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[resource] IAEA Presents Sustainable Energy Planning Toolkit to the G20

cross-posted from:

> link > > > Decarbonization of the energy, transportation and industrial sectors by 2050 is a formidable challenge, and getting there will require significant use of nuclear power. But whether nuclear power figures into a country’s future energy mix or not, rigorous planning is needed to determine the clean energy composition that will work best depending on country-specific factors. > > > The publication, entitled ‘From Knowledge to Action: IAEA Toolkit for Sustainable Energy Planning’, was presented during a side event held on the margins of a meeting of the G20’s Energy Transitions Working Group in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

[resource] IAEA Presents Sustainable Energy Planning Toolkit to the G20 link

> Decarbonization of the energy, transportation and industrial sectors by 2050 is a formidable challenge, and getting there will require significant use of nuclear power. But whether nuclear power figures into a country’s future energy mix or not, rigorous planning is needed to determine the clean energy composition that will work best depending on country-specific factors.

> The publication, entitled ‘From Knowledge to Action: IAEA Toolkit for Sustainable Energy Planning’, was presented during a side event held on the margins of a meeting of the G20’s Energy Transitions Working Group in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

How does SDF handle moderating spambots?
  • they also have an email address: membership at sdf dot org, but yeah, the internal BBS is where it is at.

    We are a public access UNIX system, so it's not as much of a void as it might seem :D

  • Human Rights reached 100 posts, yay! Human Rights - SDF Chatter

    # About ! [/c/] is a safe place to discuss the topic of human rights, through the lens of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. # Rules - Live the UN UDHR - Treat everyone with dignity. - Remain Objective - Opinions posted here sh...

    Human Rights - SDF Chatter

    Exciting for me that the community is actually getting some visitors.

    This is my first time being a moderator for a community, so would be happy to receive any tips!

    WHO: Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC): No time to lose as famine stalks millions in Sudan amid intense fighting and access denials Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC): No time to lose as famine stalks millions in Sudan amid intense fighting and access denials

    Time is running out for millions of people in Sudan who are at imminent risk of famine, displaced from their lands, living under bombardments, and cut off from humanitarian assistance.

    Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC): No time to lose as famine stalks millions in Sudan 
amid intense fighting and access denials link

    > To prevent these worst-case scenarios, we, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Principals, urgently request the parties to the conflict to do the following: > > Take immediate measures to protect civilians, including by refraining from directing attacks against them, allowing them to leave for safer areas, and ending sexual and gender-based violence. > Facilitate unimpeded humanitarian access through all possible crossline and cross-border routes to allow civilians to receive humanitarian aid. > Immediately cease all acts denying, obstructing and interfering with, or politicizing, humanitarian action. > Simplify and expedite administrative and bureaucratic procedures related to the delivery of humanitarian aid. > De-escalate the situation in Al Fasher and adopt a nationwide ceasefire. > Stop human rights violations, including grave violations against children, and hold perpetrators accountable for their crimes. > > We are also concerned by the limited support from donors. Nearly five months into the year – and six weeks after the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbours in Paris on 15 April – we've received just 16 per cent of the $2.7 billion we need.

    > Donors must urgently disburse pledges made in Paris and fast-track additional funding for the humanitarian appeal. With a famine on the horizon, we must deliver much more life-saving aid now, including seeds for farmers before the planting season ends.

    > The clock is ticking. The choice is clear.

    [resource] Compendium of WHO and other UN guidance on health and environment Compendium of WHO and other UN guidance on health and environment

    This compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on health and environment. link

    > The Compendium is a comprehensive collection of available WHO and other United Nations (UN) guidance for improving health by creating healthier environments. It provides an overview and easy access of 500 actions, and a framework for thinking about health and environment interventions. It covers a broad range of areas such as air pollution, water, sanitation and hygiene, climate change, chemicals, radiation, or food systems.

