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The unofficial retirement of Jack Nicholson – where did Hollywood’s most charismatic star go?
  • The guy is 87 years old. I hope he is living a happy retirement.

    I think instead of asking where JK is, e should be discussing who the next iconic star is.

  • Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA
  • I'm pleasantly surprised the number of replies on Lemmy saying they used this service. It's nice to know that there are some old people on here, like me :)

  • A supermarket trip may soon look different, thanks to electronic shelf labels
  • Highly likely English isn't their first language

  • Ditto for 'Game of Thrones'
  • What if the games were part of a tournament, it's related, and still means the same.

    And TIL they made more seasons

  • Ditto for 'Game of Thrones'
  • Or a good time that ends with a bit of sucking. Hmmmm :D

  • Ditto for 'Game of Thrones'
  • Yeah I dig that. I just feel if it's an experience made up of multiple parts, just because the last one wasn't as good shouldn't distract from the rest. Like if you go bowling and you win every day 4 times in a row but came 3rd on the 5th day, it was still a good time overall.

    If you go into life only wanting to experience perfection (not quite the word I'm looking for, but it will do) and avoiding anything less, you would be consciously missing out on great times.

  • Ditto for 'Game of Thrones'
  • Exactly. Why ever gave a good time if it might be a little sucky at the end.

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • The wire from the plug to the device isn't the same size as that in the wall. So you can have a device cable melt and light on fire without tripping the main fuse. A fuse in the plug prevents this.

    Your edit is assuming they're isn't a fuse at the central side. Of course there is a main fuse. And it is sized based on the limits of the wires in the wall

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • Still not nearly as safe. Leaving it up to the home owner to replace the fuse/breaker for each circuit each time a device of a different amp requirement is used is very... naive? The manufacturer of the device shipping the item with the fuse that matches requirement is easier and safer. It may have been born from the ring mains requirement but it's much safer because of it.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The governance has a secret system.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18
  • Thanks for your reply. I understand a lot better now.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18
  • The comment said it was proprietary and uses signal and MLS.

    Maybe I misunderstood.

  • Sen. John Fetterman and wife Giselle taken to hospital after car crash in Maryland
  • It is likely he was at fault.

    Sen. John Fetterman was briefly hospitalized after rear-ending another driver on a Maryland highway

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18
  • I didn't know MLS and Signal were Google proprietary. TIL. Thanks.

  • Apple is bringing RCS to the iPhone in iOS 18
  • It's a shame Apple decided not to implement e2ee like Google did.

    This is an older article, but there is still no movement.

  • Apple blocks PC emulator from being available in iOS App Store and third-party app stores
  • You can be an enthusiast and still be able to criticise. Apple has changed a lot over the years, and not always for the better.

  • What a time to be alive
  • Whilst it's a shame this implementation sucks, I wish we would get intelligent traffic light controls that worked. Sitting at a light for 90 seconds in the dead of night without a car in sight is frustrating.

  • Extra long images are unreadable

    Sync grabs images using an option for max length of 1500px, so the super long images are just a smattering of pixels that barely represent the original image.

    I can't find a way in the app to get a better quality version. I end up opening a web browser to view.

    The cutest thing to ever live (sound on)

    Another from my archive of cat pictures/videos shared with my dauighter over the years.

    Getting requests to delete communities

    Are these legit? We don't host the community that they are referring to, so I don't understand what good it does to request it.

    Latest Steam hardware survey, resolution results seem off?

    3840x1080 at 60%?

    1920x1080 not in the list?

    I'd of expected that to be the most popular.

    Lemmy Support lazynooblet
    How to "purge community"

    I've seen posted elsewhere that instance admins have the ability to remove communities from their instance with a "purge community" button. I can't find this, can someone post a screenshot/guide on where the option is?

    Also, if another instance has died and wont be coming back, is there a way to purge communities from the local instance database? Maybe the same way as above.

    Shops that close early

    I get it, you want to go home. But if you advertise to the community that you are open until 2200, but regularly shut shop at 2145, just change your opening hours.

    Mites infestation! But what type?

    I cleaned the chicken coop last week, and to my horror the next day I found millions of these little buggers crawling around the edge of the bin lid.

    I've disenfected the coop and chickens, and will be doing it again on Friday to capture any survivors. The coop is plastic, so they were living in the wood shavings.

    Unfortunately I got mites all over me, and I have gotten bitten BAD. I have bites all over me :( Makes me feel bad for the chickens, but I'll be doing a better job from this point.

    My question is what are they? I'm from the UK and they don't look like "red mites" that are common in Europe. I can't find any on the chickens themselves but the coop was rampant with them. And they like human flesh, I tell you that now!

    The link of this post is a video of one of the only survivors from my onslaught of the bin today.

    More pictures:





    Gitlab Outage

    Gitlab has been offline for a while (~40 minutes at time of posting) with pretty much every service affected.

    5xx errors accross the board, I expect a lot of frustrated developers right now.

    Recommend a water pick?

    A post over at YSK talked about flossing, and mentioned water picks.

    • Anyone got any recommendations they can share?
    • How much should I be spending?
    • Any reasons for or against?
    Stuck at loading screen this morning :(

    Noticed a brief message about Blizzard being DDoS'd as I signed in?

    Google Domains to shut down Google Domains to shut down

    The world’s 3rd most popular domain registrar has been sold to Squarespace – but Google didn’t notify customers just yet. When could this happen, and why is Google silent?

    Google Domains to shut down

    I'm still in disbelief having heard this for the first time today.

    Reddit lazynooblet
    GitHub - lazynooblet/reddit-nuke: Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, and delete all posts GitHub - lazynooblet/reddit-nuke: Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, and delete all posts

    Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, and delete all posts - GitHub - lazynooblet/reddit-nuke: Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, ...

    GitHub - lazynooblet/reddit-nuke: Python script with docker build to edit and then delete all comments, and delete all posts

    I made a thing, now it's your thing.

    lazynooblet lazynooblet
    Posts 20
    Comments 489