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Switching from MacOS to Linux

Hello software-savvy Hexbears, I am a person who knows basically nothing about Linux and I’m looking to switch over. I have an M1 macbook (I know, very bourgeois) and I’m not looking to get new hardware. Which Linux distribution should I choose, and what’s the best way to migrate my data over without data loss?

I’m also looking to pirate games once I switch to Linux, so a distribution good for g@ming is preferred.

"Meat spill" forces 4-hour closure of I-880 northbound lanes in Oakland
  • The scale and cruelty of animal agriculture is staggering. Go vegan, comrades.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you. I already pointed this out on another hexbear post about 4B, but this movement is explicitly extremely transmisogynistic and they are not trying to hide it. If we're trying to be a trans-friendly space this is not something we should be supporting.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • I would maybe edit my own original comment to say that radfems engage in "gender essentialism" more broadly because it's not always necessarily bioessentialism, though of course bioessentialism is a huge part of gender essentialism. And yeah, I totally feel you on how this whole thing always becomes about cis men's feelings.

    I should also clarify that I put "hates men" in quotes just because I know that a lot of chuds claim that feminists hate men when they don't actually hate men, they're just angry at patriarchy. I know what you're talking about with the whole over-the-top "kill all men" takes though, and those are definitely gender essentialist, and the material effects of those statements are directed towards transfems and non-transfem AMAB nonbinary folks rather than cis men. Intersectional feminism and transfeminism are the way to go!

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • (Totally did not mean to delete my last comment, it was a complete accident, so I'll just rewrite it as best as I remember it.)

    Oh no I totally understand, that is what I meant by "enforcing patriarchal bioessentialism + cissexism" if it wasn't clear! Gender essentialism is really harmful and antithetical to feminism, as it relies on upholding misogynistic views rather than challenging them (like when TERFs argue that trans women shouldn't compete with cis women using misogynistic ideas of women as "weaker".)

    I am totally not an advocate for political lesbianism or radical feminism, and please let me know what parts of my phrasing made you uncomfortable, I'll edit them and do some self-crit. And I definitely need to pick up Whipping Girl soon.

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Permanently Deleted

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Oh another thing for the "misandry is totally real it's just not systemic" people: "misandry" as a term is itself antifeminist. It's a manosphere and mra chud term that manosphere and mra chuds use as a weapon against feminists. As a comparison: you can say that "all lives matter" has a literal meaning outside the context of its use as a reactionary dogwhistle, but in the real world that's the way its used and you can't separate it from that use. Find me a place where "misandry" is discussed as a serious thing that isn't a reactionary space. You can't, but good luck. Ironically, the idea of "misandry" is weaponized against women in a misogynistic way by denying them even the ability to express anger at their oppression. If you're going to go to bat for the idea of "misandry" as a real, coherent issue, even if you add the caveat that it's not the same as misogyny, just know that you're going to bat on the side of manosphere and mra chuds.

    Women who do actually "hate men" would not hate men if men did not systemically oppress them in every aspect of life. This shit doesn't exist in a pool of neutral generalized bigotry that could be theoretically directed anywhere and just happens to be worse towards women. We live in a world that oppresses women. And a world in which reactionaries have always tried to discredit feminism by painting it as being motivated by hatred towards men. (And don't bother bringing up TERFs/radfems, who direct their "hatred of men" towards being misogynistic towards trans women and enforcing patriarchal bioessentialism + cissexism.)

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • there are definitely a few others in this thread who deserve it internet-delenda-est

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • Do none of you people arguing for the existence of misandry understand that “a woman was mean to me once” is not in any way remotely comparable to the systematic undervaluing of women as people for the benefit of men. If you’re a man and you ever feel the need to express a hot take on how misandry totally is a real problem, you have to remember first that you are benefitting from patriarchy right now whether you know it or not and like it or not.

  • The Mall — Time Vehicle Earth (2022) [EBM]
  • I haven't seen that performance before, thanks for sharing it with me it's so good!

  • The Mall — Time Vehicle Earth (2022) [EBM]
  • I realize that I’ve posted 3 albums from 2022 in a row. I swear I listen to music from other years too lol

  • Crisis Party — Welcome to the Party (2022) [melodic punk] Crisis Party "Welcome To The Party" 1. Warble 2. Exist 3. Numbers 4. Surface 5. Aching

    Crisis Party "Welcome To The Party"
    Crime of Passing - Crime of Passing (2022), post-punk Crime of Passing - Crime of Passing (2022 / full album)

    Post punk from Cincinnati, Ohio. Released April 22, 2022 on Feel It Records and Future Shock Recordings. Bandcamp: 00:00 Off My Shoulder 03:18 Damrak 07:11 Tender Fixation 09:23 Vision Talk 13:16 Hunting Knife 16:48 Interlude 17:44 World ...

    Crime of Passing - Crime of Passing (2022 / full album)
    They're Confucinizing our children!!!
  • God I miss China. Haven’t gone back since before the pandemic, which was also before I became a communist.

