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How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • I'm not moving any goalposts at all. I'm expressing how inexperience and bad assumptions can make one's searching unfruitful through no fault of their own. That's all I've ever been saying.

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • Ah, you made an edit. Yeah, "kde login rotation" does, but "EndeavourOS login rotation" gives you no results mentioning SDDM. Giving people the benefit of the doubt costs you nothing over assuming that they're lazy, and the added bonus is that you don't sound like a jerk.

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • Yes. I would assume that the problem is in X11 or Wayland before thinking it could be SDDM, frankly. But even then, googling "Linux login screen" doesn't immediately reveal SDDM to be the point of concern.

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • Well, there was zero effort documented in the post.

    You're not their teacher. It's not your job to decide how much effort they've put forth, or to grade whether or not that is sufficient.

    Take a look at Ubuntu trying to teach newcomers how to ask a question.

    And if they documented their research process, you'd say "tldr just ask the question." Stop trying to be paternalistic and gatekeepy. Just answer or don't.

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • I don't know about other people, but it's way easier to google something than to ask a question and then wait for the answer. I'm not OP, but if I've asked a question, it's only because I've exhausted my ability to find the answer on its own.

  • How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • How do you think the OP is supposed to know that "SDDM" is the issue to look up? You don't get to enforce another person's effort. If all you want to provide is "you're looking for 'SDDM,' that would provide help and empower them without sounding like you're biting the newbie for not knowing everything.

  • Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit.
  • Prove...anything, honestly. Prove that I called anyone bad (I didn't, in any comment). Prove that there are mainstream leftists currently advocating for mass murder. Prove that you're not just making up everything you're saying based on "feels." Grow up? I'm not the one pretending that my opinions are more important than the facts.

  • Google and Apple are hosting an app dedicated to TheDonald and other far-right forums that were banned from Reddit.
  • Ok, two authoritarian leaders the modern left finds pretty abhorrent and regularly repudiates. You might as well say that Lincoln represents the modern right if you're going that way.

    You know what I meant. A modern, mainstream leftist—think Bernie or AOC, or leftwards—calling for mass murder or policies that would plainly result in mass murder.

  • 2FA after recent update

    I had 2FA enabled for before the big update this past weekend, and when I logged out/in this morning I discovered that 2FA had been turned off for my account. I've got it turned back on and I think it's working now, but just a heads up that if you had 2FA enabled you might need to re-enable it.

    Messages for Android Beta scheduled send broken

    In the latest Messages for Android Beta, scheduled send is broken due to a date validation bug. It won't let you schedule messages after today's date number in any month. So, for instance, today's date is 29 November, 2023; it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in December unless they're scheduled on the 29th, 30th, or 31st. Also, it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in 2024, for what I assume are similar reasons.

    Reverting to the latest stable version fixes it and allows messages to be scheduled for any future date.


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