@willaful @romancebooks I'm still not reading new, but on a road trip I relistened to Bookshops and Bonedust by Travis Baldree, this time with my hubby. Still delightful.
@willaful @romancelandia @romancebooks Started listening to Flor's Fiasco by Ruby Dixon, I've been waiting for this on audio forever so I can finally finish Icehome series. Exactly what I was expecting so far, fun and steamy.
@willaful @romancelandia @romancebooks sounds cute! I'm listening to Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood and so far it's keeping my attention, which is not easy these days!
@willaful @romancebooks yeah, was super meh on that book, and I don't remember if I finished...
@willaful @romancelandia @romancebooks I actually finished a book in Mexico, listened to Bride by Ali Hazelwood. It was enjoyable!
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