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I stand with Israel only if you give me 1 billion dollars.
  • That's blyatneskyy.

  • Removed
    I stand with Israel only if you give me 1 billion dollars.
  • How easy is to trigger people like you. I like it.

  • Condemnation and calls for restraint after Hamas attack on Israel
  • For the last 70 years, the Christian states of west kept feeding the jews to make them to this day. what the jews did? the spit on Christian Pilgrims and insult them. let them suffer. they deserve people like Hamas. jews will never be friends to anyone. 🤮 🤮

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The question is, why the god would give a freewill to the humans but not the angles? aren't we all his creation? why god punishes the angels for opposition but still give the humans the best shape who do worst? all these are Myths, there is no such a Satan, the human viciousness is the satan we afraid of. there is nothing eviler than the human rampage causing harm.

  • Anyone has an idea to how to deploy Gab's code?
  • Yes, the design and some of the functionalities. mastodon base design is very flat and does not look very modern. also i need the likes and other reactions, i need the groups.

  • Anyone has an idea to how to deploy Gab's code?

    anyone successfully deployed Gab's code?

    if yes, how you did it?

    Canada imposes 63 sanctions against Russian individuals, entities – another big blow for Putin’s Russia
  • Oh Russia is collapsing... western media since Feb 2022. Thanks for giving the opportunity to Russia to start a new order.

  • Removed
    Poland no longer supplying weapons to Ukraine amid grain row
  • You say BBC is telling lies?

  • IOC issues invitation to Ukrainian fencer disqualified for anti-Russia protest
  • But no exception if an Arab person done this with an Israeli? right right?

  • Does mastodon support groups or communities?
  • Lemmy is good, but i want to start a community in Arabic, RTL, and lemmy does not support RTL for now. this is why i'm looking for alternatives. i don't know if Kbin supports RTL.

  • Does mastodon support groups or communities?

    Does mastodon support groups or communities? like lemmy the users can make groups or communities and manage them.

    Lemmy v0.18.0 Release
  • Its there almost a year ago on github and we spoke about this a lot.

  • Lemmy v0.18.0 Release
  • And still no RTL support.

  • Any plans to support Open Graph in Lemmy?

    Do lemmy team has any plans to support Open Graph in lemmy? so the users can embed videos and pictures from social media instead of a link only?

    Doomsday clock: war and climate crisis push ticker closer to midnight
  • Then the west should stop supporting Ukraine and push for peace talk instead of sending weapons. otherwise, we will have a nuclear war.

  • Removed
    Sweden extradites PKK/KCK terror group member to Türkiye
  • So that means Sweden just turned an innocent man for the favor of joining NATO? this man might be tortured or killed at any point.

  • Fucked Up System
  • Its not an apocalypse so to be given for free, this food meant to be sold. go find a job and buy the food.

  • Best resources to install lemmy on digitalocean

    I'm not into these cloud and docker stuff. i have limited knowledge of installing software on VPS. i have installed discourse on digitalocean successfully, it was simple even with docker presence.

    Is there any type of resources that explains the installation process step by step for beginner people like me?

    jay91 jay91
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    Comments 7