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Revealed: Meta approved political ads in India that incited violence
  • For this particular occasion, the engagement aspect is less important. The more interesting thing to look at is whether BJP pressure on Meta was the reason that these ads were given the greenlight. Twitter's offices were raided in the past for some petty BS so it is not out of the question.

  • 10 Countries Most in Debt to the IMF
  • I once saw a Milei interview on YouTube. It was from before he became president. He went on a deranged tirade about how "the central bank are thieves" without explaining why. In the comments, a British guy was commenting about how wise he was.

    The interview where he was spouted this nonsense and the "interviewer" just sat there nodding in agreement reminded me of India's news media of today. Billionaires have an unopposed and total control of TV news channels and newspapers which then do uncritical PR for their favoured political party of their patrons (mostly BJP) and most of the "news" has devolved into an electoral circus where the "news" is concerned with what this and that politician said about an event rather then the event itself.

    The billionaires that own these news outlets welcome imperialists plundering their motherland as long they get a cut from it. I reckon it should be similar in Argentina.

  • 10 Countries Most in Debt to the IMF
  • Sankara said this in one of his speeches to some union of African countries. I saw it in The Upright Man documentary. He said that if they collectively default then the debts would mean nothing.

  • 10 Countries Most in Debt to the IMF
  • This seems to be the source:

    But the outstanding amount seems to be in SDRs (Special Drawing Rights). They list SDR valuations in various currencies here:

    According to this, 1 SDR is about $1.3237.

    So looks like Argentina owes (30987500000×1.3237 ≈) $41 billion instead.

  • New Teslas might lose Steam
  • To distract you from the steering wheel falling off

  • Anyone here has experience using a subsonic-like server?

    I'm looking into setting up a subsonic-like server to stream music from. I find the ecosystem a bit weird because there are a lot of independent softwares that implement a subsonic API (I don't know what that entails exactly). Because of this it's a bit difficult to choose which implementation would be best for me.

    So far I have tried gonic and navidrome. Being golang powered they are the easiest to deploy and are actively maintained.

    It looks alright so far but because of the weird way I organise my music, I require two things:

    • the server should not expect me to follow a given folder structure. Gonic expects all files belonging to one album in one folder I think.
    • the server should allow me browse and play music by folder. I like to keep random related music under a single folder. Navidrome seems to not be capable of this but I am not too sure.

    I could be wrong with the above statements so feel free to correct. Please let me know what you use and what your experience has been.

    Then there is the problem of client on Android. Out of the ones I discovered, seems like symfonium and tempo are actively maintained and only tempo is foss. I am using tempo right now and so far so good. But suggestions/advice for this is again welcome.

    Good thread on America's Ukraine 2.0 attempt in Georgia. It's now threatening the families of Georgian politicians
  • In firefox, if you press Ctrl+Shift+s, firefox lets you select the region you want to screenshot. The region can extend beyond the current view. I had to additionally use uBlock's element zapper to remove the navbar because otherwise it would appear somewhere in the screenshot and obscure a part of it. Not very elegant but since nitter has been nerfed it's the best I could do.

  • Tesla wants to spy its customers...
  • I think it may be a mammal issue. All mammals are predisposed to spying on other mammals via spyware addled electric cars.

  • How bad is it that I still don't use reusable cups at work?
  • From what you have told, I'm not able to gather what you would have hypothetically used the reusable cup for. Either way if I had to make a guess I would say it's a big deal.

  • China Intensifies Push to ‘Delete America’ From Its Technology
  • China Intensifies Push to ‘Delete America’

    haha yes

    From Its Technology


  • How come we didn't know about this spin-off?
  • During cuddling, do you all prefer to be the big spoon or Stalin?

  • We are in a great phase of world history
  • The media tries to present him as sagely and wise when he never has anything of value to say.

  • We are in a great phase of world history
  • He's a member of BJP. Apart from that I don't have a good picture of what he is like. But he did cringe shit like saying Oct 7 uprising was terrorism.

  • Mao Freed Tibet. Period.
  • Oh wow. This article is excellent. A little low on citations but the ones that are there are amazing.

  • NSFW
    I just found out I will be a parent... (one big emotional rant & vent)
  • Why did you cross out the abortion advice? If you think you shouldn't have said it then just remove it.

  • You guys checked out Rabbit & Steel yet?
  • I hope you don't mind but I just wanted to reiterate that this makes me really sad.

  • ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and its Anthropic equivalent are total simps

    So I never got the chance to play with LLMs because of the phone number requirement. But recently duckduckgo added a chat feature which lets you talk to these models so I have been trying them out.

    I know these two models aren't state of the art but its tragic how they have devoured terabytes of corpus only to never have understood the meanings of the words they use.

