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After 48 years, Zilog is killing the classic standalone Z80 microprocessor chip
  • I remember working in a warehouse that stored many ICs when I was very young. IIRC, Zilog packaging was quite good. Some other brands packages would crack or open up if nor handled with "kid gloves". This brings back memories,

  • Sliders - Intro (S01) (1995)
  • One of my favorite shows. The show started out very well, then morphed into a shoot-them-up type show in the later seasons, which I did not like. But I stuck with it.

    Too bad it went the way it did :(

  • Highlander: The Series - The Gathering (S01E01) (1992)
  • I binged it a year ago or so, yes it holds up well and is still entertaining :) I use to watch it when it came out, but I missed most of the first season back then.


  • NetBSD 10.0 reached RC1

    NetBSD 10.0 reached RC1. You can get it from here:

    What are people using to host blogs on SDF?
  • I decided to move to gemini on SDF. Data is far easier to maintain and you can use any editor to add/change files.

    In case you do not know what I am referring to:

  • NSFW
    An actual road safety ad from Australia in 1991
  • The add seems fine for me, just replace the fight with Cell Phones and you are good to go.

    But in 2023 with all the movies with blood and gore, this being NSFW in 2023 is a bit over kill :) Never mind the fact here is the US we now get see children being shot for real in news casts :( And accidentally showing a certain body part in a sports event, you get banned for life.

  • What are your defining memories of computing in the old days?
  • A couple:

    1. CRC Errors when restoring 9-track tapes (the large reels) on a mini at work.

    2. A manager not knowing a removable 256meg Disk Pack suffered a heard crash. So he mounted it on 4 or 5 production drives, destroying the hardware. He did this to test if the Disk pack was OK. This caused almost a month of agony while we went looking for hardware to replace the drives. This caused manufacturing to slow down since inventory could not be ordered.

    I can almost laugh now :)

  • Star Trek Voyager - Seven of Nine
  • Icheb

    geezes, in today's political environment that "scandal" would not even hit the top ten :)

  • Star Trek Voyager - Seven of Nine
  • I really did not like how Kes (Jennifer Lien) was written out so they could have a Borg Character. Nothing against Jeri Ryan, but the idea of Kes type Alien was intriguing. Then when they brought her back as a god like character even made the concept for Kes worse.

  • [@retrocomputing](
  • Normally I would say anything over 10 years old. But due to how 10 year old computers are fully useable, I am thinking anything with 1 core. Maybe in a few years it could be ones without a TMP2 :)

  • jmcunx jmcunx

    Developer in a large company on AIX and SAP. I use both OpenBSD, NetBSD and Slackware as test systems for my work on AIX (plus for my own personal use)

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