    > Guidance is classified according to principal sectors involved, level of implementation (national, community, health care), and the type of instrument (taxes, infrastructure etc.).

    > The Compendium compiles existing guidance from over 400 documents in a simple and systematized format. To ensure the most up-to-date information is provided to the end users, the Compendium will be updated yearly, or as soon as a major WHO or other UN guidance on health and environment is being released.

    > The target audience includes any decision-makers with relevance to health and environment, and those assisting them (such as mayors, staff in ministries, UN country staff etc.).

    > The Compendium has been prepared by WHO in cooperation with UN Environment, UNDP and UNICEF.

    [resource] Political Typology Quiz: Where do you fit in the political typology? Are you a Faith and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?
  • Well, please do share what you find!

    You are on the right track w/ idealism vs materialism in psychology, at least.

    The question there arose from the brain: how do you rectify the mind/soul with the brain/body? Dualism apparently fails (the idea that there is a separate mind from the brain) which leaves only some form of monism. A sort of hybrid materialism-idealism seems to make the most sense, where consciousness is a property of the universe, like time or space, and different entities have differing consciousnesses. In that sort of a philosophy, when talking about the brain of a person you are equally talking about the experience that person is having, just in different terms.

    I suspect that in sociology that would be some sort of unified anarcho-marxism, if such a thing exists. The atomic theory of society seems to be the thing where they are working on unifying language. If society is fully atomized, asking whether a new society arises due to free choice or resource demands is like asking whether rivers rise due to rain or sewer overflow, if that makes sense?

  • [2022] Speaking out on the stigma of mental health link

    > The Wounded Healer also traces Hankir’s recovery journey. “Speaking out on stigma helps to reduce it,” he explained. More than 100,000 people in 20 countries have heard him speak. In recognition of his work, Hankir received the 2022 World Health Organization Director-General Award for Global Health, among other awards. > > He welcomes WHO’s Quality Rights Initiative, which takes an approach to mental health grounded on a human rights framework that empowers, dignifies and humanizes people with mental health conditions. > > “Our human rights are being violated, regardless of time and place – high income country, low income country. Too many people feel like they have been brutalized,” he said. “When care is available, there are also concerns about the quality of care.”

    [2023] [resource] Human Rights Council (HRC) Annual Report

    > Deeply concerned that persons with psychosocial disabilities and current or potential users of mental health services continue to be subject to, inter alia, widespread, multiple, intersecting and aggravated discrimination, stigma, stereotypes, prejudice, violence, abuse, social exclusion and segregation, unlawful and arbitrary deprivation of liberty, and institutionalization, overmedicalization and treatment practices that fail to respect their autonomy, will and preferences,

    [opinion] Haiti: human rights safeguards and transparency must guide security mission deployment. Haiti: human rights safeguards and transparency must guide security mission deployment.

    Amnesty International raises concerns about lack of transparency regarding the establishment of human rights safeguards for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti.

    Haiti: human rights safeguards and transparency must guide security mission deployment. link

    > In a public statement issued today, Amnesty International is raising concerns about the lack of transparency regarding the establishment of human rights safeguards for the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission in Haiti, that is expected to be deployed in the coming months.

    > “It is imperative to ensure that any action taken by this multinational mission led by Kenya and supported by the United States and other countries strictly complies with international human rights law as mandated by the United Nations Security Council. A misstep in this regard would be devastating for Haitian people´s rights”, said Ana Piquer, Americas Director at Amnesty International.

    [question] What is the Difference Between Human Rights and Natural Rights? What is the Difference Between Human Rights and Natural Rights?

    When people discuss the human rights and natural rights, there seems to be a distinction between the two, where standard interpretations of human rights (such as the Universal Declaration of Human ...

    What is the Difference Between Human Rights and Natural Rights? link

    Human Rights are the fight against war, via the Einstein-Freud Theory of War.

    Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case

    Federal Judge Ryan Nelson disputed allegations he might be impartial, but recused himself from the human rights case out of an “abundance of caution.”

