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Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp
  • I assume their motherboard is a write-off. The form factor in speaker are probably all we have to start with. For a few bucks you could turn it into a decent Bluetooth speaker. Want to get a little more intense if you want to do anything interesting like voice control.

    I'd really like to find a way to drive the display and touch screen on the shows

  • Amazon Mulls $5 to $10 monthly price tag for unprofitable Alexa service, AI revamp
  • How long till there's a solid project to gut Alexa devices and run them from pis arduinos and pico's?

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • I'm trying to switch to Jellyfin I really am. With Plex I could just throw a file bot at my files normalize the names and it was fine. I can't mark things watched or unwatched from the Roku client. I've now tried three separate times to get the Doctor who specials to show up with names. Plex is by no means perfect but it's so much easier to keep Plex goomed

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Threw away the branding, threw away the user base, threw away the advertisers, throw away the staff.

    What exactly does he have left?

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • Might be more life to serving just potatoes on St Pats from that perspective.

  • Internet forums are disappearing because now it's all Reddit and Discord. And that's worrying.
  • Unfortunately way too many companies and people.

    It's pretty easy to get in there and throw a couple of bots around. People have created entire help desk ticketing systems inside of it. They integrate payment systems. You don't see any of this until you have a certain specific set of needs and then it's everywhere.

    There's a lot of plug-in support for corporate apps and people that create themes for things for corporate.

  • People who started learning a second language, how has it made you aware how broken English is ?
  • Yeah that's seriously like a super power, just reading names on social media feels so good

  • People who started learning a second language, how has it made you aware how broken English is ?
  • I started Russian Duolingo a while back. You can make English sentences that would take five or six words in two words under first impressions the language doesn't f*** around it gets right to the point.

    But then I started getting to conjugations and it turns into a dumpster fire real quick.

  • The Christian right is coming for divorce next
  • That's how religion keeps power. Only our group are righteous and are doing it right.

  • So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen...
  • They added in some anti-cheat stuff that doesn't play well.

  • So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen...
  • We're close. We just need a couple of vendors to step up and take some responsibility.

    Steam already picked up all the hard stuff.

    Adobe products, Outlook, and of all fucking things Roblox.

    I probably also really wouldn't hurt if somebody could manage to make Nvidia background removal working OBS Linux.

  • So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen...
  • Antivirus won't do s*** for you, if a good exploit comes through they don't need a virus they just do whatever they want. Even the best EDR packages out there have their limits if you don't keep updates.

  • What movie character you happen to have a crush on, even though the character clearly shows dozens of red flags?
  • Why'd you pick me up?

    Why'd you take me out of my house

    and kill my parents with me? Ain't you committed to me?

    Where are we fuckin' goin'?

    Though Yolanda AKA Honey Bunny from Pulp Fiction it a close second.

  • White Dad Apologized to the Black Superintendent He Pushed On Stage, But It Didn't Go As He Expected
  • It is absolutely not necessarily... But the odds aren't great.

  • Linux users survey!
  • So there are 43+ NixOS users and noone switched away for another OS?


    I keep pondering switching back to Debbie and every time I get in a fight with ... well everything I try to install ... And I look at my configuration.nix and sunk cost fallacy sits in.

    I don't really need Splashtop, NinjaRMM, Parsec Server right?

  • Top EU Court Says There’s No Right To Online Anonymity, Because Copyright Is More Important
  • Hold on, let them check their bank accounts first.

  • Boeing and Airbus may have used 'counterfeit' titanium in planes, FAA says
  • Made in America sourced from global parts.

    Also the biggest failures were the made in America bits.

  • French election descends into madcap reality TV
  • At the rate we're going centrism may not be sustainable

  • Man sues Apple for accidentally exposing his infidelity
  • Nah, it's more like Dropbox. It's a multi-way sync between all devices. Dropbox, Google drive and Microsoft one box all have the same kind of problems. Stuff that's supposed to be deleted ends up not getting deleted, stuff that's supposed to be overwritten ends up getting multiple copies with conflicts Even though nothing else has any changes staged. It's totally possible to do it without all that, but there are cost savings are wrapped up in trying to add intelligence in there to make it communicate with the server less.

    I don't really give a rat's ass about the guy cheating, but if a company is going to drag me into their distributed ecosystem I fully expect deleted things to delete everywhere and stay deleted. This isn't the first time that they've been in the news recently for deleted things reappearing.

  • interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Statue of Unity - Wikipedia

    The Statue of Unity is the world's tallest statue, with a height of 182 metres (597 feet), located near Kevadia in the state of Gujarat, India. It depicts Indian statesman and independence activist Vallabhbhai Patel (1875–1950), who was the first deputy prime minister and home minister of independent India...

    The project was first announced in 2010, and construction started in October 2013 ... with a total construction cost of ₹27 billion (US$422 million). It was designed by Indian sculptor Ram V. Sutar and was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on 31 October 2018, the 143rd anniversary of Patel's birth.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    How camera captures rate changes due to amount of light

    The camera auto adjusts exposure and it gets all derpy with rolling shutter :)

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Črni Vrh Slovenia ice formations circa 2016


    High above the village of Črni Vrh, fantastical ice formations—including spikes over a yard long—encase the trees and lookout tower atop Mount Javornik. The windswept ice, or hard rime, is the result of fog freezing after a week of snow and gales. This image appears in the December 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine.

    Photograph by MARKO KOROŠEC

    [SPOILER] S[8||11]x01 non-spoilery Review

    Damn they got down to business right away! Loved the humor. Love the story, Cheezy streaming refs went on a little long. Fry, Leela and the Professors Voicing had a few rough spots that wouldn't have happened in the last incarnation, it honestly kinda reminded me of some of the early voicing in season 1. John DiMaggio's performance was flawless. I love that they kinda mixed in a small anthology, had most of the people make cameos.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    It would appear there's currently a battle on /r/place between pro-spez users, anti-spez users and admins as the guillotine is being perpetually drawn and erased

    It would appear there's currently a battle on /r/place between pro-spez users, anti-spez users and admins as the guillotine is being perpetually drawn and erased

    Video in action hosted here

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Well-Preserved 3,000-Year-Old Bronze Sword Found In Germany

    archaeologists excavating a gravesite in the southern Bavarian town of Nördlingen found a 3,000-year-old sword in excellent condition

    >Given the soft nature of bronze, historians have previously wondered whether such blades served a ceremonial purpose, rather than a practical purpose on the battlefield. A few years ago, scientists even staged sword fights in order to learn more about how the Bronze Age weapons could have been used effectively in battle, despite being much easier to damage and harder to repair than their iron successors.

    Hey, are you guys supposed to be playing with the artifacts?

    it's research!

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    "Blood falls" in Antarctica. This water contains ferrous iron, which, combining with atmospheric air, oxidizes and forms rust. It gives the waterfall that blood-red colour


    /r/interestingasfuck /u/XyRow666

    I honestly found this one googling around, but XyRow666 presented a far nicer collage than anywhere else I could find.

    more info:

    Roughly two million years ago, the Taylor Glacier sealed beneath it a small body of water which contained an ancient community of microbes. Trapped below a thick layer of ice, they have remained there ever since, isolated inside a natural time capsule. Evolving independently of the rest of the living world, these microbes exist in a place with no light or free oxygen and little heat, and are essentially the definition of “primordial ooze.” The trapped lake has very high salinity and is rich in iron, which gives the waterfall its red color. A fissure in the glacier allows the subglacial lake to flow out, forming the falls without contaminating the ecosystem within.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Rainbow Mountains of China

    The Rainbow Mountains of China within the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park are a geological wonder of the world. These famous Chinese mountains are known for their otherworldly colors that mimic a rainbow painted over the tops of rolling mountains.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Crooked Forest

    The Crooked Forest (Polish: Krzywy Las) is a grove of oddly-shaped pine trees located in the village of Nowe Czarnowo near the town of Gryfino, West Pomerania, in north-western Poland. It is a protected natural monument of Poland.

    This grove of 400 pines was planted in around 1930. Each pine tree bends sharply to the north, just above ground level, then curves back upright after a sideways excursion of one to three meters (3–9 feet). The curved pines are enclosed by a surrounding forest of straight pine trees.

    It is generally believed that some form of human tool or technique was used to make the trees grow or bend this way, but the method has never been determined, and remains a mystery to this day. It has been speculated that the trees may have been deformed to create naturally curved timber for use in furniture or boat building. Others surmise that a snowstorm could have bent the trunks, but there is little evidence of that.

