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TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Correct, at once. Like a teacher who is writing on something on the whiteboard while speaking.

    Or that scene in Minority Report in which Tom Cruise is going through videos/scenes/etc with his hands while saying things loud to himself.

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  • Symptoms of what?

    But anyway, the cool thing about the internet is that you can find your nice cozy niche and stay there.

    That's how the 90s internet was. If the megacorps want to be in here, fine. I'll just stay in Lemmy. And when Lemmy starts sucking, I'll move to somewhere else.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, yes, I can control the voice just like I can control my physical voice. Sometimes they'll be automatic, yes, but that's no different from your way of thinking while doing some chore, like washing dishes.

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Fantastic! Thank you for answering, and I have a similar process going on in my brain as well - but it's combined with "me talking" as well. For example, if I become aware of that "right hand side" investment section you described, I'd probably say' "ooh investing, maybe?"

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • I wish we could swap brains for five minutes. But what is "thinking" for you? Can you picture things in your mind? Moving objects? Suppose that you're looking for a spoon and open your silverware drawer, and it's unexpectedly filled with cotton candy. And you live alone! What goes through your head?! Because the first thing that goes through my head is surprise, followed by the phrase "what the fuck?!?!?!?!"

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • Interesting! In my case, if I remember all of a sudden that I have to do laundry tomorrow, but there's a conflict, then I'll "speak" in my mind, with my own voice, saying "oh shit, tomorrow I have Bob's party and I haven't done laundry yet - all my clothes are dirty!!" Well, maybe with not that many words. Maybe more like "Oh shit, I forgot! How do I solve this...?"

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • So, if I tell you "I'll give you $10,000 for you to spend in 24 hours. Spend 20 seconds to think about it," what goes through your head? Don't you hear anything like "shit, that's a lot of money?! Where to start, where to start..."?

    Don't you "have words" in your head to form thoughts?

  • TIL that some people do not have an inner voice and think in different nonverbal ways.
  • So, if you study a map of a building, noticing that it has a kitchen at a certain place, then in go inside the building (without the map), and someone says "go to the kitchen," how do you know where the kitchen is? How do you imagine the paths, rooms, hallways to follow?

    If I told you "a pink and brown dog," you can't "see" that dog in your mind at all?

  • I found a worm on my USB
  • I didn't downvote you, but I think you're assuming waaaay too much about OP's life circumstances. For al we know, he's an Argentinian teenage girl with an allowance, or a Vietnamese retired fisherman with no life savings.

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