@CStamp @ocursedspite @c9 @ajsadauskas @fuckcars I was just trying to give you something accessible so you didn't have to go searching for the information. It's also possible that I was misremembering the exact thing that that number was representing but Americans throw out a lot of their food. That was the statement I was making. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X19300194#b0085
@CStamp @ocursedspite @c9 @ajsadauskas @fuckcars it's not a hard and fast rule and maybe it doesn't apply to you personally (I don't think I throw out that much food either and I try really hard not to), but yes, Americans waste a ton of our food supply by just throwing it in the garbage. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-is-why-americans-throw-out-165-billion-in-food-every-year-2016-07-22
@ocursedspite @CStamp @c9 @ajsadauskas @fuckcars and then throwing out 40% of the food when it rots before they can eat it