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US military says Chinese fighter jet came within 10 feet of B-52 bomber over South China Sea
  • Yeah, I am comparing linear distance to surface area, but if we call that 66 mile distance a diameter, were talking about roughly 3500 sq miles...which is a rounding error compared to the vastness of the south china sea.

    The south china sea is longer than it is wide, but even at its narrowest width between Phillipines and Vietnam, it's over 550 miles across. That's just incomparable to the distance between Florida and Cuba. Anything between Florida and Cuba is figuratively parked right in USA's backyard.

    I legit tried to find the exact location of this latest aerial encounter between China fighter pilot and allied forces aircraft (because you're right, that's relevant) but couldn't find it...the info must either be classified or intentionally censored.

  • Boeing says it can’t make money with fixed-price contracts
  • I don't think they suck at forecasting...I think they are probably exceptional at forecasting but willfully lie about project costs when submitting bids for projects in order to come under the competition and win the contract. There doesn't seem to be any penalties for this, so why would they stop?

  • Trump vows to end ‘madness’ of EV push
  • That's what I assumed but didn't know, so thanks for confirming. What do you think that line I quoted from the article is trying to imply then?

    As a Michigan voter, does Trump's vow to "end 'madness' of EV push" persuade you in some way?

  • Professor Caught Using ChatGPT When Scientific Paper Was Full of Errors
  • Brandolini's law, aka the "bullshit asymmetry principle" : the amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.

    Unfortunately, with the advent of large language models like ChatGPT, the quantity of bullshit being produced is accelerating and is already outpacing the ability to refute it.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • True. And yet Cloudflare has to maintain its own army of lawyers to defend the constant barrage of lawsuits against Cloudflare claiming that they are facilitating copyright infringement. The average salary for 'Associate Legal Counsel" at companies like Cloudflare is about US $303,400. (source is Cloudflare themselves: )...and that's just one of many. They are literally paying MILLIONS of US Dollars a year to defend against that. You think the admins for Lemmy.World have that kind of pocket change?

    Also, "caches" are temporary in nature and are different from permanent local copies (which is the model employed by lemmy). There is a technical difference, and even with that technical difference, Cloudflare still gets sued all the time for it.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • It depends on the jurisdiction. In the United States, we have the DMCA which has been weaponized by content creators and publishers, but we also have a "safe harbors" provision to the DMCA that is supposed to protect online service providers from being liable for copyright infringement based on the actions of their users - as long as they meet certain provisions and restrictions and perform certain duties and dilligence. And yet even with that in place, it does not stop content providers from suing service providers and forcing those service providers to incur the pain and expense of mounting a legal defense.

    I am pretty sure that admin team are European and that the instance is hosted somewhere in Europe, so they would have their own jurisdictional laws to follow.

    TL/DR: even if a service provider is technically protected from the actions of their users it is still subject to provisions and conditions, and that still doesn't stop them from being sued and having to mount a defense. Some people just don't feel the hassle of all that justifies the whatever benefits they'd gain from fighting that fight.

    Certainly you've heard of 'The Pirate Bay', who's 'users' famously used their platform to share copyrighted materials...the founders of The Pirate Bay were arrested, tried, and convicted, and were forced to serve jail time. Turns out the "but it was our user's doing it" defense wasn't as reliable as everyone here seems to be suggesting.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how federation works and either don't know or don't realize that content is replicated across instances that are federated with each other by virtue of users subscribing to it.

    If you are a user subscribed to a piracy community on another instance, then that content is replicated and hosted locally on also. You've never noticed how you can access content that originated on a foreign federated instance and still be able to access that content when the federated instance is down? That content physically resided on the instance until it was blocked.

  • Deep-pocketed dairy industry continues war on plant-based milk as FDA hears comments on new draft guidance
  • They are deep-pocketed, and they may be participating in a war, but certain words have technical definitions that are important to maintain when it comes to substances we ingest. Labeling anything as "milk" that did not come from the mammary glands of a mammal is technically wrong. Labeling anything as "mayonnaise" that isn't produced using poultry eggs is technically wrong. Labeling anything as "cheese" that isn't made from milk (see milk definition earlier) is technically wrong. Regardless of how evil you think these corporations are...they're not wrong in this case.

  • Did really block the pirate communities? Totally unacceptable if so
  • No. There was no defederation. is the public list of which foreign instances are federated with or blocked. LemmyWorld is federated with dbzer0 still. did ban multiple piracy-related communities from both local and foreign instances, and you can see that activity in LemmyWorld's public modlog here: . Filter by action = "removing communities" to quickly find the mod actions.

  • Is it legal to be out in public in just underwear?
  • This doesn't invalidate my earlier statement that citizens are still subject to city ordinances.

    There are around 20,000 cities and municipalities in the United States, most of them have public-nudity/indecent-exposure laws.

    You successfully made the point that the legality of city ordinances can be challenged in higher courts (and even sometimes overturned) but the reality is that most people have neither the funding nor the time nor the expertise to take that up....which means ultimately you're still subject to a city/municipality ordinances as well as state and federal.

