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10 years later and I've finally upgraded from 16GB to 32GB of ram
  • I like to play DCS, a flight sim that is basically also a memory leaking machine because old spaghetti code so I use mine for sure.

    With that said in other progeams/games it's awesome to have so much overhead.

  • Ronald Reagan?! The Actor?!
  • Um Carter had been in hospice for some time unfortunately. He has lived an amazing life and was super active into his 90s but we are unfortunately past that. I get what you're saying though and it's sad he lost originally.

  • Giving someone oral is the most intimate thing you can do for someone. (IMO)
  • Not OC but the idea of making someone feel good makes me feel good. It's like double the dopamine for me.

    I could totally see being grossed out by it when I think about it logically. In fact it is gross when I think about it logically.

  • More young people choosing permanent sterilization after abortion restrictions, new research shows
  • If you're a cis man, it isn't hard to get done. My urologist talked about the finer points of sci-fi while my procedure was done and then he mentioned that men often use events like march madness to conveniently allow themselves to be lazy. He was so cool. I want to be my urologist when i grow up.

    The procedure sucks for folks who might not have the safety net like I did for it. I realize that. But if you do I have to say that it's much better than for a woman and that you are being a feminist warrior for your wife/SO. Anyway I encourage all guys to get it when they feel they are ready.

    Also bringing your semen sample in a little lab bottle to your doctor is weird AF.

  • "Florida Has A 1st Amendment Problem" - Judge Rules Trans Teacher Can Use "Ms."
  • Me too! I feel like this quote really shows off the care and humanity of the judge. While you see that throughout other quotes it shows that he isn't too hung up on technicalities but is really showing his humanity. 11/10

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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