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Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • I thought the new Annihilation was incredible

  • Opinions: What is a movie you genuinely like, that is rated below 60% on rotten tomatoes?
  • Hellboy is amazing how the hell is it that low?!

  • Anyone running 5/3/1 variations?
  • I definitely agree on J&t 2 superiority, I only switched back to 5/3/1 as I'm shorter on time now being a father. Other programs definitely outshine 5/3/1 but the simplicity will always be an attractive factor for me.

  • Favorite PR day music?
  • Love it, been digging the metal too on training days. Currently been pumping Dopesmoker, but actually listened to Gillian Welch's Time: The Revelator last training and it was great!

  • my current routine - 4day (2x2)
  • Nice, what are your goals? Strength/hypertrophy/weight?

  • Anyone running 5/3/1 variations?

    Just finished my first week of 1000% awesome after 12 weeks of GZCL Jacked and Tanned 2.0. Saw massive increases in deadlift and bench last cycle, squat still lagging and OHP stagnated a bit.

    Current RMs (kg)

    DL: 190x2

    Squat: 162.5x1

    OHP: 60x2

    Bench: 117.5x1

    Those that run a 5/3/1 (or any other program) how is it going?


    itsrobbiedude itsrobbiedude
    Posts 1
    Comments 5