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French cyclist fined after stopping to kiss his wife at the Tour de France
  • Imagine what people would be saying if he kissed his husband instead of wife. Something like, "He's shoving it all in our faces!" or "No straight couple would ever do that in such a public event! Why can't they show some decorum!"

  • How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping
  • My suggestion is to spend maybe half an hour in the evening learninga new hobby/skill, then when you're in bed go over what you learnt in that half hour in your mind to cement it. You'll find that just running over the knowledge in your mind induces the "counting sheep" effect and will help you drift off to sleep.

    If it doesn't work, then at least you'll learn a new skill much quicker!

  • Is "food" a social construct?
  • I agree that the pile-on wasn't necessary, people tend to just give their kneejerk response and then move on. Having said that, you probably could have explained your case a bit better too in the original post.

  • Is "food" a social construct?
  • Food is a non-toxic, organic substance that provides nutrition in the form of carbohydrates, protein, fibre, fats/oils, and/or vitamins and minerals. Sure there are some edge cases which you can argue the point in, such as a lump of rock salt maybe, but for the most part it is something which provides sustenance. Sure you could eat mud or plaster and it won't kill you, but it won't help keep you alive either, so its not food.

  • The Hyperloop might be a good idea maybe a 100 years from now
  • I'm with you bro, although we don't need to mine the moon or asteroids, the tunnels can be airtight enough with reinforced concrete. They've already made multiple sustainable concrete formulas, and I think 150 years is plenty of time to assume these will be mass adopted. If fusion has becomea thing and we have an abundance of energy then the costs of such an enormous project will also become more feasible.

  • Am I going crazy?

    So I realise I'm probably a dumbass, but I'm not sure in exactly which way yet. I bought an AMD Ryzen 5 7600X CPU in mid 2020, but looking online I see the cards under that name weren't released until 2022, and the specs look different??

    I wrote down all the specs for my pc after I built it so I wouldn't forget. Could it be that I just wrote it down wrong and was telling people I had a CPU that wasn't even built yet?

    edit: yes I'm a dumbass it was 3600X. I'm gonna go crawl in a hole now, thanks for your time.

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