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  • Most people don't have the time or know-how. I do, but a lot of my friends, even if they have the technical ability, don't have the resources or time.

  • Trump's mugshot has been released
  • He's absolutely serving

  • Anarchist/Socialist Podcasts?
  • I know, I've spoken with him. His abilities are impressive but otherwise I find him disagreeable.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • The only good reply to my comment. Get a tankie drunk and you'll hear all you need to know they're full of shit.

  • Anarchist/Socialist Podcasts?
  • I have yet to hear a single tankie who has even the most rudimentary understanding of theory. Vaush is good, I don't like some of his takes and he's a bit whiny on occasion but he's doing good work bringing people to the left.

  • Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Tankies when you don't want your country to fall into fascism.

  • Don't take it too seriosly
  • 😎

  • how is this so accurate?
  • Thank god I has this phase at 16.

  • Don't take it too seriosly
  • Tankies seethe as real leftists point and laugh

  • Don't take it too seriosly
  • Few would argue they were ever communist

  • The .mlpocalypse commeth!
  • (Old radio voice) "MLs seethe as Mali government reclaims the '.ml' domain..."

  • Florida Schools to Tell Kids Slavery Benefited Black People
  • Hold me back I'm gonna fedpost

  • Non right-wing tech podcasts?
  • Glad they're gone. Gross beliefs fr.

  • Evernote alternatives?
  • I don't like electron either. Sadly I'm a GTK lover.

  • Evernote alternatives?
  • I personally love Logseq. I use syncthing to sync the files but they're implementing their own syncing feature. Works really fantastic and is cross platform.

  • Linux gamers, what distro are you currently on?
  • Awesome. I've heard there are some problems with hardware acceleration.

  • Linux gamers, what distro are you currently on?
  • Fedora but I'm about to move to NixOS Unstable or VanillaOS if it gets better NVIDIA integration.

  • ivereadalltheory Snart

    You smell funny

    Socialist, Bisexual, He/Him, Mentally Deranged

    DM for SimpleX if you want to converse privately.

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