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RANT: I hate the fact that my ISP can restrict access to certain sites
  • @ad_on_is The problem you're hitting is that the #clearnet / #Internet in general weren't adequately designed to handle malicious #infrastructure operators.

    "The 'net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it" was a comment about #Usenet, a #federated / #P2P system with gossiped ( message exchange which wasn't particularly picky about its transport layer (indeed you could load a spool on a floppy and mail it), not the internet.

  • I have received a copyright infringement alert, what should I answer?
  • @supervent @nn4x This goodness, absolutely this.

    Why is anyone still using the #clearnet for this?

    #I2P is absolutely one of the better options.

  • Is GNU Emacs still worth it?
  • @nyl Personally, I'd be going *out of my way* to disable information-leaking features like that.

    #Proprietary suggestion & AI engine? No thanks.

  • Plasma developer David Edmundson demonstrates how a desktop using Wayland, Qt6 and KWin can recover from a catastrophic crash as if nothing had happened.
  • From the article it seems more of a #Qt win for now (though it does mention patches for many others), but in any case that's neat.

    Now it all just needs sane ways to interface from #CommonLisp.

  • lispi314 LisPi

    Programmer and Free Software proponent.

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