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for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • Then why use the same Meme for Dark Brandon?

  • for all the "anti-authoritarians" out there
  • So, more propaganda that Biden is a Communist? Really, that's how you make that point and comparison? Tired of the Dems are Communist trope when it's not true. Sure Biden is for the worker - THE WORKER IS THE MIDDLE CLASS!!

    Which by Trump has been shrunk, and not in a good way, making it harder for middle class workers. Biden, whether I agree with him or not, clearly thinks MORE about the middle class and worker protections than Trump ever has done.

  • What Ever Happened to the AI Apocalypse?
  • It was only relevant when the corps didn't have it.

  • Progress!
  • So, we can do what a bunch of aliens did to O'Brien when they tried, convicted and incarcerated him for 20 years and it was 20 minutes in real time.

  • Should it just be called JASM?
  • Please AppleSoft BASIC was doing bytecode before Java was a gleam in a programmers eye.

  • Sarah Dax
  • What are we saying? Jennifer Connelly played a Dax??


    Sooooo, confused.....

  • Record number of Americans are homeless amid nationwide surge in rent, report finds
  • one (people I know) believes me when I tell them who the homeless are. Every one just holds onto the concept that they are just mentally-ill people who need to be in an institution. When I explain that any person's mental health decreases the longer they live without a home, a job, and a family for support. Homeless people end up turning to drugs because they can't stand the fact that their ability has decreased so much that a drug-induced hallucination is better than reality.

  • The top five RSS readers for keeping up with your news feeds
  • Newsblur is definitely my go-to. I love that I can train it to filter out toxic topics for me. It's not 100% as sometimes the topic is just a repeat of the title.

    But 90% of the time I can and it does.

  • If the borg were a religion
  • This is the end of Season 2 of Picard!! Borg Queen only assimilates those you want to be assimilated.

  • Middle age rule
  • Regardless of what the median life expectantly is, I don't care I'm living to 100 years old. Barring accident of course. But I'm just too curious what the next 45+ years will be in the world. What are the new discoveries? New shows? What happens to the political situation? Will we become a space faring race? Or will we have to solve the climate crisis first, and stop warring?

    I want to know. So I'm working to make that a reality.

  • Welcome to 2024, the Year We Stop Trump’s Rolling Insurrection
  • This is not ending with a Biden win. If Trump loses there are others waiting to take up the mantle. People that will look better (not physically) on paper so to speak. They will appeal to the more Traditional conservative, the mainstream.

    A Trump loss will force MAGA back, after a bit of grumbling and violence, then they will become quiet. Not all of them. But the next fight will be 2026, 2028, 2030, etc. Though my belief thinks a better than Trump candidate will definitely be 2028 the next presidential election.

    This Insurrection isn't over for them...just like the Civil War never ended for them. They have patience.

    We must remain vigilant and push for more equality for all.

  • One hell of a condensing
  • Another reason that I need to read this book!!

  • Fantasy rednecks
  • Definitely listen to the audible book The Hum and the Shiver it has fairies in the Appalachian mountains and definitely has red-neck voiced fairies.

  • lemmyviking lemmyviking

    Data Science Master's student

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