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The Linux kernel is a CNA - so what? The Linux kernel is a CNA - so what?

<p>This is big news. It may not seem like it at first glance, but the impact could be huge.</p>

The Linux kernel is a CNA - so what?
Registration Open: Fedora 40 Release Party on May 24-25 - Fedora Magazine Registration Open: Fedora 40 Release Party on May 24-25 - Fedora Magazine

Registration link for the Fedora 40 Release Party with a description of the types of topics covered and information on how to join.

Registration Open: Fedora 40 Release Party on May 24-25 - Fedora Magazine
Interview with GloriousEggroll about Proton-GE, Nobara, and more | Destination Linux
    • Reason n.1: a stabler distro that doesn't lose when it comes to being up to date, as the equivalent to arch is rawhide
    • Reason n.2: a better, less toxic community
    • Reason n.3: Fedora is community-based, it is sponsored by RH but it does not dictate what the project does
    • Reason n.4: fedora docs is really good (and getting better), the only documentation locked behind a login is RH's, fedora's always been open to read and to contribute

    I could keep going.

  • Implementing DRM format modifiers in NVK Implementing DRM format modifiers in NVK

    DRM format modifier support has landed in NVK, an essential piece of the NVK puzzle.

    Implementing DRM format modifiers in NVK

    The tl;dr for those like me, who don't understand the technical parts:

    >This week we merged support for the VK_EXT_image_drm_format_modifier extension in NVK, the new open-source Vulkan driver for NVIDIA hardware. We've also back-ported the code to the Mesa 24.1 staging branch so it will be part of the upcoming Mesa 24.1 release.\ \ DRM format modifier support is one of the most important features we've landed in NVK in a while. Though it's not a very interesting feature to most Vulkan applications or game developers, it's very important to the Linux display pipeline. Importantly to users, this is the last piece required to support GameScope. It's also an important piece in making Zink+NVK a robust OpenGL solution.

    See what’s changing in Firefox: Better insights, same privacy
  • Read what I said again. It is not automatically bad, and it doesn't mean it can't be poorly used or poorly understood by the ones collecting it. It just means that it is an effective way to understand how your users are using your product.

    Putting Mozilla (which from what I can tell is doing as much as they can trying to collect this telemetry data in a way that can't be used to identify its users) in the same domain as Microsoft, which collects pretty much everything it can to sell to third party advertisers is ridiculous as best and disingenuous at worst.

  • See what’s changing in Firefox: Better insights, same privacy
  • People really need to kill that notion that telemetry is automatically bad. If the information they are collecting is minimal, as non-identifiable as possible and actually being used to help develop the browser, it's a good thing.

    Yes, turbo nerds in the back, specially being opt-out, opt-in telemetry is pretty much useless for trying to understand the majority of your user base.

  • Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite

    Latest SoC is getting traction on Windows-based laptops, and we’re also consistently upstreaming to mainline Linux. See areas of focus and try our Debian installer.

    Upstreaming Linux kernel support for the Snapdragon X Elite
    Firefox 126 Available - Adds "Linux" To The Android User Agent String
  • I personally see as benefiting us Linux users by forcing the rare website that "doesn't work with your operating system" to work if they want to reach that sweet over-a-billion-user Android market. Win-win for pretty much everyone.

  • [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • If they are so misleading and inaccurate, then I'm all ears to why.

    Again, I'm not against the project or the team, I just don't like the direction S76 went for their own thing, instead of improving other existing projects. Having a full Rust stack is potentially pretty great though, and I'm all in for what it might become in the future, but this attitude about even the slightest of criticism speaks volumes about the people working on it.

  • [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • My comment did sound way more aggressive than I intended, and I apologize for that, but getting this defensive as an answer when the question asked for an opinion definitely isn't any less pathetic. I have a lot of respect on the work of the Pop team, and Pop was the first distro I have used, but none of your points are... good?

    • Gradience fills the need for theming in an individual level for those that want it without breaking the look and feel of apps without the developers' intent at a distribution level;
    • Forge replicates most of Pop's tiling capabilities, picking up the great work your team did over the years without intending to drop it for your own thing;
    • Performance is something that isn't necessarily lacking in other DEs and stable is a bold statement for a product still in alpha. Hopefully it really is whenever it gets a stable release though, I'm not rooting against your work;
    • Also, it isn't hard to say your app store is the fastest when it doesn't have the years of crust other ones gathered from all the work put into it. I would get worried if it wasn't.
  • [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • It used to be one of if not the greatest entry point for new Linux users, nowadays they got too worked up on their beef with GNOME, are trying to do their own thing and it honestly looks kinda pathetic.

  • libwacom and Huion/Gaomon devices libwacom and Huion/Gaomon devices

    TLDR: Thanks to José Exposito, libwacom 2.12 will support all [1] Huion and Gaomon devices when running on a 6.10 kernel. libwacom, now...

    Introducing image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Introducing image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    Image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a new deployment method that takes a container-native approach to deliver the OS as a bootc container image.

    Introducing image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

    The tl;dr is: pretty much Silverblue for RHEL

    Everything about the GNOME finance situation

    A great deep dive on the recent post about the financial situation of the GNOME Foundation by Niccolo Vé, a KDE developer, and an ever better debunk of a particular Linux "Journalist" and their misinformation campaign against the project.

    How the Media Treat Linux

    Just sharing this really well produced video on Linux's public perception (since this channel has suprisingly not a lot of subscribers)

    Interview with Jon "maddog" Hall, a true LEGEND of Linux - Destination Linux 366: Interview with Jon "maddog" Hall, a true LEGEND of Linux - Destination Linux - TuxDigital

    Download as MP3 Sponsored by LINBIT: Visit to learn how LINBIT’s OSS, based on DRBD® and LINSTOR®, can be used for Kubernetes...

    366: Interview with Jon "maddog" Hall, a true LEGEND of Linux - Destination Linux - TuxDigital
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Designer, artist, part of Fedora's marketing team and ferociously communist ☭

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