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No thumbnails when using Drive with rclone?
  • I'm currently using the binary from their GitHub repository (v1.64.2). The Proton Drive backend was added in 1.64.0.

  • No thumbnails when using Drive with rclone?

    It seems like when uploading pictures to Proton Drive via rclone instead of the web ui, the pictures' thumbnails never get generated. Has anybody found a way of triggering the thumbnail generation, without re-uploading everything?

    After all, why shouldn't I start a new game
  • You probably have missed stuff! When I started my second playthrough I couldn't believe how much more content there was. And I haven't even finished act 3 in either playthrough...

  • ActivityPub 1.0.0 released for WordPress
  • Cool, I hope this gets mass adopted, so that I can replace my RSS reader with my Mastodon account.

  • [OPINION] Gnome Online Accounts (Google)
  • I've been using Gnome for multiple years now and I don't plan on switching. Also love GOA in general for the simplicity and ease of use.


    I wish there was a generic WebDAV/caldav account type. I know you can integrate those using evolution, but why the extra steps? It seems like such a no-brainer considering there is already Nextcloud integration in place.

  • Jetzt doch? Fotos sollen schottisches Seeungeheuer Nessie zeigen
  • Stimmt, hast Recht. War mir beim drüberscrollen nicht aufgefallen, weil das wegen Datenschutz Gedöns ausgeblendet war.

  • Jetzt doch? Fotos sollen schottisches Seeungeheuer Nessie zeigen
  • Und dann zeigen sie nicht mal die besagten Fotos, lol.

  • Strange layout in bottom buttons
  • You can deactivate this text in the settings. I did the same because the German translation has the same issue.

  • Custom domain catch-all use
  • This is exactly how I use it. Basically, if you receive spam on you know exactly who sold/"lost" your address.

    One downside is that you cannot send from this address, but you usually don't need that anyway. And in the rare case that you do, you can just create an actual alias.

  • I want to exit, help!
  • This is your life now.

  • Hey Linux devs - Build a GUI or gtfo
  • Linux ist mostly used for servers, where you rarely need/have a graphical environment. A big part of development is making sure to keep the kernel safe and prevent endangering critical infrastructure.

    That said, I agree if Linux is to be adopted more widely as a desktop system, good graphical UI is crucial. It's just not the focus of most Linux devs.

  • Communities similar to r/dragonage?
  • Fair point, although ! seems to go fairly well, but the fact that it's a recent game is probably helping.

  • Communities similar to r/dragonage?
  • Will do!

  • Communities similar to r/dragonage?
  • For some reason I did not find this community before. I will try to contribute there. Thank you!

  • Communities similar to r/dragonage?

    Is anybody aware of lemmy communities similar to r/dragonage on reddit?

    What makes this subreddit stand out for me is the extensive discussion of the Dragon Age lore. It's is one of the few reasons I go back to reddit from time to time and I would love to find something similar on lemmy.

    (I thought about creating a community myself, but I first wanted to make sure, that I haven't missed something that already exists.)

    VintageDesktop kat
    Ubuntu 8.04 (?)

    Not the most spectacular screenshot, but we have to start somewhere ;-).

    This screenshot shows a captcha I got when trying to google something from the university network (around 2009).

    Other apps shown in the taskbar:

    • Pidgin buddy list + conversation
    • XMMS (music player, similar to Winamp)
    • Azureus (a BitTorrent-Client)
    • Gnome terminal
    Bad Kissingen: AfD-Politikerin kündigt Parteiaustritt an - NSDAP-Vergleich
  • Ich stimme Dir prinzipiell schon zu, dass man Aussteigern eine Chance geben sollte sich zu rehabilitieren. Aber ist sie wirklich ein "Aussteiger"? Für mich gehört da schon dazu, dass dann eine gewisse Selbstreflektion stattfindet, wodurch die (frühere) eigene politische Haltung kritisch hinterfragt wird. Einfach nur zu sagen "ich war ja schon immer anständig, aber jetzt ist mir aufgefallen, dass die anderen rechts sind" reicht mir da nicht. Sie gibt ja nicht mal zu, dass sie in irgendeiner Weise zum gesellschaftlichen und politischen Aufstieg dieser Leute beigetragen hat.