    Judge Who Went on Israel Junket Recuses Himself From Gaza Case link

    “Appellants have moved to disqualify me from participation in this case based on my attendance at a judicial education conference in Israel in March,” Nelson wrote in a brief order. He disputed the merit of plaintiffs’ allegations of potential impartiality.

    “They cite no comments I have made about any issues related to this case. Thus, it is far from certain that an objective observer would reasonably question my impartiality,” he wrote. “That said, out of an abundance of caution, the best course in this specific case (which may not apply in other cases) is to recuse.”

    “This case against top U.S. officials for aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide raises issues of utmost importance,” said Baher Azmy, legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, which represents the plaintiffs, “and the appearance of fairness is paramount given the stakes.”

    [question] How does ! feel about NSFW tags?

    Part of me thinks it would be best to mark all controversial opinions as NSFW or at least particularly triggering topics, but part of me thinks it would be best to not use NSFW except for truly graphic content (which I don't expect to be shared here with any regularity).

    So, question for the community:

    • NSFW => "trigger warning", or
    • NSFW => "graphic content", or
    • NSFW => don't use it, or
    • NSFW => something else?
    [opinion] Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre

    The Southern Transitional Council (STC) de facto authorities must reverse their unlawful takeover of the Aden-based Yemeni Women Union centre, an independent civil society organization, and ensure women and children residing in the centre’s shelter for survivors of gender-based violence are protecte...

    Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre

    cross-posted from:

    > link > > > The Southern Transitional Council (STC) de facto authorities must reverse their unlawful takeover of the Aden-based Yemeni Women Union centre, an independent civil society organization, and ensure women and children residing in the centre’s shelter for survivors of gender-based violence are protected, said Amnesty International today. > > > > On 26 May, a group of armed men accompanying women from the STC-supported Southern Women Union, took over the Yemeni Women Union centre building in Sira district in Aden governorate by force. They broke in, changed the locks to the centre’s entrance and main rooms, destroyed security cameras, and expelled the centre’s guard replacing him with a new STC affiliated armed guard. They also denied access to staff of the Yemeni Women Union and to women seeking protective services. > > > > “Instead of guaranteeing the safety of women fleeing violence and strengthening the work of civil society organizations providing protective services, STC authorities have exposed them to further violence,” said Diala Haidar, Yemen researcher at Amnesty International.

    [opinion] Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre

    The Southern Transitional Council (STC) de facto authorities must reverse their unlawful takeover of the Aden-based Yemeni Women Union centre, an independent civil society organization, and ensure women and children residing in the centre’s shelter for survivors of gender-based violence are protecte...

    Yemen: STC de facto authorities must ensure safety of women’s shelter following takeover of Yemeni Women Union centre link

    > The Southern Transitional Council (STC) de facto authorities must reverse their unlawful takeover of the Aden-based Yemeni Women Union centre, an independent civil society organization, and ensure women and children residing in the centre’s shelter for survivors of gender-based violence are protected, said Amnesty International today. > > On 26 May, a group of armed men accompanying women from the STC-supported Southern Women Union, took over the Yemeni Women Union centre building in Sira district in Aden governorate by force. They broke in, changed the locks to the centre’s entrance and main rooms, destroyed security cameras, and expelled the centre’s guard replacing him with a new STC affiliated armed guard. They also denied access to staff of the Yemeni Women Union and to women seeking protective services. > > “Instead of guaranteeing the safety of women fleeing violence and strengthening the work of civil society organizations providing protective services, STC authorities have exposed them to further violence,” said Diala Haidar, Yemen researcher at Amnesty International.

    [resource] Amnesty International: ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS: Questions and Answers

    > “All human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated. The international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis.”

    • Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, as adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights on 25 June 1993
    [opinion] Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too

    Joe Biden’s executive order to place draconian restrictions on border asylum-seekers owe a lot to Donald Trump — and Clinton and Obama too.

