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What are some underrated episodes from each series?
  • @ipacialsection @ValueSubtracted I rewatched "Remember Me" recently and it's deeply chilling, even knowing how it's going to end. It's like a classic "Twilight Zone" in all of the right ways.

  • I call him Jim Carey Kirk. Am I wrong?
  • @MooseGas "Spock! Are you out of your Vulcan mind?"

  • jaythurbershow Jay Thurber Show

    The foreign body lodged in the annals of Pittsburgh radio. 12-3 Saturdays on WRCT-FM #Pittsburgh and Tube City Online Radio #McKeesport. I'm still bucking for my Section VIII.

    \#NationalWritersUnion since 2000. Pay the writer.

    Also W3MCK. #Cartoonist for Print (Pittsburgh), formerly with CQ #AmateurRadio Magazine (RIP)

    Opinions are mine alone and not those of my employer.

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