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  • And we have better night vision than most the animals that have better day-vision than us. Humans are like the Leatherman of animals. Universally capable of doing most things but not as good as something specialized for that task. Plus of course capable of coming up with ways to cheat

  • Is this true about Generation gap in Piracy?
  • I have no idea what you are talking about. I have been using macOS for years for nearly a decade and have used a normal folder structure with folders and subfolders just like I use now. Only that macOS allowed the additional tagging with keywords of files and folders, that made searching easier. Granted I stopped using anything more modern than macOS Catalina, because that was the last thing that was supported on my old macbook, and after tinkering with wine, homebrew and the like for a few years I got a new laptop on which I installed linux because the hoops I had to jump through to get most modern software I needed for my studies working was getting absurd; I do have a bone to pick with apple for their software support. So I am definitively not the average macOS user and do not know what they did afterwards with the OS.

    But you can use both the apple office suite to export to common microsoft office files or you can install the microsoft suite or libre office or whatever else. And the apple 'Preview' to view and edit both images and PDFs was one of the nicest image and pdf viewers I've ever used. And just the usal ways of attaching a file on an email or dumping it on a usb stick worked, if you did not want to use one of the myriad cloud services. So unless apple removed all usb-slots from their hardware or nukes the device once a thumb drive is detected I really do not understand what you are talking about, facetious or not. Hate apple for their planed and enforced obsolescence of otherwise working tech, not for their noncompliance with data formats, or otherwise mostly imagined problems. Stops ranting

  • Immer wieder Montag Laberfaden
  • zl;ngl Alles bestens.

    Auf der Arbeit bin ich wohl jetzt soweit eingearbeitet, dass die mich alleine laufen lassen. Ich bin mir unsicher, wie ich mich da fühle. Gut, weil ich anscheinend keine vollkommene Katastrophe bin und die Anlagen allein steuern kann, schlecht, weil ich die Unsicherheiten sehe, die ich habe. Aber birngt nichts, irgendwann muss ich da eh durch. Wird schon schief gehen.

    Allgemein muss ich aber sagen, dass ich einsam bin. Ich meine ich schreibe diesen Scheiß in eine Gruppe voller Fremder, weil ich sonst niemanden greifbar habe. Die Freunde sind weit weg und die Familie ebenfalls. Und der Familie kann ich das alles bestenfalls in abgeschwächter Variante erzählen. Die haben ihren eigenen Scheiß um den die sich kümmern müssen. Mir war schon klar, dass es heftig werden wird. Umzug in ne Kleinstadt, in der ich keinen kenne, neuer Job, etc. aber momentan kenn ich halt auch keinen außer meinen Kollegen, und die sind im Schnitt 20 Jahre älter als ich. Dazu kommt, dass ich halt echt keine Hobbies habe, die dem finden neuer Freunde zuträglich sind. Na ja. genug gejammert, die Arbeit ruft.

  • ich😨iel
  • Ich bin jetzt seit 1 Monat in nem Betrieb, der was macht, was ich bisher nur theoretisch kannte. Noch laufe ich mit nem super Kollegen mit l, der mir auch echt alles gut erklärt und zeigt, aber es hieß, dass ich in ein paar Wochen das dann alleine machen soll. Momentan schwanke ich zwischen existenzieller Panik und absoluter Selbstsicherheit.

  • Be more specific
  • Looks like some kind of intrusion of magma (the pale rock) into the darker rock. you can see how all the veins seem to originate from the pale rock, also the broken-of dark part in the pale rock seems to indicate it, could be part of the original rock, that surrounded the magma, before breaking of.

    Some actual geologist might want to give their opinion though. I only had like two years of geology at university before shifting my studies toward crystallography and crystal growth.

  • Those poor fools
  • You could and it might work, or it might not. Depends on a lot of factors. Thing is, you are still engaging the fey in word games and try to outsmart them in their own games. Being blunt and telling them No, giving clear and unambiguous answers offers less attack ground for them.

  • It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring
  • A wedding ring shows that you are wed. Just like an engagement ring shows that your engaged. A wedding is an event, being wed is a change in status. The logic is sound. Confusion only enters the mix, because 'being wed' is less common as a phrase than 'being married'.

  • Those poor fools
  • Depending on the way the fey phrased the request you may either have insulted it, or broken a deal. If it asks to have your name and you answer with "yes, my name is <fake name>." You have lied to it and broken a simple transaction. It may even be justified in using ever more harsh measures to extract your name from you, as it has a legitimate claim on it. At least that is the way I would play such a situation for the fey. For me the thing is that trying to outsmart them rarely works, because they know netter in which rules they operate than you do. A answer like "You may not have my name, but you can call me <fake name>. " Should work better in my opinion. Sorry for the wall of text btw. Just being bored out of my mind rn.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • And on top of all this the UI feels sluggish. I still have Win11 on my laptop, as it came installed with it and I just partitioned some of the drive for linux. Was sometimes easier do do stuff on Win for Uni, esp. with very specialized software. Everytime I logged in to Win I wanted to kill the UI.

  • EBook Management

    I am setting up a new server for my media and wanted to ask for your best ways to manage an ebook and comic collection. I have been using calibre so far, but it is not really designed to be managed remotely.

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