    Many people have been trying to find an answer to this mystery, but since the town of Gryfino was largely abandoned between the early stages of World War II until the 1970s, the people who were there before the war and probably had the answer to the mystery of the Crooked Forest are now likely gone forever.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    World's Longest Wingsuit Proximity Flight | Mont Blanc, France

    Usually, when you pop into a youtube video, you can see where the meat is by all the most watched parts. This one just shows 521k clenched anuses watching the whole thing :P


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Earlier this year, this lenticular cloud appeared over Turkey.

    There are a lot of hoax or fake weather pictures on social media, but the viral pictures of a rose-colored cloud in Turkey are legitimate. On January 19th, 2023, a strange cloud appeared above the Bursa province.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Ghost apples

    Ghost apples are made from a pretty interesting phenomenon whereby frozen weather coats an apple in ice. When the apple inside rots and falls out, the icy shell is left behind and you get an ice apple.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Hyperrealistic Charcoal Drawing "FIERCE" - Time-lapse by ZokArt

    Skipped ahead to 91 seconds because he spends a REALLY long time getting the hair right and the pacing of that part is kinda slow.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Trento Italy dunks the person that screwed up the most for the year in the river every June

    I'm thinking this is an underrated method of governing.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    How Quantum Computers Break The Internet... Starting Now

    Veritasium is the king of almost clickbait, but he really gives out some crazy details.

    Starting around 2:11 They explain RSA and get into the meat.

    When quantum computers do all that crazy parallel math, apparently you only get one of the answers, and it's random :) But due to some sketchy repeating, any one of the answers is enough to make RSA vulnerable with just a little math.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Giant art piece memorializing a farmer's late wife.

    Breaking up the flat agricultural areas of Argentina's Pampas is a guitar formed entirely out of trees. Stretching for 2/3 of a mile (1km), the multi-colored instrument was created by one Argentine farmer to memorialize his wife. Crushed by the loss of his love, a few years later Pedro Martin Ureta (owner) began working on designing a guitar in his field that could be seen from above by airplane. He settled on the design because his late wife loved the instrument and he wanted to memorialize her on his land.


    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    The Green Cathedral, Marinus Boezem 1987 · Almere, Niederlande

    Looks like a copy and paste job.

    The Green Cathedral or De Groene Kathedraal located near Almere in the Netherlands, is an artistic planting of Lombardy poplars (Populus nigra italica) that mimics the size and shape of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Reims, France. The Green Cathedral is 150 m (490 ft) long and 75 m (246 ft) wide, and the mature poplar trees are about 30 m (98 ft) tall.

    The planting itself is kinda ok, but taking the time to till out the same size in the forest next door is crazy,+Marinus+Boezem+1987/@52.3220317,5.3174667,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPVubtXvuKRgqDt7QO9SeUGzdRU_zCmXYCv8wRV!2e10!3e12!!7i2461!8i1641!4m7!3m6!1s0x47c63e74730d4117:0xbf652dff93a9e739!8m2!3d52.3222326!4d5.3172609!10e5!16s%2Fm%2F0bbzrsz?entry=ttu


    due to the curvature of the Earth a really long building can't have walls that are both parallel and level.

    Aparently, I've conflated Level with Plumb, the walls cannot be parallel and plumb. Due to the curve, the center of gravity for the walls would require them to angle in slightly together or not be plumb.

    interestingasfuck linearchaos
    Painted-bois want to eat a service animal at the Oregon zoo

    A pack of African Painted Dogs notice a visitors animal and come over to inspect.

    Origin: /r/interestingasfuck /u/solateor

    Top comment thread:

    /u/maxinfet 8 mo. ago

    I never considered how animals at zoos might respond to service animals. Does anyone know if they have any particular guidelines for service animals that differ from other places?

    /u/luistp 8 mo. ago · edited 8 mo. ago

    I don't know what are you talking about, those painted dogs have only friendly and lovely intentions.

    Edit: obviously I was being sarcastic, some folks/children need that you put always the damn "/s"...

    /u/echo1432 8 mo. ago

    I've been to the Oregon Zoo and basically they break it down into three areas.

    No problem being at this exhibit.

    You can walk by these exhibits but don't linger.

    You may not go into this area. (Things like the petting zoo, like no shit I don't want to put my service dog around goats. Or something like, you can check out the big cats but please avoid the panthers .. they hate dogs.)

    linearchaos linearchaos

    I am a Meat-Popsicle

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