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Is Stremio a honeypot?
  • Same here

  • [SOLVED] Is it possible to add smaller icon sizes for GNOME Nautilus?
  • Nope and probably never will. Nautilus team only removes options and features.

    Try Nemo.

  • Stop downvoting foreign languages posts. Just use the language filter.
  • I mean, of course you would hate diversity. Given the history of how you treated the natives.

  • Stop downvoting foreign languages posts. Just use the language filter.
  • care to explain why are you downvoting this? You think the claim isn't valid? You think it is fair?

  • Stop downvoting foreign languages posts. Just use the language filter.
  • I have seem it happening. always the same users.

    Probably the are navegatin in new and as soon as they see non-english they downvote. These people doesn't even have a single post in other than english,

  • Where is all of the fediverse?
  • The real fediverse are the friends we make along the way

  • [Offline] - ozoned Cast - More Owncast testing and then some more Qud.
  • Their federation is kinda weird though (not trying to bash).

    It seems focused on Mastodon instead of following an ActivityPub standard way. I think they should do it more like Peertube doess, you know?

  • Anyone else notice the fediverse is quite close knit?
  • choose to become an echo chamber like beehaw did.

  • Dont be fooled by cable news
  • Canada in Brasil: lets fucking destroy the amazon.

  • Fediverse link-aggregator PieFed launches in beta test
  • are you serious about kbin?

  • Is down for y'all?
  • Yep, still going on

  • Solutions to the server-centric nature of the fediverse
  • interesting! I never heard before.

  • Bring Karma back from reddit (if you want, no hard feelings pls), but without toxicity (maybe)!
  • Your opinion is okay and I agree with it. I just pointed you didn't need to call the OP a "genius".

  • Fediverse link-aggregator PieFed launches in beta test Fediverse link-aggregator PieFed launches in beta test

    The link-aggregator part of the fediverse has grown, with the launch of PieFed’s beta test. PieFed joins platforms like Lemmy and Kbin who all have the ability to share links, and comment and vote on them. PieFed focuses on making the platform easy to manage, maintain and develop for, and uses Pytho...

    Fediverse link-aggregator PieFed launches in beta test

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Looks like we're getting company!

    MS Exchange Relay

    I am working part time for a small company, they have about 40 employees that use the email everyday for work and recently they have acquired a MS account for 10 employees that use it mainly for teams with customers but also sharepoint, etc.

    To buy an MS account for each of the 40 would be too expensive and necessary because the other 30 only really use email in the day to day work.

    So what I did initially was to follow this Microsoft doc:

    So our MX register point to Exchange server and exchange relay it to the secondary email server where all those 30 accounts exists.

    It was working fine until I we started to get this "Not delivered message" email returning with this error:

    Error: 550 5.7.367 Remote server returned not permitted to relay -> 554 5.7.1 : Relay access denied

    I talked to the support of this secondary email server and they told me they do not support this operation.

    So I am looking for help in finding some server that would allow me to work like this. Do you happen to know some company you could recommend?

    Help with secondary email server.

    cross-posted from:

    > I need indications of email servers that accept relay transmission. > > The MX will point to the Microsoft Exchange server, but emails that do not exist on the MS server will be relayed to this secondary server.

    [Help] go and perl5 folders in ~/

    I don't like the mess some software makes when it install in my system so I want to move it to a more appropriate place.

    My questions are:

    1- Where is the most appropriated directory for this? (some hidden folder made with this purpose, I thought linux had something like this as a standard)

    2- How I move it without breaking anything?

    Have someone here tried MTG arena on Arch based distro?

    I am on Garuda and think I am gonna try it. What is your mileage?


    There really is nothing nice about USA You go to the hospital you have to pay The dollar is the language that they all speak they don't really bother about the radiation leak


    They keep their secrets undercover the rich don't bother about those that suffer this ain't the land of milk and honey cause all they want is money money money


    Nuclear bombs are fuck all new you'd better start running when they drop on you run into a shelter, play hide and seek cause when you die your body reeks


    There really is nothing nice about USA You go to the hospital you have to pay The dollar is the language that they all speak they don't really bother about the radiation leak


    Como eu testo outras WM/DEs

    To em duvida sobre a DE que escolhi e queria testar outras, mais particularmente estou pensando em sair do gnome para o cinamon.

    Como posso fazer isso de maneira segura, sem estragar tudo?

    Onedrive no Linux

    Alguém aqui usa o Onedrive da M$ no linux para sincronizar arquivos?

    Gostaria de conhecer um metodo que funciona. Tenho uma maquina Windows que quero trazer para o Linux, mas uso o onedrive por ser muito barato (plano familiar).

    Quake mode terminal

    You guys know a good extension to make terminal work in quake mode?


    [\#Crunchyroll]( finalmente está juntando as temporadas de línguas diferentes?

    cross-posted from:

    > \#Crunchyroll finalmente está juntando as temporadas de línguas diferentes? > > Fui ver um anime novo chamado chamado “My Unique Skill makes me OP even at level 1”, e finalmente no aplicativo de iOS (no tvOS ainda está separado) o crunchyroll está mostrando só 1 opção de escolha de temporada no lugar de ter uma para o legendado e uma pro dublado. > > @anime

    kariboka kariboka
    Posts 16
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