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Nearly 80% of Americans now view fast food as a luxury
  • In other words, if you don't want to pay more for fast food, then you don't actually want to see fast food workers earn a better wage.

    If a business relies on exploitation, it shouldn't exist. If paying the workers a living wage means raising the prices beyond a sustainable level for the business, this business shouldn't exist. If a business pays out millions in bonuses to it's executives while the workers are relying on government subsidies, the business shouldn't exist.

  • Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT
  • In Europe GDPR gives you the right to have all your data deleted. All you do is send in a request and SO has to remove everything of yours, not just anonymize it. There are some exceptions for legal reasons, eg where financial transactions are involved, but comments should not be exempt.

  • CDU stimmt für schrittweise Rückkehr zur Wehrpflicht
  • In BWL lernt man zumindest Angebot und Nachfrage kennen. Dann würde man erkennen dass ein interessanteres Jobangebot die Nachfrage nach diesem erhöht. Menschen unter Scheissbedingungen da ein Jahr zu zwingen macht den Beruf nicht attraktiver.

  • What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)
  • Unironically, switch to Linux. Mainstream distros like Mint, PopOS or Ubuntu are very friendly for casual users, have GUIs for everything and if something does go wrong, the error messages actually have proper meaning and you'll find tons of resources online as well as people willing to help.

    Most stuff nowadays runs in a browser anyway, so here there's no compatibility issues, office is available in Linux through libre office and gaming has come far with steam and proton.

  • Discord alternatives
  • You can always compile from scratch, compare the checksums or use the version you compiled. In projects this large people usually do this, and there's a certain level of trust that these checks have been performed.

  • One thing that makes me laugh is imagining game protagonists explaining what took them so long.
  • From memory:

    • In ME1 Liara has different voice lines, depending on when you decide to recruit her.
    • In ME2 if you wait too long before the final mission, (most of) your crew dies which will affect the story of the last game.
    • In ME2 you have to talk to your crew regularly to get them to unlock special options or abilities.
    • Talk to Conrad Verner all the time in 1 and 2 and you'll get a reward in 3.
  • Advice on cleaning bloatware off of a new PC
  • Mint looks quite similar, and if she asks "Microsoft applied an update and now the start menu looks different."

    If all she does is browse the internet and read emails, she'll never know the difference. You could even set up the splash screen to display the Windows logo or just disable it all together.

  • "Letzte Generation": Klimaaktivist auf Kreuzfahrt statt vor Gericht
  • Colorline verkauft sich gerne als luxuriöse Fähre, schlussendlich sind die Fähren aber Mittel zum Zweck. Für reine Vergnügung sind die Überfahrten zu teuer, wenn man wirklich an einer "vernünftigen" Kreuzfahrt interessiert ist, bucht man sowas nicht. Die Überfahrt ist etwas mehr Vergnügen als wenn man einfach nur in einer normale Fähre sitzt, bei einer Fahrtzeit von 20h aber auch notwendig.

    Wenn man mit dem Auto nach Norwegen muss ist diese Fährverbindung auch eine der einzigen Alternativen. Ansonsten gibt es Hirtshals <-> Larvik als Fähralternative, da muss man aber deutlich länger Auto fahren oder man fährt komplett durch Dänemark und Schweden. Je nach Zweck der Reise ist Kiel <-> Oslo die womöglich wirtschaftlichste und umweltfreundlichste Alternative.

  • Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in
  • The total mass of reactants in the fusion chamber is below milligram, some of which is bound in stable isotopes. Even if all of it escaped, it would be far from catastrophic.
    The reaction itself cannot run away on its own because it requires a delicate balance in temperature and density, which will be immediately disturbed if there was a breach in containment.

    The walls will be activated by neutrons, but short of blowing the reactor up, there's not much chance of materials escaping in a significant amount to pose a danger.

  • Nuclear fusion reaction releases almost twice the energy put in
  • If anything has been consistent about fusion its always them desperately trying to spin babysteps and monumental leaps forward

    That's usually the media outlets sensationalising the results to the point where the articles are grossly misleading.

    trying to make themselves seem super clean and safe especially compared to fission.

    That's just a fact, no need to try. The Fusion process is inherently safe the radioactive byproducts are generally short lived and easier to handle.

  • Sweden's call for population to prepare for war sparks panic and criticism
  • Just holding out until more organised help can arrive or your government takes over. This is also in general good advice in case of say natural disasters. Roads may be flooded, areas covered in snow or electricity is out for a few days. Having enough canned food, water, maybe some firewood or alternative means of cooking will come in useful in these circumstances.

  • What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • I agree with everything but using Google sheets. It's neither free nor open source. You don't pay with money but with your privacy. Libre office is just as good as a desktop application and is actually FOSS. If you absolutely need the cloud storage, get a provider you can trust, buy the space and sync your files online, after editing locally.

  • YouTube’s Loaded With EV Disinformation
  • The transition from EVs to public transit, biking, etc has to come eventually, too. We can however already do that and places have successfully done so. Look at the Netherlands for example. EVs are in the way of transitioning to better public infrastructure and will only delay it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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