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Tucker Time: Thu 4 Jul 2024
  • I have been craving hot chips so I am having a giant bowl of sweet potato chips with sweet chilli and sour cream.

    Might have some other veges after. We'll see.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: β˜ƒοΈ Wednesday, July 03, 2024
  • I am very grateful for a WFH day - knockoff oodie+uggs FTW!

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🚡 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • I'm not that far yet. Just finished the Tina episode. I just love the characters and for such relatively short episodes they really pack a lot of depth in. I am enjoying the pace too

  • Featured
    Daily Discussion Thread: 🚡 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  •'s certainly still stressful but I have enjoyed it the whole way through. S2 had a couple of very intense episodes but S3 is more chill (tho I am waiting for something terrible around the corner).

  • Featured
    Daily Discussion Thread: 🚡 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • I am trying to space out my watching of the Bear season 3 but it's so hard. You know the show is good when it's a flashback episode, and you know it turns out ok, but you are still on the edge of your seat the whole time.

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    Daily Discussion Thread: 🚡 Tuesday, July 02, 2024
  • Good luck 🀞🏻🀞🏻

  • Tucker Time: Mon 1 Jul 2024

    I am giving the instant pot a workout. Spag bol (just the sauce I just do the pasta on the stove)

    Then I will make some yogurt overnight.

  • Tucker Time: Sun 30 Jun 2024
  • Rice noodle soup. Noodles, topped with freezer veg, covered with hot chicken stock and a bit of soy sauce. Cracked an egg in for extra protein

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍡 Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Oh yeah terrible all round. Lucky I have a good pantry/freezer as backup. Fresh stuff will just have to wait

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🍡 Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • Gave in and ordered Colesworty delivery today because I am run down and trying to have a rest day. They managed to ....just....not give me 3/4 of the order... I have some pantry items delivered but none of the fresh or refrigerated stuff I actually needed. Delivery says bag 1 of 1 so it's not a problem with the delivery dude.

    I have put in for a refund but 😀

  • Meal planning ideas

    What is your meal planning style? Any good meal planning tips?

    I am trying to get better at meal planning because I always start off strong then get bored / run out of food at the end of the week. For while I have been doing a big cook on Sunday but this week I am trying a basic menu and cook as I go. Hoping that having a plan will make it easier.

    My plan (one person) is

    • red lentil curry + coconut rice (3 serves made today)
    • instant pot spag Bol (3 serves made Monday night)
    • a beef stir-fry (X 2 serves) made wed night
    • quick ramen noodles + stock and frozen veg in between

    Ideally I would prep veg today but I have been away and am tired and can't be bothered so will prep as I go.

    What other things are people doing?

    Daily Discussion Thread: 🍜 Saturday, June 29, 2024
  • Heading back to Melbourne after 10 days in the tropics. Pray for me πŸ™πŸ»

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Not for the specific kleen kanteen one I had. Tried emailing the distributors and everything (they sent me one and it was the wrong size). Will keep my eye out for a generic replacement then give it away

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • For the Monash Legal Clinic in assisting me to get that 9 year shoplifting charge off my record once and for all.

    That's great news! Another step into the future and out of the past πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I am grateful for rest and being old and smart enough to occasionally take time out. It's been an emotional and tiring couple of weeks (visiting family is great but there's always some grief waiting) but I taking a couple of days before I head back to work and I really needed it. Just exercise, rest, nature time.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • I just had the same experience with water bottles. Thought I had a good simple stainless steel option until I lost the lid o-ring in a dishwasher while travelling.....eventually gave up trying to get a replacement and just bought a new one (with an all in one lid).

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Weird nightmare crew represent πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ¦ πŸ§žβ€β™€οΈπŸ’πŸ©ΊπŸ’₯

    typed it out then realised it was kinda gross

    I dreamt I had weird creatures/fungus/organisms all under my skin. It started with weird ant things coming out of my belly button the it was everything from giant green amoebas to insect type things to fungi. And one giant long thing up one leg that was a tracking device.

    Took forever to get to a doctor but he was helping me get them out. Then there was some guy chasing me oh and I had to get to a wedding.

    I am bloody exhausted. Off to check my whole body for weird pimples.....(Shudder)…....

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🎼 Thursday, June 27, 2024
  • Helpful staff at Specsavers. My glasses frame just randomly snapped(!) he couldn't fix it but found a similar pair of frames in his box of spare parts and popped my lenses in there. I am grateful for helpful customer service people and the ability to see again

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸŒƒ Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Sorry to hear that. My mate's parents did that trip when the mum got diagnosed. His dad used to say at least he could go back to old favourite spots that she would normally be bored with because they were all new!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸŒƒ Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • That is the definition of snuggled

  • Daily Discussion Thread: πŸŒƒ Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Thanks. You are very right. I find it hard to see her struggle (early stage Alzheimer's). But I think we all looked after her and she had a ball

  • Bird flu detected at Vic poultry farm - strain not confirmed yet Bird flu detected at Victorian poultry farm, authorities confirm

    Agriculture Victoria says it is investigating a number of poultry deaths at an egg farm near Meredith, south of Ballarat.

    Bird flu detected at Victorian poultry farm, authorities confirm

    Fingers crossed its not H5N1.

    Australian Tech imoldgreeeg
    Recommendations for a good developer (Ubuntu) laptop

    My old xps13 is old in the tooth and the new ones have some things I don't like. So I am after recommendations. My preferences

    • Linux (Ubuntu/Debian friendly). Happy to wipe and install and will check compatibility beforehand but if anyone has a Linux daily driver they love let me know
    • good CPU and decent RAM (32gb would be nice)
    • Lightweight - smaller preferred (currently on a 13" and happy)
    • Touchscreen would be nice
    • Usb-c
    • Decent battery life

    I have access to other machines for heavy GPU stuff that's not as important as CPU and RAM.


    • Programming/terminal use
    • Reading docs and papers
    • Watching movies etc
    • No gaming

    That's my wishlist. What do you suggest, Aussie tech friends?

    instant pot (or similar) recipes?

    Anyone have an instant pot? Any foolproof recipes? I just got one (thanks Santa) and wondering where to start.

    imoldgreeeg imoldgreeeg
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