  • China is genociding genocide!
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Erasing Uyghur Identity Through Food By Teaching Them How To Cook Basic Chinese Breakfast Food
  • Go to an Asian market and get some dried red chilis. They're great for adding a kick to stir-fries. You can break them up first, which will release more of their spiciness, or add them in whole. Just a few dried chilis isn't overpoweringly spicy but you can always add more depending on what level of spiciness you like. When stir-frying with them, stir fry them first with the rest of your aromatics before tossing in your vegetables or whatever you're using them. They should add a light spice and nice fragrance. If you like the Sichuan "numbing spicy" profile, add some Sichuan peppercorns.

    Another way I cook with chilis is julienning long green chilis and stir frying them with other stuff. With this, the spiciness level really depends on the chilis; some are mild while some (like the ones I used the other day haha) arehot. I sometimes make a variation on stir-fried potato strips, but with julienned green chilis instead of dried red chilis. I've also seen people use both dried chilis and fresh chilis in one dish.

    Spicy fermented bean paste is another super versatile sauce in the Sichuan flavor profile. Sometimes when I work with it, I like to lightly fry it beforehand, until the oil stains red. It tends to not be as immediately spicy, but it has its distinct, fermented flavor.

    I have a lot less experience with using them, but China also has varieties of pickled chilis. They're especially a staple in Guizhou cuisine. (Side note: I've been wanting to try to get my hands on some Guizhou-styled pickled chilis but because Guizhou food has a lot less international renown it's probably going to be pretty hard to get them where I am in the West, even with a good Asian market nearby as I am lucky to have.)

    In general, the provinces in China known for their spicy food are Sichuan, Guizhou, and Hunan. Sichuan is most famous for the "numbing spicy" profile. Hunan tends to be just straight spicy. Guizhou is known for using chilis in many creative ways and for maybe being the spiciest of them all (it's the birthplace of Lao Gan Ma, after all.) I once got gifted some homemade Guizhou fried chili oil by a family friend from Guizhou and in terms of spice level, Sichuan chili oil doesn't even come close. Also, my parents are from none of these places, but thanks to the internet and internal migration within China all of this stuff is increasingly shared across the country and diasporas. Just please don't expect me to dispense advice on how to make authentic Hunan food or whatever, I'm just your average mediocre Chinese home cook.

    (It also makes it this article funnier when you consider that a unified "Han cuisine" isn't a thing lol. There are certainly foods that have become popular across the country, but those all started as regional dishes or riffs thereupon. The idea that Dongbei cuisine is the same as Cantonese cuisine is hilarious tbh.)

    Hope this helps!

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • This has got to be the clunkiest way they could have phrased that title lmao

  • Erasing Uyghur Identity Through Food By Teaching Them How To Cook Basic Chinese Breakfast Food
  • That’s just communist China seeking to erase their unique cultural identities. A tried and true technique

  • Erasing Uyghur Identity Through Food By Teaching Them How To Cook Basic Chinese Breakfast Food
  • I, personally, love erasing people’s cultural heritage by sharing Chinese cooking tips. Did you know that you can make an easy and tasty braising sauce with equal parts soy sauce, cooking wine, and sesame oil? Perfect for tofu.

  • Petitions for clemency for two people on death row, set to be executed 2/28

    mutual_aid khizuo [ze/zir]
    Spreadsheet of Palestinian Fundraisers to Support Operation Olive Branch: "Adopt" a family in need!

    FAMILIES Announcements:,<a href="">CLICK HERE TO REFER A FAMILY</a>,LAST UPDATED: 2/16/24 <a href="">HEATING T...

    Operation Olive Branch: "Adopt" a family in need!

    OperationOliveBranch on tiktok has created a spreadsheet of GFMs from Palestinians who are trying to evacuate their families out of Gaza. They are asking folks to adopt a fundraiser to amplify on social media. Here is a way to directly help Palestinians, please support.

    art khizuo [ze/zir]
    [CW: mild gore, body horror, scopophobia] Stare (by me), Ink and wash

    [ID: A surrealist black-and-white ink piece showing a variety of strange creatures in shifting concrete blocks. Eyeballs are prominent, with many eyeballs rolling around, piling on top of each other in giant eye sockets looking out open 'windows', zippers in the concrete opening to reveal eyeballs, and eye sockets melting on top of each other over the edges of surfaces. In the top left is a shattered window, with a sculpture of a man with tree branches growing out of his head and a stack of three faces looking out. Below them is a concrete line of many windows, with a hybrid dolphin, snake, and terrier animal leaning out of an open window. The window next to that one is shattered, with eyeballs melting out. The dolphin/snake/terrier has one trunk-like arm stuck in a shallow metal channel with water flowing down it. Below that is another window, where several large eyes are looking out as well as a moose with. many small eyes holding an umbrella in their mouth with an eyeball skewered on it. In the middle right of the picture is a protruding concrete block hanging by two chains from another block on top. A door in this block opens and a veiny worm with a large eyeball on the end of it looks to be slithering out. There are two smaller windows over top of this protruding concrete block, one of which is taped up and another of which shows a woman on the sill with the skin of half of her face lifted up to reveal the organs beneath. All of these eyeballs and creatures are staring at a small person standing in the bottom left, who is in turn looking up at them. /end ID]

    khizuo khizuo [ze/zir]

    ze/zir pronouns.

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