If you would like to spend a little more time for us and you use ProductHunt, please also upvote here https://www.producthunt.com/posts/storiado , it's really hard to get through there. Thanks!
Thanks! I'm sure you'll be able to find someone, maybe even here.
We will definitely consider it, thank you for your opinion.
This is a great idea, thank you for that. We will definitely introduce something like this.
We use .net with signalR or sf like that
Great, let me know how it went.
Thanks! We used React Native with Expo. My dev bro said that this is his favorite stack, he has no problems at all and will definitely do all future games this way.
Thanks! We used React Native with Expo. My dev bro said that this is his favorite stack, he has no problems at all and will definitely do all future games this way.
Guys, I have something to brag about. After almost a year of hard learning, I finally created my first mobile game! Storiado is a board game alternative that will make you wonder what's wrong with your friends. Play by answering simple questions, mix all the answers, and generate the most twisted story you've ever read. And then read it aloud, well, if you can manage it.
Game is available for
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/storiado-twisted-party-game/id6449257650
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.beakbyte.storiado
Have you ever played Consequences? It's a simple game where you create a story by answering questions and mixing up the answers. We love playing it with friends; it's a ton of fun and laughs, but the problem was that you needed several sheets of paper and pens for each game. We decided to solve this issue and created Storiado, a twisted party game that essentially follows very similar rules to Consequences, but additionally, an AI generates a story from all players' answers. The more twisted answers you come up with, the better the story will be. Of course, the funniest stories always come out when you answer using inside jokes, etc. Both the answers and the generated story must be read aloud to the rest of the friends, and believe me, sometimes it's hard. The game has a single-player mode, but to experience the full potential of Storiado, we recommend a minimum of 2 players. The more, the better.
Please let me know what you think about it. Thanks!
I always wonder how the hell don't make money, it must be some kind of “smart” accounting.
damn, that give me some accidental renaissance vibe
We keep doing it because we have to do it, so [the powerful] cannot say that they didn't know," Ruth Cerezo-Mota, who works on climate modeling at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, told The Guardian. "We know what we're talking about. They can say they don't care, but they can't say they didn't know.
It seems to me that we are at such a stage that no matter what we do, there is no turning back. We are doomed, lucky not likely in my lifetime.
It's crazy. I'm spending like 500-800 max and I'm not really tryharding. No idea how anybody can spend like 3k and complain about how the whole system is wrong.
Well, then are not going to see my money anymore, that's for sure.
I hope it doesn't end up like it did on Reddit, where all those protests did not result in anything at all.
I fully understand why they are doing this, but we are just losing a mass of really useful knowledge. What a shame...