request for url (http://pictrs:8080/image): error trying to connect: tcp connect error: Connection refused (os error 111)"},"state":"success"}

    I hope this is the correct place to post about it, sorry if not. Have a good day!

    Wayland vs Xorg be like

    Yes, I made it using a laptop's trackpad, how could you tell?

    [Image description: Panel 1: Young man confidently walking, his vest bears the Wayland logo. Behind him is a grunt with the Gnome logo on his face holding a katana. The young man says: "It's high time you retire, old man!" Panel 2: An old man with a long beard and the Xorg logo on his chest is sitting on a throne and petting a rat, the XFCE mascot. He says: "It's still a hundred years too early for you to defeat me!" ]

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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