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Sir crypto tips said to buy Monero
  • Don't buy Monero...

  • Ladybird browser is switching from C++ to Swift
  • Probably to be a cross platform wide-adopted browser is not the goal, and the author hopes to find a niche userbase amongst conservative macOS users to feed his narcissism.

  • Ladybird browser is switching from C++ to Swift
  • That project doesn't deserve the hype.

  • Banksy confirms piranhas are his seventh animal artwork in London
  • A usual city is consist from building, machines and people. They all seems to be a part of the bigger lifeless structure or mechanism. But Banksy's animals are dynamic and out of place. They looks like the only living beings in the city. Or rather they hint how it could be, because they are all just pictures and there is no place for real animals. But we often could see something like this in movies, so Banksy's animals touch this theme.

    People try to find author's meaning in each graffiti, but fail to see the whole thing, IMO.

  • Paying for direct movie downloads
  • but I do love owning my stuff digitally

    There was/is a solution but it is hated by the crowd.

  • kenkenken kenkenken
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