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What's your best pick up line?
  • This gives the highest ROI

    You can pick up literally anything with this one.

  • NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is talking nonsense. Its friends on Earth are worried
  • You broke and reinforced relativity at the same time

  • Is "crap" considered a bad word?
  • but is it exactly not not swearing?

  • Why are there loads of unnamed bluetooth devices around me?
  • or in other words, BT devices broadcast their names only in pairing mode, so you know only the names of devices you are paired with.

    all other devices continue to be there, but normally not shown, because you don't know them.

    Until you pair, there's no reason for showing them

  • Why are there loads of unnamed bluetooth devices around me?
  • they map in Bluetooth as vibrators then

  • is there anything much useful I can do with an iPad 1? (not picture frame)
  • depending on your technical aptitude, you could wipe iOS and install linux, I'm sure there are projects allowing that.

    then it can become a simple graphic terminal for smart home

    home assistant is full similar pet project, with old kindles and tablet to control the server

  • What's with telling YEARLY salaries?
  • large part of Europe also.

    also yearly before tax, because employers do not need to know about other incomes and thereof how much money you pay in taxes. you can tell, but they don't need to know.

    when they hire you, they don't know about your taxes, anyway. they put the ad, and if you're hired and have other incomes, you'll pay more taxes out of it.

    yearly because taxes are paid yearly.

    some people are paid weekly, some monthly.

    so yearly becomes the comparison to help taxes and compare across the market which might pay at different frequency.

    it helps account for your budget and their budget.

    if you don't care about budgeting or calculate taxes, you make the math.

  • For you, does "pretty good" mean something is better or worse than just "good"?
  • if someone shrugs with pretty good

    or shrugs with good

    to me the former is still better than the latter.

    I don't see a way for pretty good to mean less than good

  • Tune into global radiowaves through webSDR
  • so the only way to listen something intelligeble is that everyone synthinises on the same freq

    here's the true definition of being on the same wavelength

  • PeerTube has a federation problem
  • one reason which come to mind is Stream-ability.

    if you download the video and play it, it might be fine. but users normally want to stream it.

    to stream it, the endpoint from where you stream it needs to be near you.

    if you are in the US and will stream something from a European server, you'll have problems. and even if you don't, that cannot be considered the norm.

    that's why people use CDNs, and they are a huge business.

    so there's an advantage to have a close to you instance, which has as much locally present content as possible

  • PeerTube has a federation problem
  • Also, why can't videos use torrent technology to serve the data by other viewers?

    from what i read, they do.

    i think the problem is the kind of distributed systems it was designed to be vs the kind we are talking about.

    PT won't be, at the current state of propagation of content, redundancy and accessibility of content, a replacement for YT or similar.

    it could be, but today it cannot.

    there is another post mentioning how if certain Lemmy instances keep growing they'll need economic support.

    it smells PT, the way it's organised today, needs support right now.

    there are various ways to optimise data propagation and replication for scalability of content.

    I think the discussion needs to be open towards this question

  • It seems that for a large Lemmy instance to be sustainabile long term (especially at the level of traffic reddit sees) it requires ads and/or raising enough donations like Wikipedia
  • i overall agree.

    one point i struggle agreeing / see what you mean is small instances mean small communities.

    I'm on, but i use lemmy as federated, i don't see the community when on lemmy, but the fediverse.

    in a way I don't care on what instance i am.

    i come from a distributed systems background and to ne this is normal.

    is that anti fediverse?

  • Are bans propagated to other sites?
  • how can a user comment from another instance?

    my user on cannot login on other instances, or can it?

  • What are some useful or just cool stuff to memorize?
  • yes, but that's speed of light


  • What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • as everything this has contexts in which is valuable and contests in which it's not

    don't quit because you're demoralised. don't quit because you're tired. don't quit because it's hard.

    if your first natural response to adversities is flying instead of fighting, it's telling you to fight, because you are likely the only person losing when flying.

    it's not about never change your mind. never critically think what's the situation and if it's still worth it.

    or check up with yourself and see if that's still what you want.

    after all leaving a situation you don't want anymore, it's not quitting, it's moving on

    it seems just semantics, it's about knowing yourself and being honest with yourself.

    nothing is black or white

  • multiple identities, but it's me!
  • so you can!?!

    I can see my uer from mastodon and even communities (called groups on there).

    From the smell of it it seems something that mastodon allows, for specific federated services, but it's not out of the box for all activitypub fediversed services/instances

    Edit: what i find strange is that there is a clear way to verify websites to me, with a rel=me relationship. But there is no clear way to say "those other federated identities are the same of me".

    I get that the rel=me way is well known and well used, but allowing for this concept in the protocol of a federated service seems to be important.

    At least, I care about the concept of digital identity and I would think for a distributed and federated and ever evolving network like the fediverse, this would be quite a common place to be

  • multiple identities, but it's me!

    hey there

    I created a mastondon account years ago. never did much with it

    recently, just before the Reddit diaspora, i joned lemmy.

    now exploring the fediverse i created accounts for pixelfed and bookwyrm

    now, I've got several accounts, to several services that are using activitypub

    can i use one login, say my mastodon identity, to access the other services on different instances?

    What is something that people think is dangerous but in reality is completely harmless?
  • Here there might be a confusion between danger, and statistics.

    all those examples are about events or things that are far more frequent than be near a shark

    if the average person could be close to a shark as many time in life than leaving a bed, be close to something that can flip, or to people taking selfies, statistics might be very different

  • What are your niche hobbies you’d like to share with other people?
  • are there other people doing it?

    would be cool to see what you do and the various techniques!

  • kafa Kafanzi Max. Praetor


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