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Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation
  • I could see them not letting you directly search anymore, only through the LLM bot. Because that's been how things have been going anyway, Google seems to fully ignore literal searches with quote marks now, presumably because it doesn't fit their vision of using natural (imprecise) language. So why not make the LLM write the search query for you in a completely opaque way?

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • I definitely have.

  • Mother Gaia and Humans
  • Papa Nurgle moment

  • local warzone
  • You are correct!

  • I'm with McCoy here
  • I really liked that for how it allowed for interesting story telling. The clones can die without actually sacrificing the characters but there's still fairly high stakes because the originals won't know what happened while their opponents do.

    Really sucks that the show got cancelled, especially on that huge cliffhanger.

  • I'm with McCoy here
  • Good news: Transporters in Star Trek do transmit matter, not just data. There is no original that dies.

  • local warzone
  • It is telling you to eat that deadly mushroom though.

  • Jolla's Sailfish OS is moving to a subscription model, new phone (and a privacy-focused AI device) coming soon - Liliputing
  • I had a Jolla smart phone, it was pretty great but it also quickly became apparent that the company had no real intention to make Sailfish the Android-compatible, open and privacy-friendly OS I was hoping it'd be. Selling licenses to customers to put the OS on third party hardware really killed it for me.

    Kinda surprised they are still around, but I guess knowing the right magical words to whisper to investors is a good enough business strategy. They've done it with blockchain, now it's AI.

  • Learn how to count with Bill Gates
  • Windows NP(OAFY)

  • Learn how to count with Bill Gates
  • I wonder if they will call the next versions 12 and especially 13. Alternative names:

    • Windows AI (because all those new features are so transformative)
    • Windows Azure Blue, Red and Yellow (Home and Pro, neither allowing local accounts, also Enterprise where non-hybrid AD still kinda works)
    • Windows Edge 20XX (everything has to use cloud computing terms!)
    • Windows. Just Windows. (four years later: Windows 2 announced!)
  • has black mesa made a statement?
  • And when the boss finds out about that ground-breaking research he'll probably want to make an even better gay bomb with it.

  • Nazi Propagandist Nick Fuentes Caught on Stream Watching Gay Porn
  • It's possible he was capturing his entire screen instead of just some window, then forgot to turn off whatever software he uses. It's definitely possible.

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • Don't hold your breath, 10 already broke the pattern IMO and all I hear about 12 is that they will cram "AI" into everything. Windows the operating system is dead, replaced by Windows the sales platform.

  • Old XKCD, still relevant
  • I like tar xaf (eXtract All Files) better.

  • „Das wird alles noch zu einem Riesenproblem“: ZDF Wetter-Moderator Özden Terli ist besorgt
  • Es kotzt mich so an wenn ich so etwas vom örtlichen ÖR lese:

    Hoch "Uwe" beschert weiter sommmerliche Tenmperaturen. Sollte Bremen die 27-Grad-Marke knacken, wäre das ein neuer Wärmerekord für das laufende Jahr. Die Wetterlage macht richtig Lust auf Eis und Freibad. Und zumindest bei den Temperaturen sieht es für die kommenden Tage richtig gut aus. Sie bleiben bei mehr als 20 Grad, auch über das Wochenende hinaus.

    Ja, soooo toll, können wir bitte die Erwähnung von Eis und Freibad in Wetterberichten verbieten? Die meisten Leute können nicht einfach den ganzen Tag faul im Wasser herumdümpeln. Und ja, "sommmerliche Tenmperaturen" steht da wirklich.

    Weniger gut sieht es allerdings beim Thema Sonne und Regen aus. Die Sonne bleibt uns zwar die kommenden Tage weitgehend erhalten, aber wir müssen mit einigen Eintrübungen rechnen.

    Ab morgen Nachmittag drohen vereinzelt Schauer und Gewitter, heißt es vom ARD-Wetterkompetenzzentrum. Dazu kommen auch immer wieder Wolken und ein bisschen Wind. Wer also am Wochenende draußen unterwegs sein möchte oder eine Grill-Party plant, für den lohnt sich ein regelmäßiger Blick aufs Wetterradar.

    Oh nein, es könnte abkühlen, wie furchtbar. Wie bescheuert sind die eigentlich? Müssen die nicht arbeiten? Sind das Roboter?

  • Removed
    Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Making the question so inflammatory is a double edged sword, you reach a larger audience, but you’re way more likely to drive people from your cause.

    It is so inflammatory that it reads as intentional trolling to me. Same energy as "Islam is right about women". The question wasn't proposed to generate any sort of insight, it's just to stoke the flames.

  • Son, we need to have a serious talk!
  • Please keep in mind that this is one columnist writing clickbait, not the entirety of women.

  • Calculus made easy
  • Yep, my issue is with the presentation, not the actual content. I've also experience my share of elitism from people who seem to think that you either get it or are too stupid/lazy, there couldn't possibly also be an issue with the teaching methods and notation.

  • Calculus made easy
  • Algebraic notation breaks just about every rule programmers are taught about keeping their code human readable. For example:

    • Variable and function names should be descriptive
    • Don't cram everything into one line
    • Break up large statements
    • Consistency is key
    • Don't be fancy for fancy's sake, don't over-optimize (this is for learning, remember?)
    • Add in-line comments for lines that aren't easily grasped
    • Be explicit where possible (it's a convention to omit the multiplication operator when multiplying variables because variables are only one letter anyway...)

    And then we force kids to cram the whole stdlib (or rather its local bastardization) into their heads or at best give them intentionally bad (uncommented) documentation during exams while wondering why so many just don't seem to get it, even resent it.

  • kshade kshade
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