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Oh Elon
  • You think he really had friends?!?

    He is the quintessential elitist who has never had real struggles, nor had any really meaningful life experiences.

  • 2 life pro tips in one meme!
  • That's why you learn to make fried rice. Just use day old badly cooked rice.

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • I think it was easier to interact with people who made poor decision due to being illiterate on the topic because they just did the shit to themselves and that was that. Don't get the vaccine, that's fine. But now we are dealing with a world where every single person feels the need to not only speak their mind but scream it as loud as fucking possible.

    What's ridiculous is that we now have concepts like "canceling" someone for something they said. That the natural result of saying something stupid or bigoted. In the past people ignored you if you were an idiot or asshole. But now that people think that others should be compelled to listen we keep having platforms for obvious nonsense to be disseminated.

  • Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post?
  • See you're trying to steer the conversation

  • Let's discuss: Monkey Island
  • I think this was one of the first games on PC that I saw and really wanted and never ended up playing. I gradually lost track of it and now that i have ScummVM and an emulator system i should get back to playing it.

  • Let's discuss: 8-bit Era Games
  • Back then i only had a few games but among all my friends we had a pretty good collection. As an adult playing on a retro console I've started to go through a lot of the games i never tried or didn't own and only played a few times.

    While I'd say the total NES library is a majority of garbage games (publishers just figuring out how to make games, not how to make good games) I think the big thing i noticed is that the good 8bit games look and feel drastically different than the garbage ones. When you learn the history of the games then it makes sense.

    The quality of the sprites, the extensive design of menus, transitions and other interactions, the storyline and dialogue. Even with only 8bits and crappy resolution the output for many of the good games actually looked and played well back then and even now. But I'd say about 90% of the NES catalog was garbage back then and still is now.

  • Let's discuss: 8-bit Era Games
  • I think the difference is that in the 8bit generation yhe majority of the game were bad relative to each other. The peak of the bell curve for 8bit was between mediocre to kinda bad games.

    While there are more games in later generations, it feels like the console manufacturers took more control and regulated what was published. Bad games happen now because of shitty business decisions and bad story writing. You dont see garbage being published just because you can.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 18th
  • Went through the ports available on my retro handheld and saw they have all three Descent games from back in the 90s so I'm playing through all of those.

  • Flight instinct intensifies
  • I've always been amazed when i get a new "seasoned" project manager and they try to really work on making all the tracking as efficient as possible so they have tons of metrics.

    ...and then nothing happens. We don't look at projects and tasks and figure out which work would be best for which team members based on past experience. We don't do any sort of optimization. We just track "velocity" and our estimates on release end up more dependent on how new the tech or the concept is (not knowing what we don't know) than anything else.

  • Popular Programming Book "Clean Code" is being rewritten
  • I think its less about not understanding and more that these concepts only work in unrealistic scenarios that aren't real. It's the same with Agile. They never address the actual issue and try to work around them which never works.

  • Text Processing Compass
  • I, as one of the ten people on the planet who writes awk scripts, noticed the most powerful text processing tool is missing.

  • this was my favorite game!
  • They were all in the Click n Cutscene style (think they all may be ScummVM games)

    • The 7th Guest / The 11th Hour
    • The Tex Murphy series
  • What the fuck happened to YouTube!?
  • What I'm amazed about is that ads even work at all. Especially when they are white noise. I've never once clicked on an ad to go see more about the content because I'm here to watch a video.

  • What the fuck happened to YouTube!?
  • What I'm amazed ab

  • Random question for today: Considering people who are not amateurs, if you wanted to create increased visibility and participation in amateur radio, what would you do?
  • I had a guy come in for a test with his wife. She just studied the questions and he went the understanding route. She passed and he didn't. It was the Tech level, they just wanted something better than CB in their vehicle so there really wasn't a lot they needed to know, just pass the test and stay on frequency.

  • this was my favorite game!
  • Wow, one of my childhood friends and I were just talking about our favorite old games and Journey Project was on that short list.

  • Etsy forcing arbitration starting Sep 15
  • The idea is that if you wanted to fight a big company with lawyers you'll either lose because they will delay till you're broke, or you'll win but the lawyers will get most of the money. If you have a legit issue they would honor resolving the issue without anyone having to spend time, money, and publicity in court. It means you might actually win one of these times. The joke part is we already have an unbiased arbitration system...our courts.

    This is legal, currently, because this is basically a non-disclosure. We will deal with our problems outside the legal system and no one will talk about it. We do this in other cases but its usually human to human, not human to massive corporate entity.

  • What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments?
  • I was always more of a retro gamer even back in the day. 80s and 90s playing MUDs or Atari and getting an SNES late to the game. My computers were always hand me downs from my parents so i never really got into the best games when i was a kid.

    But when i got that issue of PC Gamer with the demo of what Halo was going to be like, with the dinosaurs and cut scenes built into the engagement with your i wanted to play that.

  • What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments?
  • In the original release of Myst you weren't necessarily prevented from stumbling upon things you would find as you follow the progression. My parents got me the game and i ended up clicking on everything and found the last room where the whole story comes full circle....well before i hit up the individual book worlds.

  • Random question for today: Considering people who are not amateurs, if you wanted to create increased visibility and participation in amateur radio, what would you do?
  • That was the big thing I brought up when giving exams. You just need to pass and then you can start learning.

  • When I see a Kevin Meme
    Ask the Midwest jecxjo
    For all you Midwesterners, whats in your junk drawer?

    My wife wanted to order a spice rack for our kitchen that fit in the cabinet. Our current setup was just a mess so she found one on Amazon and called to me to get the tape measure out in the garage. I yelled back...grab the tailor's tape in the junk drawer. Sure enough it was sitting between the set of random keys, a new bag of neon fish bait and an assortment of 9 volt batteries.

    So...whatdaya got in yer junk drawer?

    Recommendations for SNES style controllers supported by retro handhelds

    I have an RG353V currently running ArkOS. Works great, plugged it into my TV and looks great there too. Tried both a USB Xbox controller and PS3 controller and neither seem to be recognized (both of which I know Linux kernel models exist to support). Wanted to pick up a couple of SNES style controllers (kids mostly play Nintendo games) but wasn't sure if anyone could vouch for specific brands or models they know work on these platforms.

    What are your thoughts on the Carbon Engine? Carbon Engine

    Limited Run Games is the industry-leading publisher and distributor of award winning collector's editions, rare video games, and merchandise for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PS5, PC, and retro consoles. Each Limited Run game is officially licensed, highly collectable, and only printed once. #Fore...

    Carbon Engine

    This just popped up in a feed of mine, looks like an interesting project bringing retro games to new consoles. I guess I'm wondering what other's think. Would you be willing to buy your old game again?

    jecxjo jecxjo

    Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.


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