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state of the west: germany
  • spent embarrassingly long trying to figure out if can post multiple pics to one post.

    Sorry for the dump comrades and please let me know if there's a better way to post a few pics all together.

  • Alternatives to "leftist" or "progressive"?
  • So appreciate everyone's feedback and I think this (and variations of this) is what I'll go with. Thank you!

  • Alternatives to "leftist" or "progressive"?
  • thanks fam! that's what works best overall so far. "sweetie pie socialist" worked well in 2020 and quickly got ppl talking without some hesitancy from folks who want to know where you stand on things before saying too much. Not as efficient now so I hope there's a 2024 term ppl have found which indicates "this conversation is a wholesome space, go off".

  • Alternatives to "leftist" or "progressive"?

    Any tips for identifying oneself to new folks that let you "skip intro" and get into the results-focused conversations about improving our condition?

    In union work I've identified myself as a socialist for awhile, but now just say communist if I'm friendly with the party or avoid it all together. The west has so poisoned the lexicon that I feel variations of "pragmatist" are all that reliably skip the small talk and moves us straight into serious convos.

    In my opinion, left/right framing is standard eurocentric good/bad BS that creates an antagonistic stage from the outset that passively endorses the current system and linear thinking. If the language itself comes out of the failed French Revolution, are there not better terms we can use to distance ourselves from the ideological lib stench surrounding Left/Progressive today and simultaneously indicate we're here to get shit done?

    Canadian special forces pull out of Niger
  • Canadian special forces have also been involved in the U.S.-led Flintlock training exercises in Africa for more than 10 years.

    Breaking news, sexual assaults fall to 10 year low

  • "Is there any place that the US hasn't messed up?" Yes. China
  • How are eu nations (other than farmers) not losing their shit over deindustrialization and the trajectory of their servitude? If I were the biggest chud finance bro, I'd still be studying China and looking to maximize my network there based on their momentum independent of Amerika.

  • inferiorjc inferiorjc

    no solution but revolution

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