    Joe Biden’s Cruel Border Shutdown Follows in Clinton and Obama’s Footsteps Too link

    > The draconian restrictions on asylum-seekers owe a lot to Donald Trump's immigration crackdown, but the path was paved by Democrats. > > ... > > This is not to underplay the extremity of Biden’s new plan. Under Biden’s executive order, the administration will halt asylum requests at the border once the average number of daily encounters has reached 2,500 between legal ports of entry, which has been consistently the case since Biden took office in 2021. Requests will be reopened two weeks after the daily average falls under 1,500 for seven consecutive days. The restrictions went into effect last night.

    [resource] Political Typology Quiz: Where do you fit in the political typology? Are you a Faith and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?
  • You are very welcome!

    I'm glad to be able to be of appreciation, as I know how that is - looks like you are in the right place to discuss political science though!

    In the interest of conversation, maybe you can explain or point me to an explanation of why Anarchism vs. Marxism is considered "idealism vs materialism" in sociology?

    In Psychology, we had an "idealism vs materialism" debate, but it is mostly resolved with a sort of "idealistic materialism" or "materialistic idealism" where, essentially, "idealism <=> materialism", as I understand it.

    I'm curious about what the current state of the art is, in that debate!

    Either way, I'll definitely spend some time in ! checking things out.

  • 'We Can Get There': Medicare for All Advocates See Resurgence in National Movement | Common Dreams 'We Can Get There': Medicare for All Advocates See Resurgence in National Movement | Common Dreams

    "More and more people are waking up to realize, we do not want private insurance companies to be in control of our healthcare system," said one advocate who attended the latest Sanders Institute Gathering.

    'We Can Get There': Medicare for All Advocates See Resurgence in National Movement | Common Dreams

    cross-posted from:

    > link > > "More and more people are waking up to realize, we do not want private insurance companies to be in control of our healthcare system," said one advocate who attended the latest Sanders Institute Gathering.

    [resource] Political Typology Quiz: Where do you fit in the political typology? Are you a Faith and Flag Conservative? Progressive Left? Or somewhere in between?
  • A good rule of thumb is to measure twice, cut once, so perhaps give it a try twice: once where you answer philosophically and once where you answer practically?

    I'm due for taking it again, myself, but I generally consider myself a radical moderate (I'm all for system-wide changes) and I think Pew described me as "faith and family left" when I last took the test.

  • [opinion] By sunsetting Section 230, Congress could be about to break the internet as we know it


    I'll see if i can find something specifically about what you are asking, but I would be surprised if anyone has taken the time to try to bounce WiFi. The wavelength might not be amenable to bouncing, as it is such a high frequency signal. If I recall correctly, there is a relatively narrow range of wavelength that will actually bounce back to earth off of the atmosphere.


  • [question] For a Universal Declaration on Fediverse Rights, or: At the Core of the Threads-Debate lies a deeper problem: how can the Fediverse grow without losing its soul in the process?
  • We need journalism, not vitriol, in ! <- I'm the moderator there. Just saying, if you see something in the news that speaks to the human right to privacy, we'll spread the news if you cross-post it.

    Article 12, UN UDHR

    No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

  • [2020] Human Rights Day: How Nuclear Science Helps Countries Guarantee Basic Rights to Water, Food and Health
  • IAEA is the international body responsible for standardizations on nuclear energy.

    Four years is not a long span of time in the context of nuclear energy, where technological developments take the scale of decades.

    This press release pertains to the newly announced western strategy for nuclear, low-carbon energy. That strategy is still current.

    By working to ensure that everyone can benefit from nuclear science, the IAEA underpins rights enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1976. These include the right to benefit from scientific progress; the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to the highest-attainable standard of health.

    The Agency does this by using nuclear science to combat zoonotic diseases; bolster food safety; protect fruits from pests; strengthen water management; treat cancer; and of course, to help countries mitigate climate change.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Kashif Shah
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