langweiligeflunder @ langweiligeflunder Posts 1Comments 5Joined 2 wk. ago
Thanks again for the detailed explanation, I think there might indeed be some confusion on my side as I'm fairly new to the ecosystem.
There is also a way to pair devices with the HomeKit integration, and not directly through the Thread border router.
I'll definitely try this when I'm home, I didn't know you could pair devices via the HomeKit integration too. And yes, currently my blinds are connected via the Matter integration and the Thread Border Router/ZBT-1.
Thanks, I didn't know exposing controls was another thing for itself. The integration requires the blinds to be used with a bridge, however I was always able to use the blinds without one directly over Thread. What I don't get is why the controls have been working in Apple Home but don't in HA.
Ich finde Christoph Ploß genau wegen dieser Oberflächlichkeit bzw. dem populistischen Anstrich mancher Äußerungen so unendlich unangenehm - gut dass die CDU in Hamburg in der Opposition rumgammelt
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