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  • I mean... This isn't any better on lemmy, maybe even worse because shit gets reposted multiple times over multiple communities and instances.

    I think only the startrek guys care about doing oc or quality content.

  • Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch
  • I know why you are getting downvoted, but you are right.
    The trailer didn't really show anything and it was the same engine they used for the previous remakes so it looks like "more of the same" in a bad way (just because it's the same engine doesn't mean it has to look exactly the same).

    I hope the next trailer looks better and the gameplay to be a fun experience because this game will have people overhypping themselves so much that nothing will reach what they wish for.

  • Need help deciding how to stream movies
  • Jellyfin uses the same naming conventions (don't trust my memory tho), but it's more about having your own organisation if you want to keep certain media inside their own library instead of having everything together

  • Need help deciding how to stream movies
  • The hardest part of setting Jellyfin up is organizing your media directories and sometimes renaming the files so it shows up nice and pretty, the metadata part usually works as expected (that's why organizing and renaming the files previously is important).

  • Mexico man dies from first human case of bird flu strain H5N2
  • Also a reminder that México had a high death rate due to goverment refusing to buy vaccines in time, the president spreading disinformation (masks do nothing, keep hugging each other, people aren't sick, hospitals are not full, etc), last year they bought outdated ones and also keep trying to reuse expired ones by just changing the labels.
    Btw that's the same party most people on lemmy were cheering on their victory a couple days ago only because they claim to be from the left and yes, that same woman who won was guilty of this and using ivermectin so... Better start mourning for us.

  • Mexico elects Claudia Sheinbaum as its first female president in landslide victory
  • Her puppeteer is the one who forced "hugs, not bullets" and allows narcos doing as they please so at least she will survive as long as she keeps stealing millions for the narcos like the current president. The rest of us or the environment her boss and their party are bent on destroying?... Who knows? She definitely doesn't care, as she never cared about having blood on her hands.

    But hey, from other posts I've seen today on lemmy about it, lemmy people in general seem happy if someone who says "I am from the left" enough times wins, without thinking it might be populism.

  • Deleted
    How Claudia Sheinbaum Could Change Mexico | A climate scientist is heavily favored to win Sunday’s presidential election.
  • Climate scientist? The one who gave her full support to destroying nature with the mayan train and the refinery that never refines?
    The one with the party members who turned México city into a concrete wasteland?
    The one who tried to build in the protected Chapultepec?
    The one who assigned the one who poisoned the water in charge of the city?
    The one who illegally campaigned for 5 years leaving trash everywhere?
    The scientist who gave ivermectin to those who were infected with covid even after being called out?
    The one forcing and paying the media to show manipulated polls?

    I don't know who needs to read this, but she is the worst and just a puppet for the current president, she should not be allowed to win.

  • the fediverse has a heartbeat
  • Yep, bots and users that have scripts to post automatically... I don't think that should be allowed, since it's basically being a bot without marking itself as one (I have view bots disabled but those still show up)

  • Based on recent events
  • Yeah I blocked the whole instance, it's not worth seeing dozens of deranged posts only for a semi-decent one, doesn't really matter if one or two of their users are normal if the whole bunch is rotten.

  • Controversy and Censorship
  • I agree with having that kind of thing as toggeable or a separate download, some people like sexy things and that's ok, some people don't and that's ok too, in some countries is not allowed but there's not much we can do about it, but that way everyone can play the way they want/like.

    Also it's kind of silly to remove or tone down certain things just because rating systems say it would be too much, like... The characters are already sexy, just removing here and there won't make them less sexually appealing (either male or female).

  • Damaged seedlings (follow up)

    It was kind of as expected:

    • The broken seedling is drying up, no surprise since it never grew new leafs after the accident, I'll wait a couple of days to see if it actually dies, but I think I'll have to germinate a new seed.
    • The other seedling already adapted and recovered, it took close to a week to start growing again but seems to be catching up, I expect it to be strong enough to be directly under the sun later this week.

    Kinda sad because I tought both were gonna make it.

    Damaged seedlings

    So I was growing two seedlings and everything was going great, but after a week or so after popping out of the earth, the very top of both folded along with the new 2 leafs (not the cotyledons, the leafs after those), trying to fix them I ended up breaking up one and the other one seemed fine but I think it wasn't. That was around 5 days ago, since then to today:

    • Seedling number 1's top couldn't be saved, it withered away, so now it's just the cotyledons, still green and firm tho.
    • Seedling number 2 is still alive but stopped growing, it's still the same cotyledons and the 2 new leafs, no longer folded tho, but no progress at all.

    I am feeling terrible because it took me 3 seeds before I could germinate those 2 and I don't want them to die but I gotta ask: is it possible for them to survive or it's better to be realistic and just discard them? I tried searching for it, but I haven't found anything about seedlings surviving or how long it could take for them to start growing again, everything seems to be about plants that already grew beyond that point.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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