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I almost can’t believe it, but Google Tasks is finally kind of good
  • @runningromeo @trashhalo 100% agree. To Do used to be Wunderlist and largely preserves the design. I’ve used it on and off for years. I’ve mostly gone back and forth between Wunderlist/To Do and Todoist, but To Do is really all I need. Inline hashtags / links, sub tasks, reminders, due dates, files, repetition and Outlook integration. It walks right up to the line of project management (Todoist, I think, crosses the line, in a great way if that’s what you need).

  • Reddit And Twitter: The New Giants Of Anti-Social Media
  • @argo_yamato I’m curious how well interactions from Mastodon to Beehaw work, as I think that the opportunities for a unified ID across instances and “instance types” is a huge strength of the fediverse.

  • joeross

    Husband and dad living in Princeton with my wife, two kids, and too many pets. Lawyer based in Philly focused on litigation. Geek old enough to know what LAN parties were. Writer, blogging since 2005.

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