jinkyanderson @ jinkyanderson @lemmy.world Posts 5Comments 5Joined 2 yr. ago
Poor Luigi, man.
Always getting pushed aside as far back as the days of the original Super Mario RPG.
IIRC the developer made the SNES version of Doom from the ground-up as well, no source code.
Surprisingly enough, I remember the best console port of Doom being the Atari Jaguar version for a long time before the PS1 version hit.
I still look back so fondly to that time because they absolutely pushed the SNES to the limit and then some with games like Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario RPG.
Oh, and Doom. Unlike the other games I mentioned, I wouldn't consider Doom on the SNES as good -- but the fact they were able to get a playable Doom on the SNES is an engineering marvel. Accomplishments like that from the old school game designers are truly so impressive.
A look back at the Killer instinct arcade game and the confusion around the Ultra 64
The quote from the showrunner, according to the article:
“We didn’t look at the game. We didn’t talk about the game. We talked about the characters and the world. So I never felt limited by it being a game.”
Looks like they should have looked at the game a little more closely.