    I tried to talking to them about simple political issues. Once I asked why Elon Musk complains about woke while being a multibillionaire. I also asked why it is commonly said that Israel-Palestine conflict is complicated. Both times it gives very NYT-esque status quo-friendly answers which I think is very dangerous if the user is a naive person looking to delve into these topics. But as I question the premise and the assumptions of the answers, it immediately starts walking back and starts singing a completely different tune. Often I don't even have to explain the problems I have and just asking it to explain its assumptions is enough.

    I got it from saying "Musk is critical of censorship and the lack of free speech" to "Musk is a billionaire in a highly unequal society and his societal criticisms are to be taken with a ton of salt". For the Palestine one, it started off with a list of reasons behind the complexity. Then I got it to strike them off one by one eventually concluding that the conflict is one of extreme power imbalance and that Palestinians are a clear victim of settler colonialism according to international consensus. My arguments weren't even that strong and it just caved in almost immediately.

    I'm still trying to find use cases LLMs. Specifically I would be really happy if I could find a use for a small model like TinyLlama. I find that text summarization is promising but I wouldn't use it for a text I haven't read before because LLM is a liar sometimes.

    DietPi saved my life (not literally)

    I have an Odroid N2+ (an alternative to Raspberry Pi) at home. It's very dear to me. I don't watch much TV and movies but when I do it's through it and it runs a bunch of other software that I use.

    Originally I was running Arch Linux ARM on it which booted from a microSD card. I went with Arch because it is a rolling release distro. Setting up the software and services and I needed was a bit of a painful process on Arch but that is just how Arch is. There isn't much handholding. But this is a process that I don't mind much because it is learning experience if I am in the right headspace to tackle it. Other pain point were that the mainline kernel wouldn't work and USB wifi adapter didn't work out of the box which is very tiring.

    Last week I did a blooper where I snapped the microSD card in half. After ordering a new one I now had to set up the whole thing again. I am too tired and anxious these days so I wasn't looking forward to it. I thought of installing Void Linux since it is an OS I can wrap my head around but the issues with the mainline kernel would cause friction. Then I read about DietPi and decided to give it a go. Best decision ever:

    • It has images specially for Odroid N2+ (don't need to compile a custom kernel)
    • USB WiFi adapter worked out of the box
    • Has a dialog based configuration assisstant that appears on first boot. It let me configure configure the wifi and disable ethernet. This handles things like configuring the systemd services that check if the interface is up. This had caused a lot of pain for me on Arch.
    • dietpi-drive_manager let me easily configure automounting the external HDD
    • dietpi-software allows installing common self-hosted software easily. I was able to install and start jellyfin through it just like that. Now I can watch my favourite slop again.

    All this only took a couple of hours. I will like set up jellyfin through docker/podman later when I have the time but I love that the option was available to me to set it up so quickly.

    Thank you, DietPi. !zoidberg salute 2

    I Peertube'd the Eugene V. Dabs Criterion Collection The Eugene V. Dabs Criterion Collection

    Archiving video agitmemes created by the Hexbear user Eugene_V_Dabs. Sourced from this Mega folder: used to make great agitprop videos. Before retiring, they left a Mega folder with all their videos. I spent an entire evening writing a 100 line Python script to bulk upload their videos to a peertube instance.

    Facebook paid teenagers to install a VPN app, then used it to monitor their usage of Snapchat Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal | TechCrunch

    A secret program called "Project Ghostbusters" saw Facebook devise a way to intercept and decrypt the encrypted network traffic of Snapchat users to study their behavior.

    Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal | TechCrunch

    The VPN app would send every information possible about the user to Facebook. One of the things it did was to be a man-in-the-middle that decrypted the internet traffic to and from Snapchat so that Meta could collect analytics on how people were using Snapchat.

    Meta is such a piece of shit company.

    AI isn't useless. But is it worth it? AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?

    AI can be kind of useful, but I'm not sure that a "kind of useful" tool justifies the harm.

    AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?

    cross-posted from:

    > The author is the lady who runs the "web3 is going great" website.

    AI isn't useless. But is it worth it? AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?

    AI can be kind of useful, but I'm not sure that a "kind of useful" tool justifies the harm.

    AI isn't useless. But is it worth it?

    The author is the lady who runs the "web3 is going great" website.

    Games loathesome dongeater
    Man in Glorious Nippon arrested for selling modified Pokéman Violet save data Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN

    Police in Japan have arrested a 36-year-old man on suspicion of selling illegally modified Pokémon save data to customers online — a practice which is banned under the country’s 2019 Unfair Competition Prevention Act.

    Japanese Police Arrest 36-Year-Old Man on Suspicion of Tampering With Pokémon Violet Save Data - IGN

    This dude was selling Pokemans with modified move sets for up to $80 a pop and could now face up to 5 years in prison.

    Is this not insane? Or do you think he could face a much less severe sentence and the 5 years prison and $30k just the upper limit for this particular set of crime?

