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I don't care, I love all this snow!

Winter is generally so bleak in Iowa anymore. Brown, grey, and cold. I wouldn't be heartbroken to see this snow hang around a good while longer. Could do without the slippery roads, though. Doesn't seem like they're salting/sanding the major roads, though. I was slipping up and down Fleur the other day. Never have mostly clear roads been so slippery.

Art Festival this weekend

I hope the weather turns out tolerable. Forecast looks like rain the whole weekend but hopefully that brings the pollen down a bit and it's not so hot. Some years its like walking around in a furnace. I don't know how the artists deal with it inside those tents.

0 improvements and issues
  • I see a couple other comments about sign up issues and I’m having the same. Don’t see anything in my spam folder, though. Both submit buttons on the sign up/login pages just spin endlessly the last couple days. Someone said they managed to fix it by using "forgot password" on the login page but clicking that button does nothing. name’s same here as on

  • kairos kairos
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