    In 2017, Tagami v City of Chicago, the US Court of appeals for 7th Circuit ruled 2-1 that the city's public nudity ordinance did not violate the complainant's rights and upheld the lower court decisions (which meant that City of Chicago's ordinance remained intact and validated as enforceable by the city).

    At the end of the day, yes you do have to be cognizant of the ordinances/codes of the city in question and cannot rely on State/Federal law alone.

  • Why doesn't lemmy show communities in the 'all' section unless people from your server are already subscribed to him?
  • Then they can ask.

    When a new/casual user is looking at https://[instance]/communities, with the "ALL" button selected, why would it ever occur to them that they would need to ask others if that really is all the communities communities?

  • Why doesn't lemmy show communities in the 'all' section unless people from your server are already subscribed to him?
  • This is a solution for 1 single person. It doesn't solve the greater problem that the experience is VERY inconsistent for new users depending on whether they got lucky and first joined a large instance or if they got unlucky and joined a small instance. It also doesn't retroactively repair the horrible first experience that new users have with lemmy.

    What you offered really isn't an solution as much as it is mansplaining...and that's not really helpful at all when what we're talking about here are the perceptions of new users.

  • Why doesn't lemmy show communities in the 'all' section unless people from your server are already subscribed to him?
  • You are obviously speaking from the privilege of someone not only familiar with how lemmy works, and who understands the difference and pros/cons of joining a large vs small instance and can probably even name a bunch, but also someone who knows of obscure tools and github repos that host those tools. What prevents users from switching using that obscure tool you referenced is that most users never heard of it and didn't know it even existed. You are using the argument that new and casual users should have god-level knowledge and understanding...which is exactly the point I'm trying to argue against. Casual and new users don't know what they don't know. They don't know what other communities are out there and they don't know that when they view "all" that they aren't seeing them. Think about this from the perspective of someone who doesn't know what you know.

    Regarding your argument about NSFW and foreign language search results....that already happens now when users of your instance have subscribed to those things. You can't argue that it would become a problem when it's already happening right now. If it really was the problem that you think it is, then the solution would be to mimic what every other search tool figured out three decades ago and put an option to exclude nsfw results when viewing/searching "all" communities. It's already possible for communities to flag themselves as NSFW, and it's already possible for communities to designate their community language setting, it would make sense that those options be presented to users for filtering. These filtering options are things we need now regardless of whether search results come from actual-all or subset-all. I'm just suggesting that "all" mean "actual all".

    But, just for fun, let's steelman your claim that it would be technologically infeasible for "all" to be "all fediverse" as opposed to a subset of just what this server's users subscribe to (it's absolutely not technologically infeasible, but lets pretend it is) - even it that scenario, they should at least change up the UI for the communities page to make it clear that when the user selects "all" that they aren't really getting all - it should be made clear what the user is actually getting, which is "local, plus foreign content that is subscribed to locally". It simply is not truly "all", so presenting it as "all" is only leading to more confusion about what the users are seeing.

  • A Gen Xer's Thoughts on Strange New Worlds
  • TottalIy agree. i was not impressed with season 1 of Picard. I forced myself to watch season 2 and I almost just quit watching mid season - it just felt like they lost the magic. I wasn't even going to watch season 3, but then I heard about all the cameos and thought it would be nice to see the old gang back together and it turned out to be the best season of the bunch. Still, Strange New Worlds is lightyears better, imo.

  • if something happened to the black hole at the center of our galaxy, could we know about that problem before it affected us?

    We know that light and even gravitational waves propagate at the speed of light.

    So if something catastrophic happened to the black hole at the center of our galaxy (about 26,000 lightyears away), would there be any way for us to have advance knowledge of it before we could observe it with telescopes or before we could measure the gravitational changes?

    Ludicrous example: say the black hole at the center of the galaxy disappeared 25,999 years ago. Is there a way we would have known about it by now, or do we just have to wait out another year to see if we're all screwed?

    Honda Element - A place for owners and fans of the mighty Honda Element to discuss all topics related to the vehicle Honda Element -

    A place for owners and fans of the mighty Honda Element to discuss all topics related to this vehicle. Rules 1. Follow the rules of - These rules are the same as’s rules, which can be found here []. 2. No advertising or blatant self-promotion. A...

    Honda Element -

    Some vehicles just need their own special place, and the Honda Element is one of those vehicles.

    Honda Element - On Lemmy.World


    Is there a way to quickly collapse an expanded NSFW photo?

    Im guilty of accasionally expanding an NSFW photo to satisfy curiosity, but once it's open I can't figure out how to collapse it again without scroling past it a bit. Is this the only way or am I missing an easier gesture to re-collapse it?

    Elon Musk's sparring partner shares training photos ahead of cage match with Zuckerberg: 'Extremely impressed' Elon Musk's sparring partner shares training photos ahead of cage match with Zuckerberg: 'Extremely impressed'

    Twitter owner Elon Musk has officially begun training for his cage match with Meta's Mark Zuckerberg as his training partner shared photos of their session online.

    When I saw the first news of this broke a week ago, I thought it was all a big joke, but this seems to be becoming more realistic.

    Hope this qualifies for "Technology" since it's two very influential people in the technology industry about to possibly abandon technology and get medieval.

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