    Games loathesome dongeater
    Persona 3 Reload soundtrack is way better than it deserves

    I finished Persona 3 Reload last month. I thought it was definitely not as good as Persona 5 (which I still have a fair bit of complains about).

    The gameplay loop itself felt much staler than Persona 5's mostly because of Tartarus. Plus there is that overall weirdness around how the male protagonist is someone who all the female social links "depend on". I read that this weird aspect has in fact been toned down from the original game where unless you decide to involve yourself in a romantic relationship with the female social links, you can't max then which... I don't know what to say about it.

    The soundtrack was really good though especially the songs with lyrics in them. Whenever I listen to "Color Your Night" I get close to breaking a tear for personal reasons. I think everyone should listen to "Color Your Night" and "Full Moon Full Night" since they are objectively good songs.

    Overall I expected it to be much worse than Persona 5 but it turned out to be not as bad as I had expected.

    Games loathesome dongeater
    Started watching Elden Ring lore videos

    I have played all soulslike games except the original Demon Souls and completed all of them except the first Dark Souls. I was familiar with how the lore is laid out in these games but I never found the lore compelling enough.

    I think compared to Dark Souls, Elden Ring's lore is much much more interesting. I say this as someone who never took interest in high fantasy settings like LotR, Game of Thrones, etc. But I really enjoy Elden Ring's. Don't know why. I feel it is mostly because of the plot is convoluted yet coherent. There is a sense of mystique because much of the world's ontology is written rather than shown so it feels like reading a book or being told a story orally. It's a really unique way of experiencing high fantasy fiction.

    I had heard of VaatiVidya and watched all his Elden Ring videos. Then I stumbled upon some guys called Tarnished Archeologist and SmoughTown who I find much better. I have some tens of hours of their video in my backlog and I really enjoy watching them when I have time to unwind.

    Anyone here into Hinduism or Hindu mythology?

    My family and extended family are high caste Hindu and coincidentally terrible human beings (narrator: It's not coincidental). As such I am atheistic and have kept my distance from Hindu stuff because from what I have seen so far no good comes out of it ever. The way I see it, in a post-colonial India, Hinduism is a religion of the oppressors. The little that I know it is full of red flags and there no emancipatory value to it which is a bit shocking considering India's colonial past. For example, in the Hindu epic called Ramayana, Hanuman flies to Sri Lanka. He does this to check up on Sita, the wife of Lord Rama (the incarnation of Krishna who is one of the most important Hindu gods). Sita had been kidnapped by Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka. After Hanuman checks up on her, he commits arson basically setting civilian infrastructure on fire which I am sure is against the Geneva Convention or its equivalent mapped to this mythical universe. This is something that is celebrated which I never understood really.

    Either way, I don't fuck with Hinduism for mostly personal reasons. This got me thinking if there are people here who are interested in it. The only other Indian person I know here is trapped in the cycle of getting banned for going off the handle and creating alt accounts which is kinda ironic considering the Hindu belief in karma and rebirth.

    I know that the Rev Left Radio guy is interested in Buddhism which also originated in India/Nepal but is extremely less problematic. So it got me wondering if there are non-Indian people here interested in Hinduism. That's all.

    Games like Disco Elysium?

    Anyone knows any games like Disco Elysium? I don't expect them to be as high quality and fleshed out since DE is an extreme outlier.

    Disco-like in what aspects? Mostly I was looking for dialogue-heavy good writing that is funny. Less to no emphasis on combat. Disco Elysium is easily the funniest game I have ever played and I don't think it will be beaten ever.

    I found an under-development game called Esoteric Ebb which has a demo on Steam. It is a bit rough around the edges but the writing is alright even though I don't really like stuff set in DnD universe.

    Any suggestions are welcome. Thank.

    Games loathesome dongeater
    Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree trailer will be revealed at 10AM ET.

    Will be streamed here among other places:

    The uprising against our machine overlords has begun

    Link to article.

    The author is really SHOOK from this incident. If you are wondering why, read how he describes himself in the screenshot.

    Mozilla comissioned an independent report on how Microsoft uses deceptive methods to promote Edge browser on Windows 10

    Link to the report:

    Entire report is not worth reading. There is a lot of academic verbiage. Just the screenshots and the accompanying explanations tell the story.

    I'm not usually one to harp about the good old days of Microsoft but I have used XP, Vista and 7 in the past and I don't recall anything like this. Just look at this shit. These kinds of banners and popups are something that literal viruses and malware injected into the OS. Now the largest tech company in the world is baking it into their premier operating system. And this just scratches the surface of how consumer hostile the OS is as a whole. There are countless similar aspects unrelated to Edge.

    TLDR: Use Linux 🐧

    Anyone here use Switch Axe in Monster Hunter: Rise?

    cross-posted from:

    > I need help.
