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  • NPR sez Florida law would disallow him voting, but he wasn't convicted in Florida, so they defer to the law in the state where he was convicted. New York allows felons to vote up until they are imprisoned, which doesn't seem likely to happen before election day since he is appealing. Skin of teeth again.

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • Using sudo when it isn't necessary, and the real cannon: sudo su.. Adding sudo to your command lines indiscriminately causes files you create to be owned by root even though they are in your home directory, and then you end up using sudo to make changes to the files... and then the filesystem permissions cannot prevent you from successfully running an accidental "sudo rm -rf /" command.

    Seriously... sudo is not a "habit" to develop in order to avoid dealing with filesystem permissions problems.

  • Bathroom problem solved
  • Its more like a kind of claustrophobia... in Japan, men's urinals are often visible from the door because the Yakuza used to use that as an isolated location in which to kill their target. (And despite the high cleanliness standards and widespread availability of public bathrooms Japanese people avoid them like the plague.) So it it a cultural expectation that women will get assaulted by men if they find themselves in a small space.

    Yes, irrational. But people often don't behave rationally.

  • Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Noob question?

    You do seem confused though... Debian is both a distribution and a packaging system... the Debian Stable distribution takes a very conservative approach to updating packages, while Debian Sid (unstable) is more up-to-date while being more likely to break. While individual packages may be more stable when fully-updated, other packages that depend on them generally lag and "break" as they need updating to be able to adapt to underlying changes.

    But the whole reason debian-based distros exist is because some people think they can strike a better balance between newness and stability. But it turns out that there is no optimal balance that satifies everyone.

    Mint is a fine distro... but if you don't like it, that is fine for you too. The only objection I have to your objection is that you seem to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater... the debian packaging system is very robust and is not intrinsically unlikely to be updated.

  • In addition to clocks moving forward by 60 minutes in many parts of these 48 states next week
  • I completely agree with this point. But using the conventions of "business hours" to drag people out of bed earlier allows them to get off work earlier and utilize the daylight they already have more fully. But it is without a doubt a psychological shell game.

  • Trying to find the title of a book I read once...
  • Google Gemini sez:

    The book you're describing is most likely "The Shadows Between Us" by Tricia Levenseller.

    Here's why it matches your description:

    Island Nation in the South: The story begins on the island of Iolara, a tropical island with a strict code of conduct called the "Way." Discipline and Quest to the North: The protagonist, Alessandra, is being punished for practicing magic, which is forbidden. She joins a group on a quest to the tyrannical Empire of Aethel in the north. Crown Prince with Magic and Internal Struggle: One of the main characters, Kallias, is revealed to be the crown prince of Aethel. He possesses forbidden magic that manifests as dark veins and threatens to consume him if he uses it too much. Abandoned City, Temple, and Possession: The group ventures into the ruined city of Aethel's former capital and break into a temple. There they encounter the Shadow Queen, an ancient deity who temporarily possesses one of the characters. Evil Palace and Power Struggle: The climax takes place in the Obsidian Palace, carved into a mountain, where Kallias faces betrayal and assassination attempts from his siblings vying for the throne. Although some minor details might not perfectly align with your exact memory, the core plot points you mentioned strongly suggest "The Shadows Between Us" is the book you're looking for.

  • Saving Brazil’s rainforest starts with helping people and businesses make a living off cleared land
  • Bullshit. That is like saying adding more lanes to a freeway will reduce traffic congestion... it just encourages more deforestation.

    If the fertility in a rainforest is in the biomass, learning to live with that biomass in place will be necessary if people are to live there. But there were very few people there before people started their land grab.. it may not be possible even when the biomass is restored.

    If the rainforest is valued for the ecological impact it has, then it is more likely that people will have to move out. Not attractive to the people who already moved in, but when they are starving then they will eventually migrate away anyway, and keeping them there with false promises to make cleared land usable will only make things worse.

  • Repair File on RAID 6 Volume
  • RAID is not a technology designed to manage backups... it is designed to either support speed or reliability. If you overwrite a good file with a bad one, then you have a very fast or reliable copy of a bad file.

  • Frank Herbert always thought Star Wars was a Dune ripoff
  • Well, the Butlerian Jihad was a big influence obviously, and later in the series they end up fighting some leftover AIs from that era. But yeah, a very different take on robots between the two

  • My daughter lost her social studies essay because LibreOffice doesn't have autosave on automatically.
  • While I can understand you wanting autosave on in your situation, I much prefer autosave off because I often open files to see what is in them and do not want to automatically modify them just because I accidentally hit a key and delete it. Automatically changing stuff is a choice you should have to make, not a feature that I have to race to disable.

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