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  • Seems presumptuous they use an 8 bit byte in middle earth. I'd expect more like 20 bits, but divided between men, elves, and dwarfs. Well, except one of those bits is the one true bit, having spooky control over the other bits. Clearly middle earth computation is quantum.

  • What are your thoughts on exposing a tool like dockge to outside of your man?
  • I use portainer behind tail scale. Easy management anywhere and no publicly available access.

  • Source for a DAW?
  • I use Bitwig on Linux myself, but works in Windows and Mac too.

  • The 6502 CPU Powered a Whole Generation! | The 8bit Guy
  • Yea, we've got it so easy today. These kids have no idea :-P

    But seriously, I'm sorry that sucks. I happened to be lucky enough with an uncle-in-law's dad being an EE and just literally gave me a bunch of 6502 development stuff (by that time it was reasonably dated and he had retired). I also got lucky to live in a place where the libraries has tech and programming books that were pretty decent. Had those two things not been there, it would have been a very different story.

    I try to pay that forward any way I can by taking part in the local tech/invention/science fair thing. Hopefully to be there to show youngsters how wonderful and interesting tech can be.

  • The 6502 CPU Powered a Whole Generation! | The 8bit Guy
  • Same here! Still have my copy of 6502 software design that I used until it fell apart.

  • What is the name of this type of image
  • The east / west division in the cost of light bulbs.

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  • Personally, I think this is a meaningless question. For me it's all about utility. I've found science to provide utility to me in helping understand and, more importantly, predict the world. I've not found the same in religion. I choose paths that provide utility.

  • My car defeated me today.
  • There's a belt tensioner tool that can be rented from the auto parts store. This helps greatly to pull back the belt pulley to get a belt on. Had to do it once and having that tool made a big difference.

  • Do you believe in God?
  • No. I have no use for that hypothesis.

  • How do you unwind after a hard day or week?
  • Trick question. I never unwind.

  • Driverless cars worse at detecting children and darker-skinned pedestrians say scientists
  • Probably could have stopped that headline at the third word.

  • Reddit is a Dying Mall
  • If Reddit is a mall for ideas, then Lemmy is more like an economy for ideas. Or many malls that are linked by an instant, intergalactic transport system. You know, I'd probably go back to malls if they had that.

  • Donald Trump using bail bondsman rings alarm bells about his finances
  • Do we even know for sure any money changed hands? Maybe the bail bonds person is a cult 45 member and sees it as service to the dear leader? Admittedly, my bail bonds knowledge is limited to late night cheesy commercials and an episode and a half of dog the bounty hunter, but I got the impression they're something of a shady character; someone who'd be at home in the cult. No?

  • Do you still write notes with pen and paper?
  • Yes, but I use a rocket book to easily digitize these days. Tried a remarkable, but didn't quite like the process once many pages were involved (slow to flip through pages).

    I also keep quite a few notes on the computer and phone via self hosted Joplin. Which is awesome too.

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  • Not all library funds come from public tax dollars. So, assuming those books are bought with non public funds, what's the gripe there? Or, heck, what if I donate the books?

    Or maybe this isn't actually about public funds... Maybe it's one group applying their subjective moral beliefs on another group, then retroactively defending their atrocious behavior as a "public funds" debate.

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  • I've not known any. But it also seems like those things have a correlative and not causative relationship.

  • A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth.
  • Alternative Headline: Prison Guard Finds Out They're Actually A Prisoner.

  • What is this place?

    If you've made something that you'd like to share with others, this is the place for that. We'd love to hear about what you're working on. What it took to get where you got. What sort of problems you had, things you had to overcome, whatever.

    Hello World! - A new community to announce your new thing! Hello World! - SDF Chatter

    Got a new thing you want to share? Announce it here. We’d love to hear about it. Some Guidelines: 1. When in doubt, assume the poster posted with the best intentions. Language is hard. Communication is harder. 2. Don’t be an asshole. Constructive criticism is fine. But seriously, if you can’t say so...

    Hello World! - SDF Chatter

    Hi All- I created this community for people to share new things they've created. Not sure about you, but I find it inspirational to read about various things people have made. Maybe that can happen here.

    jhoward #!/usr/bin/woof

    He/Him. Just another human.

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