  • Bad Kissingen: AfD-Politikerin kündigt Parteiaustritt an - NSDAP-Vergleich
  • Das fällt ihr reichlich spät auf. Die AfD bewegt sich doch seit Jahren für alle sichtbar immer weiter nach rechts. Sich jetzt plötzlich zu empören und einen auf "anständig" zu machen wirkt auf mich ziemlich unglaubwürdig.

    Was auch immer sie jetzt kritisiert, sie hat es Jahrelang wissentlich mitgetragen.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th
  • Amongst others I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate 3 in coop mode.

    I absolutely love it (I'm also a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, so no surprise here).

    I just wish cut scenes wouldn't just start playing as soon as one of the players walks into them. Especially since the game is so dense with content (we are still relatively at the beginning though, maybe that changes later on).

    I know with most dialogs everybody has the option to listen, but often you're still going to miss the beginning of the conversation. A "wait for other players" button or something like that would be great.

    How do other people handle this?

  • Does anyone know what's going on with my jade plants?

    I have had this issue with my jade plants for several years. All leaves develop a scaly texture after a while. New leaves regrow green and healthy. Some smaller leaves quickly turn silver and just fall off. All of my jade plants have this, but none of my other succulents seem affected. It also doesn't kill the plants, they are all several years old.

    At first, I thought it might be sunburn since I have them under a grow light. But then the pattern on the larger leaves almost looks like something is eating through them. In addition, most images of sun burned jade plants I found online look a little bit different (the patches seem to be rounder and have a different texture).

    Could this be some sort of fungal infection?

    I found this old reddit thread which seems to be about the exact same issue. However, the OP never found the underlying cause.

    Just in good fun.
  • Portage is great, I loved the fact that you can have slots with different versions of the same package. Nowadays I'm on Debian Stable. I just don't have the time anymore.

  • Google News, Discover links showing 404 Not Found? Here's how to fix
  • I'm still trying to make it work for me, because I like the idea in theory. But no matter what I give likes to, I mostly get garbage in my recommendations. And the rare article that's interesting is usually paywalled.

  • On the future of Lemmy vs reddit
  • If you sort by "active" there should be posts with more comments. The "hot" sorting is not really representative for how active users on lemmy are, since it favours younger posts over older posts with lots of comments. You can read the details of the reasoning here .

  • rclone adds support for Proton Drive Add support for Proton Drive · Issue #6072 · rclone/rclone

    Many use ProtonMail, I've been a subscriber for years. They have opening up Proton Drive - it's in Beta - but it would be great for rclone to get on the bandwagon as a client application.

    Add support for Proton Drive · Issue #6072 · rclone/rclone

    I havn't had the time to test it out myself (yet), but so far this looks promising. There are still some issues, but I assume they will be sorted out eventually.

    Labor Arts Labor Arts

    A virtual museum exhibiting and cataloging the art of the labor movement and working people.

    > Our mission [is] to document and celebrate the artistic and cultural heritage of working people and the labor movement, and encourage understanding of their often-overlooked contributions to our society.

    Capitalism is the paywall of life

    If they could somehow monetize breathing, they would

    Anyone here tried the cryptopals crypto challenges?

    How far did you proceed and what language did you use?

    I think the challenges a great way to learn a new programming language. Though I have to admit I never finished the set myself.

    The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection - every byte explained and reproduced The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection

    Every byte of a TLS connection explained and reproduced

    The Illustrated TLS 1.3 Connection

    >In this demonstration a client connects to a server, negotiates a TLS 1.3 session, sends "ping", receives "pong", and then terminates the session.

    kat kat
    Posts 10
    Comments 43