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The system is rotten to its core
  • Its pretty simple, what is the greatest way to make money (as a corporation) under capitalism. The answer is either to charge exorbitant prices on essential goods (ex: food, housing, medicine, healthcare, etc) or to mass produce weapons of war. Either way the true cost paid for the wealth of the capitalists is always the blood of the workers.

  • rule
  • I have personally been called slurs in my school and been forced to explain why I don't deserve death for "invoking gods wrath which will cause the death of humanity" (the great sin is being Asexual).

  • Open all borders
  • When Liberals ask me "so you support completely open borders" yes and completely unironically. Borders are a form of violence by the state, there was a time in American history before closed boarders and there will be a time after.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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